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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 06:09)

Happy to share the latest watercolor I made! Bumblebee butt! ❤️

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 05:39)

Taking my things to a crafts market next weekend. Very nervous.

Pictures and wreaths made from pine cones. A lot of work and I’ve probably set the prices too low. Hopefully they’ll sell. Wish me luck!

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 06:10)

I made my first necklace today!

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 07:21)

Horns attachment for headset

Recently made a horns for headphones/ headset decorated with gemstones. Whad do you think ? ^^ made of polymer clay.

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 07:33)

How do you store your earrings when you go to fairs?

Hey, for those of you who do fairs and sell earrings, how do you store them to get them to and from. The fair? Part of my display can be left intact (closing pegboard) but the others will be on cards on display racks, the wooden kind the card sits in, so they have to be 'taken down' each time. I dont want them to get jumbled or break of they rattle around and hit each other (they are beaded danglie ones). I'm thinking a small tote with deviders, but im open to suggestions

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 09:30)

Wet charcoal and pastel art I did inspired by the ministry of funny walks. 'Knees up Mr Brown '.

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 08:05)

Tiny book case & display shelf

I made these tiny book case displays today! 📚

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 10:41)

Polymer clay dog sculpture just finished today .

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 10:27)

Testing out Acryla Gouache!

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 10:48)

White pomeranian jewelry brooch 🤍

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 10:19)

What type of thread is used in this project?

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 07:37)

How to prevent color bleed on tea candles?

Hello! I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what to do here. I'm making rustic party favors for my sister's wedding, with the color theme being burnt orange and sage. I had melted down some tea candles and added some dehydrated orange peel and rosemary. They looked great at first (second picture) but now a month or so later, the dehydrated orange has turned more of a yellow, and has leeched into the white candle (first pic). Does anyone have any technique suggestions, or alternatives to the orange peel? Much appreciated!! I'm also hoping that I can remelt and scoop out the yellow bits without having to toss the whole candle :')

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 10:18)

Water slide decal on a lighter flammability question

I don’t know if this is the right sub for this but I have done a bunch of water slide decals and usually seal them with a clear coat of polyurethane. I’m making my friend a present and putting a water slide decal on a lighter outside body but am worried about the flame being near polyurethane sealant. Is there a need to worry/ an alternative to polyurethane that would be easier?

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 11:40)

A weeping cherry tree made from wire, paper mache and beads

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2 years ago

(Jul 18, 2023 12:25)

I made a polymer Mushroom desk pet who loves cookies ^_^

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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