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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 08:57)

When is it time to let go of an employee

Our small business is made up of 3-5 key employees. The new person on the team has been here for about 90 days. They are always on time and manage to stay just afloat when it comes to tasks. Today, after I got back from lunch I found a note that they accidentally dropped, it started out with “Dear Lord, I am so bored at this job…” and went on to be a self motivational type note. I feel a little heartbroken as a small business owner that respects my employees and puts all their love into the company. This person is paid very well, has been given time off multiple times before the 90 days all while I have others that are begging to be on our team. Should I terminate them? Should I start fresh and give others an opportunity with my small business?

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67% up

4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 09:51)

Small business labor shortages

How is your small business handling the labor shortage? Have you made any changes to recruiting (other than the obvious of more money)? Have you had to merge roles to make up for the labor shortage? Any tips and tricks you can share with me as I’m looking to hire 2-3 office staff (operations manager, customer co-ordiantor and potentially receptionist)

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 08:25)

About college startup idea.

I am college student, thinking of starting a startup . i 've this idea in my mind which I don't know whether it will work or not , so i want some suggestion . It's about starting a website for college student where they can sell their college books, notes or study material along with all the tools and necessary stuff for college student second hand . And other students according to their need can buy them at resonable price. Many freshers do face problem where they can't afford supplies or want it second hand but don't know the correct place to buy or don't know where they can get that particular thing but here they can just search for the right item and get them at the best price. This will profit both buyer and seller. I personally faced the same problem , so was thinking of working on it. It's the model quite similar to meeso app but for college items. Can anyone suggest whether this will work or not

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 10:30)

How to grow with $0 marketing budget

I have a website and trying to get sales on it is very hard with $0 in marketing funds. I do what most people recommend such as social media marketing for organic traffic but it's just never enough sales to make money. I tried messaging my potential buyer which got me some sales but the daily limit of each apps usually stop me from texting more people even though I know where my customers are hanging out online I can't reach as much people as I want since I usually have to reach out to a hundred or two before getting a sale. Is there a way for me to reach out to my potential buyers in mass if I know where exactly they are? I thought about email but it's not easy because people don't link their email to their socials profile as much.

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 06:30)

Missed calls = missed opportunities

Whats up guys, Of course everyone knows a missed call is a missed opportunity. Everyone does it, you call a company for a particular reason and if they don't answer you move on to the next. Before you can even call them back they've already found someone. Hiring a call center is expensive and not an option for all businesses. So, what if you had a missed call automated messaging service in place? Whenever a potential client calls and you're unable to answer. They will automatically receive a customised messaged of your choice which is sent directly to their mobile. e.g. Sorry for missing your call, please give me a moment and I will call back shortly. Let me know your thoughts

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99% up

4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 10:08)

Solo 401K - Do I qualify?

My full time job does not provide 401K and understand I can max out post-tax Traditional or Roth IRA at $6K/year being I'm not 50 yet. But that alone won't meet my 401K needs as in my 40's already. I do have a sole proprietorship business earning say $10K year. Would I still qualify for the Solo 401K plan? I've been reading for awhile and "think" I do but want to get someone's input if they are in a similar situation as myself. Thank you.

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 07:45)

“If you trusted an individual enough to hire them, you also should trust them enough to get work done when and where they prefer.”

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 08:21)

Best e-commerce art printing platform that provides ICC Proofing Profiles?

My partner is looking to sell their photographs on an e-commerce printing platform such as Redbubble or Society6. We're looking at several options and considering two aspects: a semi-decent artists profit share and if they provide ICC Proofing Profiles. Do any companies come to mind?

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 05:07)

Retail Business Idea?

Kicking around some retail business models and I just don’t think they are exciting and cutting edge enough! I’m hoping we can start a discussion to get some retail specialty store idea!

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 08:56)

Best business news websites you know? 🤔

What are the top sites for news and tips about business? I don't mean boring news like from Business Insider or Forbes 😅 I'm looking for something interesting and original. I'm creating a newsletter for entrepreneurs and looking for a place where I can get some news or something. Thank you in advance for all your answers! 🦸‍♂️❤

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 08:17)

I have a fest coming and I need help in trying to sell these interesting items

I need to pitch them in a way so that the investors want to invest. 1. Semen handwash 2. Crushed can 3. Hairy stockings 4. Condom with a hole (used)

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50% up

4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 04:43)

Turkey’s military added a new generation of locally produced armed drones to its fleet on Sunday as part of President Erdogan’s efforts to make the nation’s military more self-sufficient

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 07:09)

Why this booming vegan ice cream business struggles to find investors

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 06:25)

Sources: Apple Watch Series 7 will get an updated design, come in 41mm and 45mm sizes, featuring multiple new watch faces to take advantage of the bigger screen (@markgurman / Bloomberg)

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4 years ago

(Aug 29, 2021 05:02)

Emerging economies cannot afford ‘taper tantrum’ redux, says IMF’s Gopinath

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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