A subscription that finds cheap flights for you, touch-up paint for quick fixes, a horde of birthday cards for the friend group, and so much more. https://t.co/PGQnMKUrZ6
Unbelievably smart ideas to #reuse your old stuff! #5mc #recyclingideas #upcycled #reuse https://t.co/lS641csHV2
Easy last-minute ways to color your Easter eggs! #5mc #easter #eastereggs https://t.co/zvpz3B1wWl
It's been a while since we’ve designed a new paper luminary! For our garden theme this month, Krista has created a papercut greenhouse luminary in two sizes. We just love all of the beautiful and intricate details she added and think these would be so pretty for a garden party or spring celebration. Tap the link in our bio to learn how you can make this! * * * #papercut #paperhouse #paperhouses #paapergreenhouse #paperdecor #paperdecoration #paperdecorations #diypartydecor #diydecor #papercrafting #papercrafts #papercraftideas #papercraft #paperproject #paperprojects #paperdiy #diypapercrafts #diypapercraft #paperart #paperartist #svgfiles #svgcuts #svgcuttingfiles #svgfile #svgdesigns #svgcutfiles #liagriffith #madewithlia
I’ve spent the last few weeks cleaning up the backyard and putting up new tikibrandproducts BiteFighter® LED string lights. #AD These string lights not only help illuminate the backyard, but they have special Repellent Pods that work with the lights to provide up to 330 sqft of mosquito protection! So you could say I’m all set up and ready for all the backyard swimming and hanging out with friends while repelling mosquitos! Grab your own set of BiteFighter® LED string lights for 15% off with code KAILO15 at https://bit.ly/KAILO15.