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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 07:32)

MIL obsessed with our baby

Now I realize this is not a bad thing for our baby to be drowned in love by her grandparents. However this is my first baby and I feel so possessive over her. She’s a month old now. But does it make me a monster that I am completely annoyed by my mother in law calling her “grandmas baby girl” “oh my sweet baby girl” every other second?? It drives me nuts, even though I know she is MY baby I cannot stand to hear my MIL call her that. Tell me I’m not insane. Or maybe I am lol.

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 07:01)

Oral administration of maternal vaginal microbes at birth to restore gut microbiome development in infants born by caesarean section: A pilot randomised placebo-controlled trial (Jun 2021, n=47) "no observed differences in gut microbiome composition or functional potential at 1 mo or 3 mo of age"

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 06:23)

Baby memory book?

I’d like to get a baby memory book but am having trouble finding one I like. Have any of you purchased one that you enjoy filling out?

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 09:04)

How concerned would you be?

Hi, My daughter is almost 12 weeks old and rarely smiles. All of the books and milestones are saying they should be smiling every time they hear your voice or are smiled at. She maybe smiles once or twice a day and its not a big smile almost like she is trying to coordinate her cheeks. However, she does make great eye contact and does goo and gahs and ahs and tries to almost talk to us. She has great head control, pushes down, and even rolls over now alot (arches her back and throws her leg over). Thoughts?

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 07:26)

Covid vaccine

Would you get the COVID vaccine before getting pregnant? Why or why not?

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 08:52)

My Kids don’t care for my best friends daughter

Which is fine but my sons birthday is coming up is it bad that I don’t invite my friend and her daughter as it is his birthday I don’t want to invite people he doesn’t want there … or would you just have your child suck it up and get it over it ?

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 07:02)

Trick for giving baby medicine?

Ok picking your brains here… how in the hell do you get medicine down your wee one’s throat? Every time I try and use the syringe she flails her head around, and if I do manage to get some in she either blows raspberries and it comes out again, or she swallows and a minute later does a massive vomit. I need to give her antibiotics 😢

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 06:52)

School Pick Up

Hello! School started last week for us here in our district in NorCal and I'm baffled with how pick up works. For the first two days of school, I was unavailable to pick up my daughter and asked my sister and SIL to pick her up. My SIL isn't one of the authorized people to pick her up yet they still let her pick up my daughter without asking for any identification whatsoever. Is this normal here in the USA? My paranoia is kicking in because I feel like any child can be taken away because of this.

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 06:05)

“I don’t believe it’s appropriate for us to expect that kids can just come back into the learning environment after a year and a half or just expect them to engage in the same way they did pre-Covid — that’s just unrealistic." @EdSource @EdsourceAli

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 07:22)

“He needs me to let go more often than hold on. He needs me to not lean in when he’s near, but rather, stay put and let him take the lead.” - @themomcafe

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 06:59)

3 year old is obsessed with jumping my puppy. Sometimes it’s aggressive

He’s always been a humper, usually just when he was excited, but now it’s gotten to the point where he will hold my puppy down by the neck and hump her. I can’t leave him alone because he will find her and do it. It’s non stop. He also bites her while he does it I know humping isn’t necessary rare but the fact that that he pairs it with violence is concerning. I’ve looked into local child psychologists around my area and they won’t take anyone that young. He has been accepted to Nationwide Children’s but we are only 5 weeks into a 4 month waiting list Any advice? Words of encouragement? Harassment? Anytbing??

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 09:10)

How can I help my wife with abdominal separation?

My wife recently had a baby, and now a few months later, she's dealing with abdominal separation. I've looked around online, but have found no concrete answers as to what really works and how to best help her. What has helped you in regards to that? Thank you for all the help!

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 09:42)

Does anyone NOT follow wake windows??

Five week old baby and I can not get wake windows to work for us! I have no idea if I’m doing something wrong or if wake windows just aren’t something that’s going to work with my baby’s nature. He’s generally awake for 2-3 hours with one wake window of 5 hours each day. His naps are about 3 hours and his night sleep is about 7-8 hours with one night feed. Do wake windows just not work for anyone else?

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 09:21)

With your newborn, did you actually use your nursery if you had one?

Our first baby will be born in January. From my research, the first six month, the baby should be sleep in the same room as you (in their crib of course). I am debating if I should actually set up an actual room for my baby itself or have a share room with me with partial nursery? Just trying to get some input of parents experince: 1. If you set up your baby nursery with their own room, how was your experience? Did your baby slept in their own room since birth or the first few months together in your room then transition to their own room. Or 2. If you had a share half nursery combine with your bedroom. How was it for you? Did you think it was enough that you did not need to have your baby own room until a certain age? I would appreciate everyone thought and experience to help me figure out what I want to do!

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4 years ago

(Aug 17, 2021 06:30)

Parent burnout

I have 2 kids, 11 and 7. I work a very high pressure job and I am a single mom. My son is a lot of work (he knows it all and loves to argue back). I had my kids early my whole 20's was devoted to being a mom. I love them but between work and being a mom, I have begun to realize how unhappy I am and I started going on trips and doing outings with friends with no kids. Am I a horrible person for taking 1-2 nights to myself a week to unwind and come back a happier and better mom?

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