Looking for annoying toys!
I dislike my sister in law and she has a penchant for getting the worst toys for my kids. Loud, lots of pieces, annoying. Her sons birthday is coming up and I want to return the favor, without being blatantly obvious that I am getting them an annoying toy. He is 2, and I need help lol
100% up
Students are often told *what* to learn but are rarely taught *how* to learn, which has the potential to leave them stuck, anxious, and disengaged. @edutopia @parrishlearning https://t.co/hy0TPmLniR
Manage your online reputation with this helpful checklist ⤵️ ⚙️ Check your settings 🚫 Deactivate old accounts 🖥️ Make the most of your time online 👍 Think before you post https://t.co/0d3qfxnHyO #DigitalFootprint #Privacy #OnlineReputation https://t.co/c5x81tBRe9
WIBTA if I stocked up slowly?
We all know about the formula shortage. I'm pregnant, due in September and really fucking worried about my ability to feed my child (as all parents are right now). Would I be an asshole if I started stocking up now and buying a can of formula here and there to ensure I'll be able to feed my baby in September? My husband and mom agree that they can't blame me for it and have been thinking the same things. I don't want to take food from anyone else though 😔
100% up
My MIL is reusing bottles all day
Hi! I’m a clean freak germaphobe so I need some other perspectives. My MIL watches my baby all day. She decided today to reuse the same bottle ALL DAY. She puts it in the fridge with the remaining formula and just fills it up from there. Blames the formula shortage. We pay for the formula and are doing ok? Am I being annoying or is that nasty?
100% up
Five teachers with a combined 90 years of experience share tips for parents of 2- to 5-year-olds. 👌 #sponsored @LEGO_Group https://t.co/zFlgVt6PNv
"The more we connect our kids’ choices with their broader impacts on others, the more they will consider themselves as part of a larger whole, and the kinder and more compassionate they will be." @dfkris @marcbrackett @clairejlerner @LDamour @lindy2350 https://t.co/G2q8JHa8OQ
This is what we give our children - belief in themselves. Sometimes it takes until they're in their twenties - so keep at it! https://t.co/7xRnNKTrpc
Daycare and (lack of) independent sleep
Babe will be starting daycare in 3 weeks (she is 2 months old tomorrow). I have tried unsuccessfully every day to get her to nap in her crib, pretty much always failing. We cosleep at night and contact nap during the day…. She is definitely a Velcro baby and I can never put her down. Should I just give up and let daycare figure it out? Or is it worth it to keep trying even if every day she wakes up the second I put her in the crib?
90% up
The Simple Present of English Verbs via @ParentingPatch https://t.co/BkQxv9eNdT #anomalousverb #tense
What I wish I had done -- toothbrushing
Trying to brush my 21-month old's teeth has been a nightmare. He hates anything in his mouth, he hates anyone touching his mouth, he absolutely will not let anyone touch his teeth without screaming and biting... I really wish I had taken the suggestions from early days to start "brushing" your baby's gums with a washcloth everyday. At the time, I didn't see the point because he didn't have any teeth. And then when he only had little nubs, we didn't bother brushing much either because, well he already hated the sensation and it didn't seem worth the crying. And now, it's just impossible. And now I realize what the benefit of "brushing" with a washcloth would have been -- purely to desensitize him to having something in his mouth! And if we had kept it up everyday, then it wouldn't seem like medieval torture to him now. Sigh... anyways I hope some other new parents can benefit from this!
100% up
The more the capacity to concentrate is developed, the more often the profound tranquility in work is achieved, then the clearer will be the manifestation of discipline within the child. -Montessori, #family
Should internet/social media use be regulated the same way alcohol and tobacco is? I think so! https://t.co/m0QisBQ00U #mentalhealthawareness #growingup