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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 06:48)

Is anyone else incapable of not kissing their baby all the time?

My LO is nearly a year old. I didn't fall in love with her immediately like I expected and had PPA and PPD pretty bad. But nowadays, whenever she's close to me, I'm kissing the top of her head, her temple, her chubby cheeks, or her squishy little shoulders or arms. I'm also hugging her as much as she lets me. Before becoming a mom, I wasnt a very outwardly affectionate woman, so this is new territory. The urge to nuzzle and snuggle is real. She just makes me so happy. Anyone in the same boat?

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 06:20)

How early did your baby say their first word?

I swear I heard my 5 month old say “mama” a few times yesterday. She’s been babbling for a while but this sounded more distinct. Of course daddy and I are in a race to see which one she’ll learn first so we’re constantly up in her face saying mama and dada with wide eyed smiles like deranged clowns waiting for her to imitate. Dr. Google says babies say their first words around 9-12 months. When did your baby start obviously “talking”? Fun stupid side note: My mother in law says if baby says mama first that means our next baby will be a girl and if she says dada first the next will be a boy. So I guess there’s no option for no next baby? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 09:06)

When children go through trauma, they have some mistrust in authority figures and in systems, because often during trauma, those people and systems weren't there for them. “I think we have a lot of work to do to rebuild,” said @AlexSVenet.

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 06:12)

Is there any real advantage to giving kids artificial sugar-based treats?

I'm new to this world and while my kid hasn't started eating big people food yet, I'm heavily considering just never giving them anything with artificial sugar if I can help it. I'm really disillusioned with the nutrition standards in America (where I'm located) and honestly the foods marketed for most kids to eat are so horrible for you. I want to keep my kid away from these vices for as long as possible. What would happen if I didn't allow my kid to eat cupcakes or cake or cookies or candy and other artificially sweet stuff like that? Ideally I want my kid to get their sugar from real sources of food, like fresh fruit and honey for example. Would I really be depriving my child of anything important?

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 05:59)

Husband is sad that our son looks more like me than him - how do I make him feel better about it?

My husband and I are new parents to a 6 month old boy. When our son was born, he kind of looked like my husband and he was so happy to post our baby's photos on his social media. However, when he turned one month old, he started to look like me 😅 and whenever he would post photos of our baby, people would always comment on how he looks more like me than him. He loves our son and takes care of him all the time but I would notice he would feel a bit sad when people would post such comments. Anyone in the same position? How do I make him feel better?

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 07:50)

When baby was 6 weeks old I contacted NHS to say I was having suicidal thoughts and hallucinations…2 months later still waiting for an appointment

Just this. Rant. I’m one of the fortunate ones able to afford private therapy and also childcare a few days a week while I’ve pushed through the worst (and I’m now mostly out the other side, back to my usual high anxiety levels!) but I really feel for those who don’t have this luxury. I was initially assured that I would be seen within a week due to the critical nature of poor mental health while caring for a small child. What an awful system.

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 08:30)

🔐💻 #Parentalcontrols can be a useful support to help reduce the chances of your child encountering inappropriate content. This guide looks at the parental controls available to you, and how to set them up 👇 #Parents #OnlineSafety

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 10:20)

When our daughter was a toddler, she didn't want anything to do with her daddy. Now my daughter and her dad are two peas in a pod. This article offers some solid advice—and lots of support—for parents. #parenting #daughters

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 06:57)

Parents - Friends lie about sick kids, blames it on allergies. Advice?

Hi. I have 12 m/o. Family friends have kids 4, 2, 1 y/o. We stay with each other’s places for long weekends. Recently we were invited to a birthday party, where all 3 kids were sick. We had no idea until we arrived for the weekend. I and my kid ended being sick. Friends thought it was allergies, although each kids was visibly ill. This broke trust. Had the friends over for the weekend months later. This time I asked “Hey everyone is healthy, right? We really can’t get sick again.” “Oh yeah everyone is good.” *Friends arrive* “Hey little (name) doesn’t look well. His forehead is pretty warm. Is he sick?” “Just allergies.” I’ve been sick all this week. I can’t tell if it’s willful ignorance to the fact that her kids are sick or actual lying. Anyone else deal with this?

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 08:58)

Bad mom question of the day: Beginner horror movies for kids.

I feel like my 10 year old is ready for a scary movie, but I don't know where to start. Something more than Harry Potter, but less than Hereditary. My first scary movie was Nightmare on Elm Street and I couldn't bathe alone for a month.

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 07:31)

Teen Metamorphosis and the Parenting Cocoon by @WhitHonea of @LADadsGroup #CityDads #DadLife #Parenting

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 07:21)

I don’t know what to do next

I’m getting close to giving birth (within two weeks) am I supposed to have a pediatrician picked out already??? I’m also having a hard time with insurance. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do. Ive called my insurance company and can’t get a straight answer. How do I get my baby covered?? Please help! I’m so confused and don’t have anyone that can help guide me.

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 06:38)

Some ideas about how to handle my child being very friendly in the playground please.

My girl is 4 years old and is very social and friendly with other kids in the playground. She'd go up usually to someone around her age or older and says hi and tries to play together tentatively. Most kids her age kind of get a bit frozen and end up ignoring her. Older kids tends to look down at younger children and ignore her too. On the rare occasions she does meet someone receptive she's so happy. But 90% of time the other kids ignore her. I never really know how to handle the situation, what to say to her to make her feel better. So far the experiences don't seem to deter her from keep trying so I tend to ignore what happened and just try to keep upbeat and play with her myself. But I can't help but feeling like there's some better way to handle it. What do you think?

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 07:23)

Why is BF so complicated?

I'm desperately going back and forth between what my gut is telling me about my milk production and what everyone else is telling me. I feel like I'm only producing 1oz an hour, no matter how I split it. If I BF/pump after 2 hours, I get 2 oz, if I BF/pump after 4 I get 4 oz. If I BF first, then pump (like the example schedules say to do) I get like .5 to 1oz from pumping. My little guy is 3 weeks old and I'm getting worried he's not gaining enough weight so I'm really trying to increase supply, but it just feels like I'm killing myself to feed every 2 hours and it's the same amount of milk, so what's the point? I told myself I wouldn't get hung up on breastfeeding and if it didn't work from me we'll go to formula... but a part of me really likes it. I guess my goal is to have enough so that we can be feeding healthily every 3 - 4 hours. Is that point just going to come organically anyway? argh.

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4 years ago

(Aug 08, 2021 09:01)

I DID IT! I pumped 4oz in 20 minutes!

I’m watching my husband feed our LO whilst in now pump the other breast. I can’t explain the joy I’m feeling. I’m been waiting 2 months for this. Tried power pumping, teas, nuts etc and nothing seem to have worked. I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding and asked his doctor just today if I should add formula just earlier because my supply didn’t increase at 6 weeks then that’s it. Khalas! This isn’t a sob story! Just feeling so proud of myself! p.s this right boob is on some mess! 🤣

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