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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 09:13)

My daughter is refusing to use her partial scholarships

My daughter is off to college this Fall. She was given money at 2 schools in our state that each equate to over $40,000 over 4 years. These schools are top in our state and would save our family some money. However, she turns her nose up at the schools and would rather go to schools that are more expensive. I'm I wrong if I tell her to pick between the schools offering the scholarships?

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 07:21)

No time for anything

New moms - how do you cope? Do you make time for cooking, cleaning, and exercising? My husband keeps getting mad at me for not doing these things, but I can’t find time with an 8 week old that eats every 3 hours. And I can’t seem to explain to him that I’m trying my hardest.

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 08:54)

How much are you putting on Hey Bear/Ms Rachel?

(The dancing fruits is hey bear if anyone doesn’t know) I feel like I have hey bear or Ms Rachel on all day even if we aren’t actively watching just for like background noise/I needed ideas for kids songs honestly. I know they say to avoid screen time for kids under 2 but like … is that all screen time? Or is it like iPad screen time? I feel guilty but sometimes she likes to sit in her swing and watch the fruits dance!

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 07:43)

How many crib sheets do you actually use?

Kind of a silly post but I have just two crib sheets (one of those “let’s wait until the baby is here before getting more to make sure we really need it” things) but I really just use the same one. I wash it and put it right back on the mattress. It saves me time from having to fold it and put it away. We’ll soon have two crib mattresses in use (one for new baby in the crib and one for older kid in the toddler bed). Maybe just one per kid/mattress is enough?

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 08:33)

I had the day off. I still sent the baby to daycare.

So, in spite of some people saying that some moms just park their kids at daycare, I got charged for an extra day, so I sent her whenever they had space. I thought, well we paid, might as well use the hours if possible. What did I do? Had breakfast while binge watching Hart of Dixie. Finished my homework and studied for my test text week. Cleaned the whole house. Worked out. Cut the grass. Enjoyed coffee on my porch without having to stop every 1 minute to chase my toddler. Wrong? Idk. I needed this day and I feel like I was extremely productive. So honestly, screw people around us that say we park our kids to daycare. We do so we can get shit done, or even just for some needed recharge battery.

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 06:13)

Baby has "diarrhea" at daycare but fine at home

Hello, I feel a little crazy. My daughter started at a new daycare yesterday and on their app they have been logging multiple diarrhea diapers and overall fussiness and so here's the timeline: Yesterday between 7 and 3pm: 3 to 4 diarrhea diapers. Yesterday picked up for day at 330, no poopy diapers. Wet diapers only Dropped off at daycare today at 7, had diarrhea once then was picked up at 10am After 10am this morning she hasn't had any bowel movements but has wet diapers. Am I crazy to think it's the daycare? I have coworkers who bring their kids there too and they all agree they're a good place. While I just met them the teachers in her room are also moms who have kids there as well. Other details that might be helpful: 7 month old girl, her vaginal area is red and swollen but bum is fine. It's pretty hot where we are but AC at home, in the car and at daycare. She's on formula only. Any insight?

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 08:38)

Advice for Losing Baby

This may be premature, but I'd like to be prepared none the less. It's a very real possibility that we may be losing the baby due to some health complications. I have been working hard at comforting my wife and reassuring her that everything will be ok. I have no idea how to support her or if my hugs/cuddles, words of affirmation are even working.... On top of that there would be the tough task of explaining this to our 5 year old since he was really excited for this pregnancy too. I know this is a reality especially having kids this close to 40, but looking for advice or anything really to help with the emotional toll if this scenario plays out like we expect it to.

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 06:17)

Social anxiety in 4 year old

He has been going to a daycare since he was 1. He only stays there for 7 hours daily. He has a fear of rejection that am not sure is normal for his age. The incidents happen only is his daycare. Example: 4 kids are supposed to sit around a table, 3 of them chose one side and he choses the other side. Once he realizes he’s the only one sitting on that side he bursts crying. Teacher reported the incident, so I told him that next time just ask your friend to come sit next to you. His reply was “but what if they say they don’t wanna sit next to me?” I wasn’t prepared for this answer and didn’t know what to say. How would you reply to this? And what can we do actively to reduce his social anxiety? I should add we don’t have friends with kids so his social circle is just the daycare and us.

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 06:05)

2 week PP and too scared to look down there any advice?

When did you last look at your area and what should I be looking for to make sure everything is healing ok 😅

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 10:02)

I might have an unruptured aneurysm

I’m getting an MRI / MRA next week and freaking out. I suddenly started having “thunderclap” headaches during exertion, and my doctor is concerned. I’m terrified that this will end in brain surgery and worried about how my sweet autistic 6 year old will handle it. I’m generally a healthy person and am pretty broke financially right now, also feel like I have a ticking time bomb inside my head now. I’m so scared!

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 10:10)

Anyone else loathe “kids music”?

I cannot stand classic American kids music - wheels on the bus, heads shoulders knees toes, baby shark, etc. I was raised by European parents in America so maybe I’m biased but it’s literally like nails on a chalkboard to me. My mom never played that kind of music for me but I did watch Barney/Sesame Street and went to an American kindergarten so I was somewhat exposed to it. I have a 7 week old LO and I’m determined to not play that shit at home or in my car. Obviously I’m fine with him singing or learning those songs at school but I refuse to play them at home. Does anyone else feel like this or AITA?

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 06:01)

Need advice from other women on the copper IUD

Ever since I got this IUD back in January, my periods have been more consistent but also I am constantly lightly spotting even when I’ve just gotten off my period. It is really getting in the way of my sex life and my doctor hasn’t been too helpful in getting it figured out. To be clear, I haven’t actually been able to see my doctor since I had my baby back in November, but when I did go, I spoke with the nurse practitioner. She pretty much told me that this was one of the side effects of this particular IUD. She said I could switch to a different kind that had hormone stuff with it. Honestly I don’t know what to do. I’m gonna be honest in saying that I didn’t really research my birth control too much. I just read something about how good the copper IUD was and just went with it. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what did you do? If you switched, to what? And why? How has it affected you?

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 10:00)

No pictures with my baby

Basically what the caption says! My baby is about to be 6 months, and I have almost no pictures with her (besides selfies I’ve taken lol) but I have so many of her with everyone else. I’ve expressed how sad this makes me to my boyfriend because there’s so many pictures of him, my family, and our friends with her but literally none with me. He still doesn’t ever take pictures of her and I together. The selfies will suffice for now, but I want candid pictures of us to look back on. Is getting a tripod too “extra” or dumb? Lmao. It feels so silly to think about but I just feel like I have no other option!! I know a tripod would defeat the point of candid moments but at least the pictures would be a bit better than selfies? Have any of you done this or considered doing it? I know it sounds morbid, but if something were to happen to me, she’d have close to nothing to remember me by. I just want pictures with my baby!

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 10:18)

DAE feel like each post here is a mini group therapy session?

You are all my lifeline to sanity. I love you all.

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2 years ago

(Jul 07, 2023 09:40)

MJ use while BF

No judgement is welcome, this is purely out of curiosity. I know there’s not much research out there on smoking weed while breastfeeding and I was curious what information you all have on the subject. I smoked before I got pregnant and had stopped prior to conceiving & haven’t smoked at all during this pregnancy but I do suffer from pretty bad anxiety/panic disorder and I worry about PPA and have been thinking about smoking once I give birth. My only hang up is I will be breast feeding and there’s not a lot of research on the effects it has on your milk and how long it stays in the milk etc. I will not smoke if there’s a chance it could effect my child, but I wanted to know your guys’ thoughts & whether this is something you have or haven’t done and why?

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