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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 06:09)


People treat me worse now that I’m an entrepreneur and trying to get my biz off the ground. Idk if it’s envy (of taking the leap, of the chance at financial freedom???) or of thinking I’m stupid for trying. It’s hard. The same people who usually seem reliable for asking advice suddenly don’t have time to talk. It’s like they treat me like I’m trying to sell them something at all times. I read about this constantly: Entrepreneurs facing initial rejection. They say that for some reason, humans just hate change. They hate whenever someone says they’re starting a business. All the mega-successful entrepreneurs seems to experience this. Still feels annoying as hell! Why won’t people accept/support me? Jesus. But then once the business is up and running, they’ll all want a part of the loot.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 06:20)

How does buying a vehicle for your business save on taxes??

Could someone please explain to me like I’m 5 years old. If I made 450k this year; and have very little expenses, does it make sense to buy an 80k truck for my business? (Yes, I will actually use the truck for business purposes, and it would be highly beneficial as my company hauls around a lot of debris weekly) Can someone break down the tax aspect on buying this vehicle vs not buying it?

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 05:39)

An online marketplace.

An online marketplace where anyone can sell anything locally. It would provide a way for people to showcase their great products to consumers, scale their business to new customers. For customer they would have wide variety of products to choose from. They can discover products that even they didn't know they needed. We provide both the platform for users and shoppers, and earn a small percentage for each sale plus a fee for joining our platform.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 08:26)

Furniture flips

i’ve been looking into starting some sort of ‘business’ flipping furniture i’ve seen in garage sales or even as free side street throw aways. i’m interested to see if anyone has tried this before and the profits that have come with it. have you seen consistent sales? what apps or forms of marketing have you used to put your flips out on the market?

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 08:23)

Restaurant owners: does grubhub or Uber provide fraud protection for you?

I’m getting way more emails about grubhub refunding on my behalf. I can’t even bother to call and dispute because we’re busy. I don’t get Uber almost at all.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 08:16)

Can sole proprietorships in Canada use cash basis accounting?

Since sole proprietorship income tax is reported on a T1 form I'm assuming it'd be a bit more tolerant and allow cash basis accounting (w/ single entry journal), is this the case? And also, is it okay to run a business unregistered (w/ a different name other then exactly your legal name) while starting out?

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 06:22)

HELP me please!! Initial investment + Profit Sharing question…

Profit splitting question!! Recently, my uncle fully funded a run of a new product that I am selling on ebay/Mercari/fb marketplace/etc. Other than finding the maker, negotiating prices, & placing the initial order, he has been hands-off of everything since. I am responsible for everything after: posting listings, sales, shipping, customer service, etc. Sales took off. And I sold almost all of the first round of product. My question is: what is a fair profit split? The original investment was approx $1800. We already made that back and I paid him back 100%. In hindsight I am thinking I should have declared a split to occur right off the bat. Is that correct? Or should we only start splitting profits after the initial investment is paid back to him?

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 05:14)

Are you willing to pay a premium for avocados?

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 07:59)

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen renews her call for Congress to raise or suspend the U.S. debt ceiling to avoid “widespread economic catastrophe”

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:52)

Self-aware people make better teammates.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 05:31)

Confidence is quiet. Arrogance is not.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 07:03)

Lufthansa looks to repay German bailout with €2.1bn share offer

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 07:45)

There are four broad reasons to hold meetings: to influence others, to make decisions, to solve problems, or to strengthen relationships. These are all active processes, so passive participation in meetings doesn't really work.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 05:17)

Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered that the process to incorporate the state oil firm as a private company should begin immediately

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 08:19)

WiFi on airplanes is big business, so why aren't airlines investing in it more?

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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