Today I realized that life is too short…
… to keep attempting to break in my Manduka Pro. I wanted so badly to love it and feel like a hardcore yogi, but after trying everything I give up. Every time I use it I feel like I’m gonna slide off into the abyss. To all the posts that warned me, I’m sorry I didn’t listen! I don’t know who I thought I was!
100% up
Any hope to remove these stains from my liforme mat?
A bag of dog food was recently placed on top of my mat and the oils seeped through. Makes me feel like crying honestly. I tried to search in the subreddit but no one has given feedback if their methods were worked. Would appreciate any help. Thank you
67% up
Vent: I’ll never understand why people leave a yoga class when the teacher starts guiding people through cool down
I go to a yoga class that incorporates weights a few times a week. It’s always a very full class, pushing 40 people. And there’s usually 5-7 people that pack up and leave 10 minutes early because that’s when the teacher guides the cool down. I see others who stay there, but continue with cardio while everyone else is cooling down. I get that some people don’t care about preventing injury, but it’s so disruptive to the rest of the class who actually want to have a nice cool down/savasana experience.
71% up
Avatar: The Last Airbender and the Yamas/Niyamas
93% up
Is it culturally appropriative to use traditional Chinese music in my yoga class?
I love the music and find it so relaxing, but wasn’t sure if it was okay to use as a playlist for teaching a yoga class. Thank you!
81% up
Fear Mongering and Gatekeeping
i feel a calling to start my practice and i really believe that i’m ready to go on my journey but i read books saying “do not practice without a teacher” or see yogis speaking against western yoga saying “if you do a sutra wrong you will bring ruin into your life” and discredit western yoga classes which naturally makes me creep back into doubt. i should try to get out and make my own opinions but i live in a small town in east texas atm which makes finding a class/teacher difficult. i go to youtube and i can’t help but feel like i’m only going through the movements very unsteady and insecure or that i don’t relate with the content that is mainstream. any advice, personal experiences, comments or recommendations?
57% up
how do instructions feel when only a few yogi’s show up to class?
i’m a beginner to yoga (have been practicing for a few years on and off), and i just attended a yoga class tonight and there was only 2 people (1 including myself), and i was just wondering what yoga instructors think about this. also — i have really been trying to get into yoga/breath work on a regular basis. i try to practice yoga 3-4x a week and i am considering getting my RYT200 in the next year. what advice do you professionals have for newbie yogi’s? how often should i be practicing? what styles of yoga are good for beginners? i notice sometimes my legs/feet go numb in poses like the pigeon, and “up the wall” type poses. i am wondering what this could be an indicator of, if anything at all and what do you recommend? thanks so much!
100% up
What are your favorite asanas right now?
I’ve really been enjoying arm balances lately! Pincha and 8-angle pose have been my go-to’s. Hoping to work my way up to flying pigeon!
75% up
Full Body Yoga Flow :)
88% up
Looking to cultivate more connection with yourself—and with others? Want to experience the oneness versus otherness so many yoga teachers talk about? This sequence will show you how.