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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 06:37)

11 week old hasn’t pooped in 24 hours

My mom suggested apple juice and I told her no because the doctor said nothing but breast milk or formula until 6 months. I have frida windi at my house but my LOnis spending the night at their house. Any other suggestions to help him poop? He normally has two big poops everyday.

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 08:10)

Contraception and sex after birth

When did people start back on contraception after birth? I’m 4 weeks PP and have just stopped bleeding. I was on the progesterone only pill before TTC/pregnancy. When did everyone else brave sexy time again after birth?

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 08:48)

Unannounced visitors

Rant time. Why do people think it's okay (regardless if you have a baby or not) to show up to your home completely unannounced? My daughter's dad has a friend with a baby a few months older than ours. She wants to get together, and I'm currently staying isolated with my baby as we've both been sick recently. I am also currently struggling with some life situations, hanging out with someone isn't what I want to do right now. I heard her pull up, I heard her knock, and then I heard her try the door handle.. Who?! What?! Why?! I pretended I wasn't home..

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 05:46)

My mom told me she might not love my second choice as much as she now loves my first child.

Yeah, I know mom. I'm *your* second child. She's a good mom but I really feel she should not have had another kid. She does a lot of things for me. She obviously loves me. But I'm the lowest on her priority. Will be the last even if I was on my deathbed. So yeah. Thanks mom. For telling me again how unwanted I was / am. Thanks for coming to my rant. ETA : The heading was supposed to read child but stupid me didn't proofread.

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 08:22)

Postpartum hair loss will be the death of me. This was from this morning.

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 09:02)

Kids are so annoying. I need a nap.

I literally want to rip my eyeballs out of my face when I have to repeat my instructions 4 times to my daughter. How is it not clear that “shut the car door” means, the car door that you left open, the one I’m pointing at, needs to be shut. So go over to it and push it shut. Why do I have to explain it so many times when I’ve already listened to all the stories, carried all the things in, walked into a house where my husband has the TV and his phone both blaring? Why. I swear, some moments of parenting are just complete torture. I have zero patience after the 3rd explanation. She’s four. She’s smart. She’s really driving me crazy with her whole “acting like a 4 year shtick” hopefully tomorrow is less annoying.

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 05:44)

Postpartum Needs Specifically For Mom?

Tips/Recommendations I'm 35 weeks so almost done growing the baby... What items will I need specifically for me for recovery? Bathroom related, bed/resting related, every day things to just make it easier. Should I be ordering anything specific or were there any tips or tricks that helped you? I'm plus sized if it means anything or helps with recommendations. Thank you!!

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 05:58)


When do things get easier? I'm around 6 weeks out of an almost decade long abusive relationship with a narcissist and I don't feel any better. I cry all the time. I want him back all the time. Sometimes I wish I had never left. I feel like I'm shit on every time I turn around. I'm exhausted but I don't sleep. I don't eat. I just want to feel better. When does this pain stop....

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 07:34)

What do your baby's wake windows look like?

Just curious about how long they seem to be for your babe. TIA ETA: Bub is almost 4 months

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 06:45)

Looking for advice on giving babies bottles.

My baby boy is 6mo and has been exclusively breastfed since birth. We’ve tried giving him bottles with pumped milk a number of times but the last few months, he’s full on refused them. I am going back to work in a few months and will not be able to feed him on demand like he’s used to. I’m getting worried that if he doesn’t learn to bottlefeed soon, he’ll be so hungry and miserable once I go back to work. Does anyone have advice? We’ve tried probably 8 different bottles at this point and even the ones he used to like don’t work anymore.

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 09:14)

Sleep/ weight question

Help me test my theory! Everything about babies and night sleep seems to focus on age, but it seems more logical to me that sleep would be a function of weight because bigger baby = bigger stomach = longer sleep stretch. So, a poll: What is your longest sleep stretch at night? How much does your baby weigh? How old is your baby? Mine is 8 hours, 16 lbs, 3 months I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️ if this is a super duh idea or not. It could just as easily be attributed to temperament or schedule/ routine.

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 10:13)

3 month old always sleeps on stomach

Hi, Our 3 month old daughter started being able to flip over at only 2 months. She arches her back so well that she can through her leg over and shes on her stomach. This astonished me, my wife, my family, and pediatrician. However we are concerned that she highly prefers sleeping only her belly. If we put her down asleep she will be on her belly in 5 minutes. She also sleeps through night well. This was the really concerning to the pediatrician. We can’t physically keep flipping her and waking her up every 5 minutes all night. When we sleep she will just flip back over. I am so worried about SIDS. We put her in a crib with newton breathable mattress no toys, swaddles, blankets or bumpers. Put her fan on. What would you guys do? Thanks

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 07:10)

Any Parents of tiny Musicians?

My oldest child is 3yrs old and I just bought him his first Harmonica. I hope it awakens a love for music and creativity. A harmonica is a pretty fun instrument, easy to clean, carry, and handle. It just happens to be very affordable $10 on Amazon. I don’t plan on going broke paying for lessons while he’s under 5yrs old but I do hope to help him learn a few songs and rhythms. What instrument does your toddler play?

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 10:21)

My youngest is leaving for college and I'm ... unsure of everything

I've spent the last 20 years on my children, working part time and just enjoying raising them. We've actually had a great life, they're easy and sweet and amazing. Hardly any problems. I'm so sad but it's silly. I raised them TO GO BE SUCCESSFUL ADULTS. But ig this is the thing that I did well and now I'm like ?? Every single time I said something like "we should spend family time" "we should have a vacation, just us" etc etc, it was with this moment in mind and it arrived and I'm beside myself. It wasn't this bad when the older two left, maybe because they were in state? But my youngest, she's going far and I'm.... I'm just ... un-anchored.

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4 years ago

(Aug 23, 2021 09:05)

"Every kid in America should get to play every day. Recess promotes more learning, not less." @USATODAY

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