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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 06:00)

When so much feels out of our control, it’s helpful to create some predictability where we can, even in small ways. @SuzanneBouffard @PBSKIDS

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 06:00)

It's important to be familiar with the reporting and blocking tools available on the apps and platforms your child is using. Here is a useful #HowTo guide for #Instagram. #OnlineSafety

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 09:08)

“Those who hang their identity on their parental role…are more likely to experience child-oriented perfectionism than those who do not” @gailcornwall

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 07:08)

So many places going in and out of Covid. All our kids need reassurance - that we are here for them. As they get older, we can share bits more of what frustrates us. Hear them out.

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 09:01)

A massive shout out to WKM Developments who helped us with the app too - thanks so much for all your hard work in getting us to launch. We made it, and now we've got 15% off from @PlaymobilUK too for our readers! Come on in and check it out. Read more 👉

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 09:00)

When pushed to hold the clipping, flip between halves of the article, find keywords without the help of a search tool, and dive into a box of filed newspapers, students consistently find entertainment in what they refer to as “old people things.” @BenD_310

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 04:29)

My mother expects my baby and I to always be dressed up

I live in the south. It’s still in the 90s (Fahrenheit) I don’t do much. I don’t go out much Bc it’s fucking hot. But when my mom stops by she’s like “why is the baby in just the body suit? Where are his pants? Where are his shoes? Why are you still in sweats????” Ma’am. It’s our home. Nobody else is here !!!!!!

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 07:26)

What’s the best children’s item that just made life easier?

Personally, Mine are kids’ bento boxes. I found two for $3 while thrifting one day. I didn’t realize how much easier they made packing lunch. You can even put sauces and they won’t leak out. so it has me wondering….what’s an item that made you think “how did we run smoothly before we had this”

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 07:32)

What’s your favorite part of being a parent?

I know a lot of posts talk about the hardships of parenting and my there are a lot of difficult times. But I want to hear your favorite part of being a parent! Just one thing that’s your absolute favorite!!! Mine is: Waking up and going to pick my baby out of her crib and seeing her smile at me! No matter how tired I am or how much I’d like to keep sleeping, reaching in and getting that huge sweet smile, just makes me smile back and starts every day off just right!

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 05:54)

Confessions of An Exhausted Parent

So, my kiddo is going to town on our dog's favorite toy. It's a BarkBox "sunny side up egg," basically a nobby ball yoke with a crinkle white. Part of me is like, "Damn. My dog slobbers on that... I should probably trade kiddo for a kid-friendly toy..." And the other part of me is like... "Meh. He'll be fine and this is the longest stretch of self-entertainment we've had today... Maybe just five more minutes..."

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 04:59)

What Not to Do When Raising a Teenage Girl—Your Teen Mag @YourTeenMag

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 06:38)

Cats getting into the crib!

We have a 4mo and our two cats just recently decided that jumping in to the crib while he's asleep is the most interesting thing ever. We have multiple cat beds and non cat bed places they like to sleep, a cat tree and give them as much attention as we can (not as much as before of course). Even before he was born they had zero interest in his stuff and never got into the crib or bassinet. My only theory is that since he's asleep it's a non threatening time to investigate the baby when he's not making any sounds or sudden movements. Oh and when we close the door they scratch at it until we open it which also wakes him up 😑

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 06:31)

Parents of bad sleepers, you are the most hardcore people

My baby has been a very okay sleeper since day 1. Last week we had a handful of really bad nights and I. Was. Miserable. As a freelancer I am used to working through the night and getting little sleep but taking care of a baby on little to no sleep?! Oh my god. In case no one told you guys today, you are doing an amazing job. I don’t know how you’re doing it.

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4 years ago

(Sep 21, 2021 08:56)

Is saving money for your child/children future important to you?

For me it is but my husband doesn't think so. We just went and opened up our 3rd daughters mutual fund and after doing so he said "I think you're saving to much for the kids". All I said afterwords was "well I want them to have something because we never did". In my eyes it's not very much right now but my husband had way way less then me. So I'd really like to start my kids off with atleast something. The only money I put in them are from a little side business I have going on and whenever they receive money friends birthdays and holidays. So my question for you is, are you saving? Why or why not?

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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