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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 07:59)

New Parents and Husband Left hospital to go watch football game

Hello all, I am a little unsure about how I am feeling. My husband and I just welcomed our first baby under 48hrs ago, he is a premie at 35 weeks. We are still at hospital as the doctors want to monitor baby to be sure everything is progressing well. That being said, my husband has left the hospital to go watch a football game with his family. I feel a little hurt as I am not allowed to have any other visitors than him and I could use some support. Thoughts on how I could address this with him? I understand that it isn’t the funnest thing being here all day and I can see why he would get restless and want to leave, I just still feel a little abandoned. I am also a little surprised that MIL is going to watch the game with him and didn’t mention I may need help. Am I being a little over concerned? Help a new momma sort out her feelings.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:53)

Doctor doesnt listen!

My 7 month old daughter is SO constipated. She has been for 4 months! She only poops once a week. We've changed formula, prune juice, pear juice, bicycle legs, warm tubs, belly massages, anus massages. Nothing helps! She pooped today and it was rock solid, her bum bleeds, she squeals in pain. I literally have to push her buttcheeks or else she cant get it out. It took her from mid day yesterday until this morning to finally get it out. I tell her doctor over and over. She always just says prune juice. I've even sent pictures of the poop to show how hard it is. The response I got was "Poor "V". Try some more prune juice.". I feel frustrated.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 06:25)

1 year PP hair! I had quite a hair loss during the first 5 months PP but now there's little I can do to hide my baby-hair 😅

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:55)

3 (almost 4) y/o says stuff like “I don’t want Mommy, I want you.” Or “I don’t love mommy”

And it is making me seethe with anger. I know he’s only three but why would he say such hurtful things? I haven’t been the best husband but I’m working on it and things are improving. I’ve never said anything like that in front of him or to my wife at all. When he says things like that it gets me so upset. Admittedly, after the fact, I sometimes lose my temper. I don’t spank him over words - but I use a forceful tone with him and tell him to never ever say that because it makes mommy cry. I just don’t know how to deal with that kind of negativity. Is this something that happens frequently? I just hate being the favorite parent because my wife had a difficult pregnancy and bout with PPD and PPA. All my bullshit didn’t make things easier on her and it’s really shot her self esteem. I feel like she deserves all the love and attention my son gives to me.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:30)

Is the second pregnancy as magical as the first?

I constantly post in this group and as always you guys literally know all the answers. I’m 10 weeks postpartum today, and as I wrote in my previous posts I miss pregnancy terribly. I’m finding motherhood okay (even though it’s only 10 weeks I think I’m through the thick of the newborn stage) And want to ask my husband the next upcoming months to try again maybe when my son reaches 8/9 months old. I had a magical nine months, everyone was so blissful, naive(in a good way), happy and excited. Me and my husband went for tea and coffee after every appointment I took so much joy in finding out how much my little baby weighted and how much he had grown and telling my husband and showing him the little scan photos. So my question is is the 2nd pregnancy as magical as the first one will I be able to enjoy the pregnancy feelings I crave so much or will I be to busy looking after my son.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 07:02)

“Spoiling” a 2 month old

My mom told me today that we need to work on “unspoiling” my 2 month old and not picking her up as much. I hate the old school way of thinking that this tiny human, who spent 10 months inside my body, is just going to come out and be a-ok with being by themselves for long stretches of time. What? Does my mom assume that my baby is somehow already manipulating me to get what she wants? At this point, she’s still SURVIVING. She eats, poops, sleeps, and wants comfort. That’s it. So frustrating!

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:36)

18 year old single mother in FL about to be homeless

Like the title says, 18 year old single mother in FL about to be homeless. I have daughter who just turned 1 year old and I don't know where to go or what to do, I barely even know any family members and any that that I do can't or won't take me in, also the few friends I have can't take me in either, they're in shitty situations themselves. I was staying with a couple but they said they want me out soon, I don't have a car or a job and even if I did I don't have any place I could leave my daughter while I went to work. Im calling other services and numbers right now to see if I can find out anything but I only know of a few places to call/check and I don't know what my next steps should be or what I can do and I just need advice. Anything you think of please. I'm trying to be calm but I don't know what's next. (I really hope this okay to post here while also from a throwaway acct)

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:00)

Psychologists say excluding kids – who, understandably, are not quite as skilled – from helping with chores can have negative consequences. Over time, it may erode their motivation to help and possibly extinguish their desire to cooperate. @FoodieScience

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 06:38)

How do you raise kids without screen time? Or, general tips in this vein

My wife and I both work from home. She has to use her computer throughout the workday. I have to check my phone periodically, and keep up with the news, throughout the early part of the day.our child is 7 months old, and is obsessed with crawling towards our screens. I’d like to break this habit, but I believe leading by example is the only effective way to lead. Does anyone have practical tips? Also, full honesty, my wife and I get tired, and like to watch the occasional movie together at night. Since my wife cosleeps, our baby is usually present but sleeping. We could give this up, but I feel like our relationship is already strained just from the stress of a baby during Covid (absolutely no outside help all 7 months), and some of our best times are flopping down at the end of a day and being passively entertained. Alternative solutions appreciated :)

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 07:40)

The latest KiddyCharts Parenting Daily! #parenting #family

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 06:13)

My son doesn't want a sibling anymore the day after seeing his dad

We've been apart for almost 3 years due to DV, he sees my son once every 2 weeks and each time my son comes home "offish". He won't talk to my partner who has been here most weekends for the past 6 months, prior to this I mostly saw him alone and we've been together for 2 years now. He saw his dad yesterday, and comes out with "I don't want a brother or sister" randomly? A few months ago he was happy talking about how my partner and I may get married and have a baby. Nothing has changed between my partner and I, we don't argue. Seems too much of a coincidence for it to be the day after he says something like this.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:13)

We're so excited about our live #pregnancy and podcast chat with @JessieWare tomorrow at 7.30pm on our IGLive. Join us to hear amazing experiences from the #tablemanners podcaster and for a chance to #win an UPPAbaby Vista V2 buggy!

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 06:27)

So realistically at what age can I put coffee table decor back on the table? - Mom of 8 month old ninja.

Sorta kinda joking. But also not.

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 05:24)

The only way for a student to get respect inside the system of school is to earn temporary approval from a teacher he won’t likely see again any time soon. If that teacher is mercurial, petty, or inconsistent, the student is told to deal with it. -@ThisIsSethsBlog, #kids

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4 years ago

(Sep 19, 2021 04:39)

Does it ever get better?

I’m only 2 weeks PP, but I’m feeling extremely overwhelmed. I’ve always wanted to be a mom and I love my son very much, but the sleepless nights and constant crying are really getting to me. And it’s making me wonder if all this fatigue is forever. My son sleeps quite a bit during the day but at night, every hour, he wakes up. Sometimes I know that he’s hungry or he needs to be changed,and other times I have no idea what he’s crying about. I’m just so tired, wondering if this will ever end. The feeling of regret and baby blues are coming in hard and I feel so guilty about it.

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