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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 05:31)

Seasonal/pop-up bar advice

I’m thinking about starting a seasonal bar in the beach town where I grew up. Recently there has been a crazy uptrend in family’s moving from out west to the small town and surrounding area. After talking to the only two businesses in the area (general store and takeout place) I was told that the demographic had seemed to switch from old retirees to young campers/travellers and and couples wanting a slower but active life style. My plan is to obtain a 2 acre lot and convert a shipping container to a little pop open bar with patios and and various lawn games (horseshoes, washer toss etc). I have no debt and the funds to do this on my own without loans. If anyone out there has any knowledge of possible problems, obstacles or just any advice I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I was thinking of making the pop up bar able to travel on flatbed so it can be rented out or taken to festivals on the off-season.

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 07:54)

I am looking for a software that tracks customers payment

As the title says I'm looking for an offline software that can help me track my customers payment and how much each of them owe me. I tried GnuCash but it's too complex for what I'm using it for. For example a client owes me a total of 1000$ and each week he pays me 100$ I want to be alerted when he skips a week's payment and how much he has left. Thank you for you help

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 08:29)

BREAKING: Goldman will require employees to wear masks and prove they’ve been vaccinated, introducing more stringent measures to enter U.S. offices

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 09:14)

When people realize that they have clear and meaningful goals, sufficient resources, and helpful colleagues, they get an instant boost to their emotions, motivation, and their perceptions of the work and the organization.

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 06:12)


Best podcast for entrepreneurs, starting your own business, etc?

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 05:37)

#hp Help appreciated - LLC sole owner do I go the W-4 or Vendor contractor route?

My main question is, in everyone's experience, does it benefit for me as the sole LLC owner to be an employee or independent contractor for tax purposes? If it helps answer this at all I will already have other 1099 - NEC contractors doing jobs for the LLC. I understand this is not legal advice, but please answer based on your personal experience of which route you went, and why it worked best. Thank you all so much in advance!

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 06:22)

Should I allow customers to order ahead at current prices?

I have some customers that I have to bid items to each month. One customer knows that a price increase will be coming. He sent me a purchase order today (with this month's bid price) but dated delivery for next month (when the price will be higher). Here is the rub. The product is currently out of stock, so I cannot send him anything this month. I can sell him next month but my cost will be higher as well. How do I tell them that I can't accept the purchase order?

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 08:13)

Local Food Delivery App

Instead of taking 30% commissions from local restaurants, I have a structure to charge $99 per month and let the restaurant use unlimited deliveries. Our app will provide delivery drivers. Basically a SAAS enabled marketplace but more service towards restaurants. What do you think?

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 07:17)

Need help finding scheduling/tracking of customer purchases software

Hello! I help a friend with her horse back riding lesson business. She currently does literally everything on paper. I am trying to get her into the 21st century and we are starting to use quickbooks-yay! ​ But now, what she needs most help with is a way to track how many lessons a person purchases, how many they use and when they will owe again. For example, she has a offer where you purchase a 8 pack of lessons for a discounted price. What would be nice, is if there was software where you create a profile for a person, give them so many credits (in our case, lessons), and once they have used those it alerts us that they owe again. We do about 200 lessons a week, and about 90% purchase the package deals. The current method is to just write down all the dates they attend and keep track, but as you can image that is a mess.However, I am struggling to find this online so hoping reddit can help.

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 10:52)

Goldman Sachs requires on-site workers and clients be vaccinated

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 10:33)

Has anyone been able to get an IRS failure to file penalty dismissed?

I just received a statement in the mail from the IRS stating that my business owes $0.01 in December of 2019 and I now have a failure to pay penalty of $410.00. Is there a simple way to get this taken care or do I need to pay an accountant to do it for me?

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 06:57)

How can I encourage female and minority candidates to apply for a job with our company?

First off, I'm aware of the Equal Opportunity Employment laws that prohibit the discrimination of employment on the basis of sex, ethnicity, and several other classes. My field of work employs highly trained individuals and requires many years of experience. Women and people of color are wildly under represented in the field. I'd like to try and help encourage interns and apprentices to join the field. We've thought about setting up scholarships and an internship program to help the under represented gain experience in the field, but I'm not sure on the best way to go about any of this. I'm not even sure if this is a problem I have the power and/or ability to help change. Does anyone have experience or suggestions here?

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 11:00)

Client asking for too much...

I'm currently working in an advertising agency startup. I work at home. My main focus is advertising for restaurants and cafe's. I met this client 3 times at his restaurant and he's demanding WAY too much. He wants to know every single detail About the AD campaign I'll be running for him and to actually "show him" the process of doing so , so he can do it in the future by himself. He also wants me to use his own Visa to advertise using my account. I respectfully rejected today and he said told me "I don't have much enthusiasm as last time we met". I just have a bad feeling that this client will be a pain in the butt if I go forth and actually sign a month long contract with him. Or am I being too vague? I'm thinking of telling him I'm out of town tomorrow so that I don't have to meet him anymore. What do you guys think?

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 08:50)

Just published: front page of the Financial Times, international edition, Wednesday 25 August

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4 years ago

(Aug 24, 2021 08:46)

Document to "proof" monthly distribution withdrawals?

Hi! I have a small business set up as an s-corp and I pay myself monthly as an employee (W2/W4) and also withdraw money as distribution (K1). The amounts are the same every month. I'm going to need to rent a place in the next few months so I'm producing pay stubs for all the previous salaries (I already got the tax details from my accountant). I'm struggling to find a template to "certify" - or at least formally log - the monthly distributions were transferred. Has anyone ever seen something like this? Thank you!

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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