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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 06:07)

New dad here. Stay at home dad to be precise. Did you know you can put the car seat on top of the shopping cart 🛒 because I didn’t until I left the store.

Anyone else? Lol

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83% up

4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 07:12)

Does anyone else get mad when their SO is sleeping while you're tending to the baby and or their nursing and sleeping and you're awake ?

I don't know why but it irritates me to no end. Please understand my fiance will help out but I usually have to ask. He's never just like I'll take the baby you go shower. Oh how I wish he could read my mind sometimes..

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96% up

4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 07:22)

How do you know if your newborn is crying from some affliction you can't see?

Edit: I find it so odd and confusing that I'm getting downvoted. Did I somehow violate a norm of this sub? I have a two week old, and sometimes when she is crying a ton and we can't figure out what it is after trying all the obvious solutions, I start to wonder if something is wrong that we can't see, like a health issue causing her pain or something. I know babies sometimes just cry, but it's always possible that something could be wrong and how would we know? I've asked other parents this and they say, "You would just know." That really bothers me because not everyone has that kind of instinct. I still can't tell her "hungry cry" from other cries for example, and everyone told me I'd immediately be able to do that too.

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82% up

4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 06:17)

Breastmilk seems to be as effective as ophthalmic drops in case of eye infection in babies

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71% up

4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 09:00)

“You can’t just be told, ‘hey, this is how you evaluate the information.’ You really have to be exposed to scenarios that practice it,” @BenMotz says. “You need to see people mess up and know how they messed up—and why.” @EdSurge @becky_koenig

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 06:11)

HELP! What to do besides TV/screen time.

Alright y’all, I am about to pick up our 5 year old from school in an hour, and I am dreading it because I don’t know what to do with these kids anymore. They have been sick off and on since school started a month ago, and it is hot as Hades outside, so what are our options? I legitimately get anxiety when the tv is on too much in this house. However, it is very hard planning activities that both kids can enjoy due to the age gap (Brother is 4 years younger). Please HELP! I need ideas ASAP! I am also sick now too, but I just can’t let the tv run until bedtime. It makes me feel depressed.

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100% up

4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 07:00)

📗 Looking for advice on #socialmedia, #cyberbullying, #managingtechnology, #sexting or other important online safety topics? The Webwise #parents resources and booklets are all available for free. ⤵️ #OnlineSafety

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 08:33)

"One of our children’s deepest needs is to feel heard, and by listening carefully and expressing #empathy, #parents can help fill this need." Fab article on raising emotionally intelligent kids by @NedJohnson Bill Stixrud @CNBC #parenting

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 05:42)

Drawing from sport psychology research on parenting, we've compiled 5 ways you can support your kids in sport! These strategies apply during childhood, but are particularly important for children between the ages of 10 and 15. Read more, here:

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 06:11)

Friendly reminder.

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 06:00)

Coalitions are essential to ensuring that students are supported and educators can truly make an impact. Here are six situations in which coalitions are extremely effective for educators and administrators: @tonyrosaspeaks @hgse

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 08:20)

A baby’s motivation to put food in his mouth is curiosity and copying—not hunger. • For the first couple of months or so, solid food is all about learning. -@gillrap, #kids

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 07:31)

Parents, these stats are shocking! Please think twice before allowing your child unlimited screen time. #parents #screentime

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4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 08:24)

How to handle when my four-year-old son regularly mistaken for a girl.

So this has happened to him ever since he was a baby as he has really long eyelashes. He’s half Native American and half white and he’s growing out his hair a little longer to show respect for this Native American side but in doing so he regularly is mistaken for a girl and even today a new neighbor’s little girl asked if my daughter can go to her house and play. I kindly said “Maybe next time but for now He needs to get some lunch”. Did I handle that right? I wasn’t pushy or disrespectful but kindly tried to clear things up.

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100% up

4 years ago

(Sep 10, 2021 06:00)

A massive THANK YOU to everyone who has supported our #NationalCollectionDay today by doing our #5KFridayChallenge, making a donation, or tuning in to @RTE2fm #FlashbackFriday! 💚 It means so much to the vulnerable children & families we work with 🙏

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