SWEAR TO GOD: A Brisbane man who said he’s given up waiting has told The Advocate that the side mirrors on Australian selector George Bailey’s car are as good as gone if he doesn’t pick leg-spinner Mitch Swepson in a Test over in Pakistan. In addition to that, Dale Moke went on to say he’d even jump on the sunroof as he knows how long and expensive that is to fix. “I’m sick of it,” he said. “Actually, I’ll boot all their side mirrors off. I know that Trevor Hohns has had his side mirrors booted off for decades. I’m more limber than I look. I could boot the side mirrors off a Prado,” “If they take Mitchell over to Pakistan and they don’t play him, the cops will have to shoot me. That’s the only way those side mirrors are going to stay on George Bailey’s car.” More to come.
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