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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 05:48)

Can’t do “Back to School.” Just can’t.

I am fatigued. BTS used to be my favorite time of the year - new school supplies, excitement, etc. This year I just feel grief. Its like a delayed emotional response maybe to the reality of the last year and a half. There was no break from anything. We went from panicked homeschool in Kinder to virtual cluster fuck First and after a short summer, we are supposed to be bright eyed for Second? All of the anxiety and uncertainty of Covid, politicized mask drama, and general stress of dealing with SpEd is still there. I can only remember how last year was 9 months in fight or flight, with schools changing format and plans every other month and the country watching everyone die in the fall/winter peak. I just can’t deal. Just needed to share. Thanks.

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 07:06)

My 3month old continues to refuse a bottle. I feel completely defeated.

My beautiful strong-willed, fussy 3 month old refuses the bottle. Every trick, bottle and temperature has been tried. Doctors aren't worried since she breastfeeds great. The problem is I'm starting to feel defeated. I never wanted to breastfeed exclusively. I have 60ozs of frozen breastmilk sitting in the freezer untouched, about to go bad. During the day she feeds every 2-3 hours, and comfort feeds too. (Soothers are also the devil) She only wakes once to eat at night though. Thank goodness. We've been trying for over a month now and I'm just done. I'm tired of leaving the house thinking this will be the day, just to return to a sad scream crying baby. I feel horrible and selfish for even trying anymore. Yet at the same time it is getting so bad, she scream cries if someone else holds her well she is hungry. I just want to leave for a few hours, without it being traumatizing for everyone involved. I'm counting down the days until I can feed her food.

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 06:32)


As we approach the beautiful one year mark, I have been giving my little one pieces of chesses and deli meat some pop corn and mix veggies. My little one loves it. But my mother in law came down and said deli meat was not good for her. Is this true.

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 05:58)

For those who had a unicorn baby for their first, what was your second like?

Do two unicorns happen?

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 08:29)

My son’s mother’s live in bf told him he’ll take him to strip clubs when he’s old enough

I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or not so I’m here to listen to other parent’s on whether that’s an appropriate conversation to have with an 8yo boy. His mom (41f) and her bf (39?m) live together and my son (8m) goes over there along with the bf’s children (11f and 9m). My son and I got to talking about his room at his mom’s house and he mentioned that the other boy has an imaginary strip club in his room. I was slightly caught off guard but not really because I know what type of guy the bf is and I’ve had to have real talks with my son that I wish I didn’t have to in the past about various topics. The more I think about the conversation the more upset I get about it because I don’t like this guy influencing my son in this type of manner and I’m not sure how exactly I should handle it. So what do you think? Am I over reacting? Any suggestions as to how to talk to my 8yo son about strip clubs and things of that nature? Thanks in advance!

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 07:59)

I think I’m ready to stop pumping

My little man is only 3 months old. I return to work in a couple of weeks. I’ve breast fed and pumped since he was born, but honestly I’m just over it. I procrastinate pumping. I know my milk is “what’s best” but also, I don’t know if I can handle it and my demanding job as a teacher. I also know that what’s best is that my kid is fed and happy. We’ve supplemented with formula so it wouldn’t be a shock to his system or anything, lol. I’m just tired. And honestly, I want my body back. If you’re someone who stopped pumping, when and how did you decide it was time?

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 07:43)

I Hate Getting My Hair Cut

I get my hair cut once every year or so. I just did, after just not bothering for a solid year. I should have scheduled my appointment with the local hair salon, and just couldn't wait for 2 days to do it. No, I gotta get my hair cut TODAY. So I asked for a bob with bangs, had 3 pictures to support what I was looking for, and this d@#! b@$_+* gives me a classic Lord Farqaud. I now have to wait until Tuesday ANYWAY to get it fixed because all the salons are closed until after Monday anyway. Dammit. I know, I know. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a huge deal. But like I am COVERED in hair bits that are itchy, and I have a sunburn from a football game yesterday. Future Self, make the damn appointment. Ladies, if you have a funny story to cheer my stupid and impatient ass up, put it here if you would. Have a good weekend. Dammit.

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 07:26)

How do you all bathe baby?

I feel like a complete dumbass asking this but - how do you all bathe your little one once they outgrow the little newborn tub? My girl is about 4mo old and too big for the tub but cannot sit up on her own. I've looked at bath seat things on Amazon...but how am I supposed to bathe her if she's in a chair that resembles a Bumbo chair?! Help a new mama out here. Any pointers or recommendations are greatly appreciated!

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 05:53)

How do I teach my 4 YO about personal boundaries?

My son is 4, and will be going to school in a month. He is super friendly, loves to hug everyone new that he meets, and doesn’t think twice about giving a kiss on the cheek of people he really likes. That being said, he has no understanding of the “personal bubble” and that he should ask before hugging or kissing someone else. I’m worried about him going to school and just hugging the heck out of everyone. My husband and I have been telling him that he needs to ask “can I give you a hug” before doing so, and while he does this sometimes, most of the time he seems to get too excited and forgets to ask before going in for a hug. How do I tell him to stop hugging people without permission, and not making him feel like he needs to be less friendly? 😅

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 06:48)

How does this song put a baby to sleep??

I’ve seen this link on Reddit a few times in several of the parenting groups. I guess I just didn’t believe it because I never clicked on it before. But today, while trying to get little one to nap I finally played it. It’s a catchy little song and I am not sure what language it’s in, and it’s got kind of a 90s vibe which I dig. But it somehow magically stopped the nap battle. I still can’t believe it. She’s sleeping right now! I didn’t have to sit and wait for her to fall asleep. I assume the song somehow mimics womb sounds or something. Have you ever tried this and does it work for you also?

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 06:22)

Children should be told grades don’t matter if they’re not planning on going to university

If you’re planning on learning a trade, all you need is your GED. Plenty of people drop out, get their GED, and ended up learning a trade. I did shit in HS, nearly flunked out and I’m planning on attending a technical college next semester for welding. I will make good money once I get out. They don’t give a shit about your grades, just your GED. Technical colleges and community colleges accept anybody who meets the basic qualifications

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 06:30)

Nervous - lochia, period, or other?

FTM, so naturally I'm anxious about the little things ( also an anxious person!). On July 7th I had an emergency c-section because my little dude (happy 1 month!) decided he didn't want to vacate the property. I read up on bleeding, lochia, etc etc before and after. I considered myself so lucky when after 2 weeks everything stopped - like didn't need a pad stopped. Well now I'm 4 weeks and the bleeding is back with avengence. It's bright red and liquidy (unlike a period). No clots but there is a lot. Everything I read online says lochia shouldn't be red and doesn't come back. WebMD has convinced me I'm hemorrhaging of course.. just want to hear your stories before I freak a little more.

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 08:12)

Almost 4 year old keeps running out of bed and I'm giving up

We get literally 0 down time because our eldest runs out of bed every single night, ALL evening until 11 pm. We spend the entire night walking him back to bed with quite literally 1 minute between each round. We've tried no emotion, we've tried a lot of emotion we've done everything we can think of. We are quite literally at our wits ends and I'm getting quite emotional with him these days and I don't like it but I'm at the point where I can't control it. I'm sick of not getting a single minute to myself. Anyone have similar experiences?

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 09:25)

Today we played king/queen and butler...

My 4yo daughter declared she is queen and 8mo daughter is king and I am the butler. She said, “you have to do whatever we say! With no stopping and no breaks!” I said how is that different from what I already do? She paused and thought....and replied “well, now you have to call us queen and king!” And that’s how I realized being a mom is actually being a butler to little queens and kings😭😂

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4 years ago

(Aug 07, 2021 08:16)

What kind of activities are there for large families?

I am SAHP with 5 kids total (3 step kids 10,8,7 and 2 bio kids 10, 1). My husband went back to work in-person. We have about a month of summer left here. The 4 older kids are over going to the parks. They will just stand there and complain it’s too hot. I feel bad having them cooped up because we have had enough of that during the pandemic. We do something fun like the family fun center, water park, museum, etc, once a week. It’s always ends up being $100+, which is fine, but we can’t afford to spend that everyday. Any ideas on what we can do the rest of the week?

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