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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 06:46)

I was mom shamed today.

An actor I love from my favorite TV show has his own brand of bourbon and came to a liquor store near me for a signing. I had to go! So my almost 4mo babe and I went and waited in line outside. As soon as I arrived, some women gave me a dirty look and one yelled "it's too hot for a baby! She should be ashamed". I was so embarrassed, I almost left. But instead, I told her to mind her business. Mind you, it was about 78°. My daughter was in light weight clothing, had a bunch of shade, and a cold bottle. More people arrived after me and raved about how happy and chill my baby is. And my favorite actor called her PERFECT. So F U to the mom shamers today. I'm glad I went out and didn't miss out on the opportunity.

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 05:30)

accidentally hurt my baby :(

We had our little girl try out her bouncer today and she loves it! We have another seat for her but this one is more upright and bouncy rather than rocky. She's 3.5 months and we've been struggling with sleep and a lot of fussiness the last week - a bit of a development leap and eating more. We were so happy to find she enjoyed the bouncer at last But as I was putting her in it for a second time, she was smiling widely and flailing excitedly (she is so animated it's adorable) I caught the chubby roll of her elbow in the clip doing it up and she SCREAMED I am pretty sure it will bruise. I've caught myself in clips and I know how bad that pinching shit hurts. I feel terrible. She cried hard for a good five or so minutes as I held her and then fell asleep. She's contact napping so I've not had a proper look yet, but when I did it was red and I could see the indent where the pinch happened. I feel absolutely terrible :(

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 06:00)

Students who are frequently called out for low-level misbehavior are more likely to become disengaged and apathetic in the classroom. The most effective classroom management strategies are based on building relationships. @borywrites @edutopia

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 06:00)

I didn’t have to cook last night!

My almost 9yo daughter has shown an interest in cooking recently. She asked if she could cook a dinner for the family. She browsed the internet. Picked a recipe. I did the prep work, but she cooked it by herself (while I read the recipe to her) and it was delicious. She was so proud of herself.

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 07:00)

📲Now is a great time of year to chat to your child about using social media, and help to ensure they have a positive experience. ↪️ #Parents #Parenting #OnlineSafety

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 05:55)

Our 11 year old picked out her first day of middle school outfit - input needed

Screenshot of her cart here: She also had an Asian schoolgirl dress similar to Sailor Moon that she wants (her current obsession along with other anime). We told initially told her no because of the price, but she's asking if she can get any of it. My wife and I are concerned that 1. She's likely setting herself up for immediate bullying, and 2. She'll be sexualized by classmates/adults. She's immature for her age, overly sensitive, and quick to emotions so we want to protect her, but the last thing we want her to do is not express her authentic self by restricting what she wears. Before school starts we will be having a conversation with her about sexuality in middle school, the way the boys and men are likely to behave around here, and ways she can respond/react/prevent this attention. She's, unfortunately, a beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl and it scares the shit out of us. What's the best way to tackle this? Thanks!

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 08:18)

Who else is celebrating the student loan forgiveness announcement?

My husband and I are now about $20k lighter and completely debt free. So to celebrate we're gonna order take out and probably dream about the houses we may be able to afford now. Or maybe I'll even seriously consider grad school, given I've done nothing with my undergrad degrees and I've been a SAHM long enough that they're basically worthless anyway. Dreams! Kabobs! Yay!

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 08:15)

2 months old should “almost” sleep through the night (according to pediatrician)

LO is 2 months old. She used to sleep 5-6 hours and now for some reason she wakes up every 2-3 hours…. I feed her, she goes back to sleep. Pediatrician said that she should be able to sleep from like 8pm until 6am with no feedings or maybe one feeding. He also said not to offer a feeding right away and try to get her back to sleep without. He said that I should limit daytime sleeping and ensure she sleeps through the night instead. For now I’ve just been letting her do her thing I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thoughts?? Would this be considered sleep training? I honestly haven’t given it much thought until now…

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 09:26)

Should extended family and friends kiss babies faces?

I keep getting downvoted on different pregnancy subreddits for suggesting that it can cause herpes and caries but nobody really explains why this opinion is so wrong. I even put sources and stuff last time but I had to eventually delete it because it reached -50 and now brought it up again at another pregnancy subreddit briefly and I'm getting downvoted again. Could somebody please explain whats wrong with my way of thinking? I am quote ignorant but I'm trying to educate myself. Thank you for the answer.

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 08:06)

Repeated failure increases hopelessness.Recognizing even a small success boosts hope.Redefine“success”as a gain:a small improvement over past performance due to effort. Help child identify personal gains.“Monday U got 9 correct. Today you got 10! That’s a GAIN!”

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 10:14)

What’s the shadiest thing that another parent has said to you? I’ll go first

“Oh that’s a nice name, but we went for something more unique. Makes him special!” “I only gained xxlbs during pregnancy, I can’t imagine gaining that much!” And the one that weirdly pissed me off: “Is she a preemie? She’s so tiny, you should feed her more!” I hate trying to make mom-friends lmao

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 06:29)

Is there a secret to the pacifier replacement dance?

Classic new parent question, but I'm enrolling my 3 month old in daycare and noticed in the paperwork they say that during naps they "will not replace a pacifier that has fallen out of the mouth, following best practices." Likewise, Taking Cara Babies recommends only replacing the pacifier the first time it falls out. This is the sole reason my baby wakes up during naps and she will not go back to sleep until the pacifier is returned, and it happens constantly. Is there some pacifier training voodoo I'm missing?

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 06:08)

Todays Toy Debate- Come join!

I went to the animal fair, the monkey & the tucan were there, the frog_______, the elephant too! The lions says how do you do. Fill in the blank 😂🤣

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 06:32)

Now that back to school is on the horizon, you might already have your child’s lunch boxes, clothes, and supplies all prepped. But what about their bicycles? Here are 3 ways to prep your child for biking back to school:

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3 years ago

(Aug 24, 2022 08:24)

Watching tv while feeding baby

I’m going to keep this post short and just ask my fellow parents out there if I should feel guilty for watching some television while I feed my baby. I am pretty much with the baby all day while my husband works. I do work from home but I’m on my maternity leave right now. I feel like I would go crazy if I didn’t do some thing other than just take care of the baby all day so when I sit her down to feed on the bottle I usually put on something to watch. There’s a part of me that felt guilty initially about this. Like I should be interacting with her somehow while she’s drinking. But I’m also a freaking adult and to not have anything happen all day other than just take care of baby I feel like I would go crazy. Please tell me I’m not an asshole 😩

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