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2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 05:58)

Bitcoin will never reach $20 again

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2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 07:49)

Litecoin halving is 13 days away — So where is the LTC price rally?

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2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 07:59)

Doctor who played a role in fighting Mad Cows Disease outbreak launches medical based NFT & Crypto brand "Cows Gone Mad" to advance education on healthcare

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84% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 05:53)

With the prices and trajectory of Reddit Community tokens, it's hard to believe we're still in a bear market. And the real bull run hasn't even started yet

Technically, we're still in a bear market even with the price of Moons going off. Bitcoin actually fell off a fair bit yesterday with a slight recovery even while Moons was still going up in price. And the rest of the market follows Bitcoin as typical. But Moons just kept going and going. Bricks, the token for r/fortnite also had great gains as well. Yet we still supposedly have several months to go until Bitcoin's halving which, sometime after, the real bull run is supposed to start. And we still don't know where exactly Reddit is looking to take Reddit Community Points with the change of the TOS. The ceiling still looks pretty high for these tokens.

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2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 07:35)

Just a reminder that the for every person who put $100 into a meme coin and made $50,000, there are thousands that put in $100, $1,000 or $10,000 and where left with $0. If you are hearing about the massive gains chances are you are too late...

With the possible start of the next bull run just around the corner, I felt the need to share this important message once again. First things first, don't beat yourself up if you missed out on holding a project or didn't jump in at the perfect moment as some random person suggested. Just take a look at CoinMarketCap to get a reality check of all those projects that have vanished into thin air, down to zero. Use it reminder that the crypto market is still very new and volatile. There'll be plenty more opportunities to make good gains. Remember, do your own research! Don't blindly jump into hype or FOMO. Take your time, gather information, and make informed decisions.

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63% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 05:37)

I believe in the bullrun next year, but I don't believe we will hit new ATHs

While most of us believe that after the Bitcoin halving a crypto bullrun will start, I think that we will not see new **A**ll **T**ime **H**ighs this time. Very controversial thought of me, but the global economy doesn't look good. People only see black or white, bad or good. But there's also something in between. And this time bears and bulls are both "right". A weak bullrun will be a result. What's the hardest part in crypto investment? Taking profits it is! If we were really not to hit new ATHs, I expect many of us to not taking any profits, because of the narrative to only make gains when our portfolio is green and that crypto could only go up everytime. Ofc I am just a random fellow redditor and I don't have a crystal ball, but take this possibility in consideration that not every bullrun necessarily leads to new all time highs.

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92% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 09:49)

What's your coin that got away?

Most of us probably have a few of these: coins that we had a hunch that the price would moon, but we stayed on the sidelines. Or coins that we watched the top come, and the top go, and fall back down or far below the level they were at initially. I remember buying DOGE for about 2 cents in 2020 and happily selling it when it hit 5 cents in early 2021 - little did I know that it would go more than 10x higher. Don't really regret it though, at least I made a profit. Like a lot of others here, I've still got some Algo bags, so I obviously timed that completely wrong. What's your coin that got away? That you saw and missed, or saw but got the timing completely wrong?

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2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 06:18)

With all this hype, let's talk about preventing getting scammed.

With all this hype and activity going on with our beloved moons, I would like to remind people, be careful of scams that most likely gonna come from all of this. Remember, don't click and connect your wallet to sites you don't trust, always check it's the right url. No one gonna double your moons. Don't send moons to random strangers beside tipping. Don't share your seed phrase ,don't store it in the cloud . If anyone else got some points, I missed , please comment below. Keep safe and buckle up

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88% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 05:39)

First Cross between the 200 MA & 20 MA in BITCOIN'S HISTORY

​ The first cross between the 200-day moving average and the 20-day moving average in Bitcoin's history is a significant event. When the 20 MA crosses above the 200 MA, we call it a golden cross. It's bullish AF. Back when the 20 MA crossed below the 200 MA, everyone called it a death cross. Bearish AF :( Moving averages aren't the only thing to go on but my take is that if a bunch of professional industrial investors look for stuff like this, then I will too. I don't even know if bitcoin's about to rip or not, but apparently it's like NEVER happened before where this golden cross is hit and somehow the market turns the opposite direction. That's why these indicators are used. Obviously not foolproof but, kiiinda? I'm actually kind of shocked there isn't considerably more attention from the crypto community about this.

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88% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 05:39)

Ethereum Monthly Burn Surpasses 146,000 ETH As Total Clears $6.5 Billion

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2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 09:29)

Please be careful with your Reddit accounts, phishing for your tokens have increased!

I’ve had an untold amount of phishing attempts go into my inbox after the recent rise of Moon. Especially the people holding a substantial amount! Some people now hold an extremely large amount of cash tied to their Reddit accounts. We need to take more precaution than usual and always be skeptical of links posted here, and any messages you get in your inbox. Luckily there has been a lot of security features added over the last few years. **Please do the following, if you haven’t already:** * Enable 2FA for your Reddit account * Always check that links to articles are from a reputable website * Don’t trust anyone privately messaging you on Reddit * Change your password on Reddit, if you use it on multiple sites * Check to see if your e-mail details has been leaked online, using services such as ‘haveibeenpwned’ Did I miss anything? Stay safe everyone!

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81% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 06:57)

With the recent XRP ruling and Reddit's crypto surging is it safe to say Altcoin season is on its way?

The SEC ruled in XRP's favor. A week later we see Reddit's crypto token blasting off. We can expect to see more bullish altcoin news in the near future. BTC and Ether have gone down and many alts have held their positions, like ADA at $0.31. With BTC dominance down, will this be the beginning of some sort of alt rally? Many altcoins lost much much more than BTC after the last major crash. It seems like at some point we will have the altcoins make moves. Will this be a springboard for altcoins?

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80% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 10:12)

/r/place is starting up tomorrow

Reddit's r/place subreddit is a collaborative project where anyone registered with the site is given access to a blank canvas made up of tiny white pixel grids. Users can place a single tiny square on it every five minutes, forming a giant piece of art. We have a lot of bullish things going on at the moment like XRP case, moons getting listed, black Rock etf, and general bullish sentiment in the space. We should organize ourselves to make something on /r/place to create even more awareness for the community. What should we make? Moons, BTC, green dildos? If even one person sees our art and becomes orage pilled through curiosity, we will have helped adoption a bit.

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89% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 07:26)

“You should read up on how Japan deals with regulation. When FTX crashed, NO ONE IN FTX JAPAN LOST MONEY.” Mark Cuban.

He Follows, If the USA/SEC had followed their example by setting clear regulations that required the separation of customer and business funds and clear wallet requirements, NO ONE HERE WOULD HAVE LOST MONEY ON FTX. But of course they chose to litigate to regulate. You need to face the fact of the matter that crypto is one more technology that will succeed or fail based on its merits. It's the SEC that chose the wrong path to regulate Crypto and cost billions. The SEC is not infallible. It makes mistakes. In this case it chose the wrong course. It was arrogant in thinking that it's framework covered every possible situation. Tweet: Reference:

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83% up

2 years ago

(Jul 19, 2023 10:16)

any tips on how to get more crypto fast

im new to the crypto and nft stuff and im 17 so i cant purchace crypto anywhere because im not 18. ive sold a few nfts that ive recieved for free but other than that i dont have any way to increase my wallet value. im also stuck on the polygon network but i want to get some ether in the etherium mainnet but since i cant buy any and i dont have enough MATIC to be able to bridge it to etherium im kinda stuck. i understand the risks of investing in crypto and im ready to invest i just dont know how so any advice on how to get etherium would be greatly appreciated.

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