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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 04:20)

Fussy baby? Try playing the music of KISS!

Found this out by accident, but the music of those black and white painted legends puts my son right to sleep! Thought I’d share in case it helps any of you guys out as well!

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 04:00)

It’s essential that educators build appropriate and trustworthy relationships with students, so they’ll develop a passion for learning. @edutopia

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 04:52)

When do playdates with 1 parent present start?

I have a 2.5 year old (3 in Dec) and a 5 month old and we have two sets of parents with kids we are close with. One family has a 3.5 and 2 year old and one family has a 2.5 year old. We hang out often and the kids get along well but based on their ages it's a lot of parallel play and interacting with their own parents. I'm wondering if this is even a thing anymore where you drop your kid(s) off and the parent(s) watch all the kids and you take turns supervising the play dates? And if so, what age does that start? I would love to have the kids over my house and let them play and would love the opportunity to drop my older kids off and do something by myself or with my husband. My husband and I love the parents and we all get along well and would obviously still do all family hangouts but I'm also looking forward to hosting the kids and getting some time off myself.

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 06:11)

At what age should a child have a cell phone?

To make a long story short, my daughter's father and grandmother have been texting my daughter through me a lot lately. I have no problem with this, but they do. Today, her grandmother said she wants to get her a cell phone for my house (I have primary custody). I don't feel comfortable with her having a cell phone. She's only 10. I don't want to be overbearing, and while I understand this probably is more so relative to how mature the child is, I'm curious what others people's thoughts or experiences are on this.

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 05:36)

Optimal duration of breastfeeding?

What is the optimal duration of breastfeeding? I just see studies discussing breastfeeding until six months versus shorter. Are there any benefits of breastfeeding beyond the six month mark (in developed countries)?

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92% up

4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 05:05)

I JUST figured this out

So idk if I'm I'm only person that didn't know this but I just realized that the outlet covers that I've struggled trying to get out of the wall with my nails many MANY times when I needed to plug something in, you're supposed to use the actual PLUG at the little indent at the top of the outlet cover to pry it out and it comes out instantly 🤦‍♀️ just incase any one else didn't know about this lol

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93% up

4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 06:55)

DAE's kid have a hot principal?

Ok, so, there needs to be a "thirst post" flair. I'm sitting in line waiting to pick up my kindergartener and the principal is walking around the parking lot, making sure he knows which kids to release and....dude can GET it. He's around my age and kinda hot. He's a red head with some sexy gray at the temples and a slight beard.....anyone else have a hot principal?

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 06:54)

Reddit ≠ Doctor

There have been a ton of posts lately where people are turning to Reddit for medical advice instead of calling their doctor. Please please please, If there’s any question about you LO, your first call should ALWAYS be a medical professional. Parenting tips and questions are great for Reddit (“Hey my LO isn’t eating great, any tips?”) but if your baby is sick, injured, trouble breathing, ANYTHING medically related, your first step should be to cal a doctor, not write a post on Reddit.

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86% up

4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 06:59)

Is the 1st year always tough for couples?

We love our son, and we do our best to take good care of him. I do day shift, husband does nights. We sleep separately. There is a huge gap between us and we seem to get further and further away from each other. All we talk about is baby stuff. We used to have so much in common, were a perfect married couple for 6 years, and now we are not even hugging or kissing. I know i love him, i’m sure he loves me too. Maybe less, who knows.. I really hope this is just a phase and once our son grows we’ll be having more time for each other. But i’m really scared to lose him, to lose us..

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 06:46)

Grandparent Disappointment

I really thought my parents would be more interested in spending time with my daughter. There are many reasons I could list for why they act so disinterested beginning with raging narcissism but that’s really not the point. I’m just having a hard time with it. My husband is wonderful but I feel like we have no village. Can anyone relate?

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 05:24)

Toddlers need time to process what we are saying. Instead of repeatedly telling our child to put on their shoes, we can count to ten in our head to allow them time to process our request. Often, by the time we get to eight, we’ll see them start to respond. -Simone Davies, #family

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 04:43)

Did you know that when something is out of sight, it’s more than just out of mind for babies? They don’t realize that it continues to exist! If you'd like to help your baby with object permanence, these 5 game ideas will do the trick!

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 08:12)

What did you get yourself for your birthday?

My birthday is next month. Initially, I had wanted to do a nice Airbnb getaway with my husband but I no longer feel comfortable leaving my son so I am planning a fun evening at home. Good food. A cake I like. Trash TV... And I want to get myself something special... here's the problem. What the hell do I get myself? I'm not really a "stuff" person. Help a girl out. What did you get you?

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 07:30)

15 Fun Things To Do with a 7-Month Old

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4 years ago

(Sep 08, 2021 06:27)

Do baby on board stickers matter?

I know that the point is for emergency services to identify if children are in a car if you’re involved in a crash. There are so many cutesie decals available now. Is it making emergency personnel’s job harder by having them decode “little Jedi on board” or “little adventurer inside”? Thank you for entertaining my overthought of the day.

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75% up

Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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