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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 07:13)

I feel this in my soul

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 09:05)

Classroom jobs build positive classroom community and culture. “Students feel like they are actually contributing in a meaningful way that is helping you as the teacher or helping their fellow classmates with something." @cultofpedagogy

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 07:34)

Why are people anti-children?

I get that children can be a nuisance and that some people think we should just end the human race, but aside from that, I don’t understand why some people (at least online, but for sure in person too) give so much attitude to parents. They always seem to think you’re seeking pity when you mention the difficulties of parenting, and that you’re not deserving of any respect simply because you decided to take on this huge responsibility. Has anybody else encountered this toxicity before?

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 06:00)

Are your #children using Roblox? Here is what #parents need to know about the popular gaming platform! #Roblox #OnlineSafety #AppsExplained

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 06:15)

Lunch ideas for school? What are some foods you give your child?

I love the idea of bento boxes and all the cute little stuff the parents add for the kids, but that’s too much work for me. Last year my child didn’t always take lunch to school because I would look at the lunch menu and decide from there when to let LO take lunch. Usually it’s on pizza day because I’ve been to school here and even worked at a few of them, and the pizza is usually dry and nasty. LO has a food thermos in case they’re taking hot food. I also recently picked up some plain guacamole dip and I’m not sure what to pair it with for child’s lunch.

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 10:06)

So over this phrase.

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 06:41)

Baby carrier question

When did your baby start tolerating their carrier? My LO is a month old, the appropriate weight, and absolutely devastated when I put him in. Obviously I've checked to see if he is positioned properly and nothing is hurting, but dang is he mad in it! Was hoping to do some laundry and house work while he nodded off but no luck :). The carrier we have is Infantino Flip Advanced 4-in-1 Carrier - a more traditional one than the fabric ones that are popular these days. Thanks!

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 08:00)

If you feel like your toddler has taken a step backwards when it comes to sleep, don't worry - it's quite normal and there are things you can do to help get them back on track and sleeping soundly

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 05:47)

Postpartum hair loss actually when your little one grabs a handful of it with their sticky little fist.

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 06:20)

What do you wish you'd known before becoming a SAHP?

I'm considering quitting my job to become a SAHM. My situation may be a little different from others in this position because I'm older (44) and my kids are 7f and 9m. I currently work part-time, but it's still stressful trying to juggle the schedules of 4 people and do a bunch of emotional labor and mom stuff on top my job. Also, my parents are now in their 80s and I'd like to spend more time with them and help them out. We can afford for me to stay home and my husband is awesome, but I'm wondering what potential pitfalls are out there that I'm just not aware of. I've never been a SAHM mom before and most of my mom friends work, so I don't have the clearest view of this life choice. Any advice, words of wisdom, or warnings?

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 07:05)

So many great options 👇

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 05:48)

Parents of picky eaters

What are some good lunch and snack ideas for back to school? Both of my big kids (10m, 8f) are picky eaters but in total opposite ways. My son is the type of kid who wants absolutely nothing healthy. No fruit, no veggies, no anything unless it’s frozen and microwaveable (gets it from dads house as that’s all he eats the half the week he is there). My daughter on the other hand loves healthy foods, but is picky in the most frustrating ways. Example: She doesn’t like hot dogs unless they are corn dogs and as long as you remove all the bread*facepalm* My biggest obstacle is foods that don’t necessarily need to be refrigerated. We live in CA and I’m worried an ice pack alone isn’t gonna cut it with our heat. Ideas?

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 09:02)

Horrible day today as a parent

God, I just need to get this off my chest as I've no one to talk to... Single parent dad, 2 daughters, having a rough time health wise myself (prostatitis and some major anxiety). Was led on my settee feeling rough off the antibiotics I'm on, when youngest daughter comes down and say oldest daughters fainted. I ran upstairs to find oldest daughter having a full tonic clonic seizure, was bloody awful seeing her like that, she had one last year, thankfully she had fallen on the bed, but must have grabbed for the wall or something as she had ripped a nail off that was bleeding bad. Was the longest minute waiting for her to come out if the seizure, was ready to call an ambulance, but thankfully she came round and was OK. Was strange how powerful the parent instinct is, totally forgot about all my own illness and was just ready to rush her to hospital, when I've barely been able to move around this week Just needed to share this, it's been a lousy day

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 05:37)


I have been terribly anxious about driving my entire adult life. Although I love where I live, it’s a city and state notorious for aggressive drivers, bad traffic and never ending roadwork. My almost 4YO son was diagnosed with moderate to severe autism last year. He started a therapy program a few months ago and loves it. He’s mostly nonverbal. I was stressed and exhausted when I picked him up a few days ago (navigating rush hour is just great /s). That is, until he reached up to hug me and unexpectedly, happily said “Ma-MAA!”. He’s never said it that clearly before. I may or may not have ugly cried halfway home.

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4 years ago

(Aug 05, 2021 09:09)

Discipline techniques for 5 year old??

*let’s start with keep your suggestions of spanking or hitting your kids to yourself* Newly 5 year old’s personality has completely changed. He was a sweet, happy, and well mannered kid, and now he literally rages angry. Timeouts the length of his age was enough discipline, and honestly didn’t even happen weekly. He’d walk to timeout without arguing or complaining. Now he gets in both of our faces like he’s going to fight us, kicks and hits everything on his way to time out. We haven’t had to physically put him in time out, but I feel that coming. He’s just angry all the time now. Background: stay at home mom & working dad. Dad has been home the majority of the pandemic, but both plenty available. Only child, with plenty of extended family around. Any suggestions about escalating discipline techniques is appreciated.

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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