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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 09:12)

If you're ever unsure of baby sizes use this as your guide! Both are for 12m

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 07:27)

Struggling for down time

Hi, just wondering if anyone else with a newborn struggles for downtime? I'm the dad, I work from 6am to 5pm and when I get home I take over the duties of looking after my 2 week old son until I go to bed, he doesn't rest much at this time. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with him and bonding but I feel like I'm constantly either working or looking after him and cleaning the house in the evenings. Anyone else experience this or am I overthinking?

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 06:29)

I'm not confident sending my child to school, and I'm shutting down

Frozen in fear, really. And don't come at me with the 'kids are fine' bullshit because I read the scientific articles, and no they're not. My husband is completely unsupportive of anything other than back to school. I can't make myself DO anything. How am I seriously supposed to just gamble on her health? Especially in a school where mask wearing is optional. I feel like I can't breathe. I make myself forget what's coming, and then I go to bed and lie awake all night terrified that we'll be the 'oops' percent. DH literally has a genetic lung condition, and we won't know if she has it until something goes wrong. Fuck every last one of the people spreading false information. Fuck this damn pandemic. Preschool is supposed to be about worrying about all the new things, not about your child's literal life.

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 05:43)

Can your body stop responding to a pump if you haven’t used one in a while?

Context: I’m a high school teacher. We started off last year fully virtual so I worked at home and exclusively breastfed. I collected extra milk with the Elvie curve (similar to the Haakaa just a different shape) and would occasionally pump for practice. When we switched to a hybrid model, I pumped at work twice a day and was able to get pretty much exactly what LO was eating while I was away. For the past two months, I haven’t pumped at all because I didn’t need to. Now I’m worried that may have been a mistake. LO is 11 months next week and drinks milk 4 times a day (once in the morning, once while I’m at work, once right after work, and once before bed). The problem is that she’s drinking an 8 oz bottle while I’m away and I’m only pumping 2 oz. I have a small freezer stash for now but they’ll be gone soon at this rate. What should I do? If I run out will she be ok with just solid food while I’m at work? Thanks in advance for advice!

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 06:05)

Some experts think the focus should be on tutoring and expanded programs instead of holding kids back for a whole year. “Intensive one-on-one tutoring is highly effective and can focus on just what each student needs to catch up." @EdSource

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 06:27)

Anyone else have a child that constantly headbutts you?

Our LO is 7 weeks old and whenever we hold her she likes to slam her head forward and bash her face on our chin/jaw/collarbone/chest/etc. She has great neck strength, she’s clearly doing this on purpose (in some form) and it doesn’t seem like her normal feeding cues. It doesn’t hurt her too badly (I hope) but she does cry afterwards and I’m afraid some day she’s going to break her nose or something. Anyone have this going on as well? Any tips on getting her to tone it down a bit? Or is this something she just has to grow out of?

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 06:00)

📱👣💻These Talking Points are a great way to encourage children to mindful of their #digitalfootprint, and to be able to manage their online reputation. ⬇️ #OnlineReputation #DigitalCitizenship #OnlineSafety #Parents

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 09:08)

“More than one in four boys admit they have felt pressure from friends to be sexually active and, even more disturbingly, more than a third of boys who’d had sex admitted they have felt upset by a sexual activity they’ve taken part in.”

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 07:15)

It's a hot topic these days, have you talked to your teenagers about it? #gender #genderfluid #Identity @TryHardMommy

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 10:17)

Everything is always the same and I just can't deal with it any more

So the world has been like this for over a year yet we continue to do the same shit an expect a different result? People are suffering, companies are suffering, the world is suffering and we carry on doing the same shit that hasn't worked for months!? That's insanity bromos like textbook definition. What happened to science and questioning things? When did we shy away from what research tells us?! I just cant continue to live like this it's literally INSANE!

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 06:30)

The line between being a very supportive, engaged, sports-loving parent and applying TOO MUCH pressure on kids is easily crossed at times. Even when you are yelling from the sideline your actions can still be louder than your words.

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 06:26)

Tell me more about ending meal when toddler throws his plate…

I am starting to introduce a plate to my 14mo during meal time and a few people have advised to end the meal when he throws his plate. So I have a few questions… 1) What if he just holds his plate VS throwing it? 2) If babe just drops it accidentally? 3) How long did it take for babe to understand if he throws his plate then meal time is over? 4) If I end dinner and he’s still hungry? Should I offer something quick before bed? 5) Any other advice is appreciated!

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 09:05)

Podcasts are "designed to catch the ear and hold attention in a way that feels almost magical. Best of all, podcasts fit any classroom budget: They’re free." @cultofpedagogy @TumbleCast

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 06:03)

Opinions about school please

Hi all. I’ll try to make this as short as possible. I’m in SC. My son goes to a private school. He’s 9, so not vaccinated yet. His school is not mandating masks or keeping students 6 feet apart. His teacher didn’t even wear a mask last night at “meet the teacher.” We have requested learning from home until masks are mandated, or until our son is vaccinated. The school is saying they’re not making this an option this year. Would you all send your child to school and hope for the best, or unenroll them and homeschool? I REALLY don’t like paying so much money to send him somewhere when I feel he could get sick. Also, he’s quite prone to respiratory infections. I’m so damn tired of this shit. Opinions greatly appreciated.

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4 years ago

(Aug 10, 2021 07:22)

“Of boys who have had sex, a shocking 48 per cent admitted they have taken part in a sex act because they’ve seen it in pornography.”

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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