If Bitcoin Can’t Handle a Few JPEGs, How Can It Handle the World?
91% up
Frenchman Sent to Moroccan Prison for Buying a Car with BTC
100% up
Being 100% in crypto can be a valid strategy, especially living in a country with massive inflation
If you live in a country whose fiat currency drops over -95% in value within years you understand what I mean. It's nothing compared to buying the 2 top crypto by marketcap at their ATHs. Holding them all the way down isn't that painful and sad than seeing your fiat going worthless. Your crypto - I'm talking mainly about the top 2 - are going to recover. The inflated fiat of my country won't recover its precious value ever again! Now you see my point? Rather than painfully see my hard earned money becoming worthless, I invest it into crypto. Even with this volatility, even with the downs in this rather long bear market, even if people say recession isn't over. Even then I will be investing in crypto. Because at the end, crypto still has a chance to recover and become bigger (it doens't matter for me personally if it will be this year, next year or some year later). My country's fiat won't recover, it won't become more value.
100% up
#Bitcoin ’s supply held on exchanges has fallen to 5.84% – the lowest point in the past five and a half years. Self-custody is the way 👏🧡
75% up
What’s the next step you want to see for moons
We can trade em, collect em, sell em and not very much else. What ideas do you have to increase usability and utility. I’d say we make a Reddit nft marketplace that ran on moons or you could buy Reddit add ons with moons like badges. I’d like to see Reddit adopt moons as a platform wide currency rather than limiting it to the cryptocurrency sub. If it was possible to make an in app dex and reduce gas fees by moving to a different network that would be welcomed too. I think the bear market is the best time to do this before moons explode and everyone’s blinded by their portfolio values.
100% up
Bitcoin Devs Discuss Cancelling Ordinals by Changing the Code - Tokenist
89% up
On crypto bros making money out of thin air
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Bitcoin Held on Exchanges Drops to 5-Year Lows: Santiment
100% up
Crypto can be too damn complicated to use sometimes. How can that be changed?
The hoops you have to jump through to do anything with crypto can be laughable. I never need to jump through 500 hoops like I do with the etherium network or metamask for example as compared to when I want to send someone money from my bank or use a simple app like PayPal. Maybe the average person wouldn't need to do these things with crypto but I still feel like this needs to all be simplified somehow. I guess another question to ask though is if it's a feature or a bug of crypto. What do you think and how would you try to improve the crypto ecosystem? 🪙 🌙
63% up
U.S. Internal Revenue Service Files Claims Worth $44 Billion Against FTX Bankruptcy
100% up
OriginTrail: The Worst Named Crypto
**Dying from a fever** **Dying from dysentery** **Catching cholera and dying** **Drowning while fording a river** **Dying from a broken leg that was bitten by a snake** ​ This is not what you want me to think of when I think of your crypto project, but OriginTrail has 100% succeeded in doing that. I am not going to invest in a project that brings back nightmares about my wagon breaking an axle and then catching typhoid and dying a lonely death far from civilization. I get it that the founders of this project are not from the US and never had the privilege of being scared for life from the trauma involved in playing *Oregon Trail*, but this is why you run the name of your "amazing" crypto project through an international focus group (ie Discord or Telegram). ​ https://preview.redd.it/d8ug05lvo1za1.png?width=1432&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=ed0f78de756d0208bf792c3ada2655588b36c2d7
100% up
Tether Posts Massive First Quarter Profits of $1.48 Billion
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$95 Million Loans Backed By NFTs: What Could Go Wrong?
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China's Bitcoin Ban Has Been Ineffective: At Least $17Bn Transferred by Chinese Nationals Last Year
80% up
Bitcoin whale accumulation nears end; Bull run to follow?
77% up