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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 09:14)

No, I am not grateful

I am not grateful my husband "helps out" so much around the house- he actually just lives here and does an equal share. I am not grateful that he is "so good" with the baby- contrary to the belief of others, we both work very hard to be great parents. I am not grateful my husband "watches the baby" so I can run errands- the time he spends as a caregiver is not more valuable than mine. Things I am grateful for: My husband is a feminist, a great dad, and also annoyed with the unsolicited gold stars random people like to give him for doing the exact same things as me. Thanks for listening.

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 05:51)

When did your child learn to read?

My kid turned 5 last month. He is starting kindergarten this fall. He has been able to discern a few words with a lot of prompting and sounding it out together and he can recognize and write his name. He otherwise doesn’t read or write, really. He knows most of the alphabet but gets confused with lower and uppercase letters and the difference between M and W, or d and b, etc. He likes to “practice” writing, where he writes combinations of letters and asks us what it says (usually all consonants and never actual words). I’m just worried about him starting kindergarten this fall—the reading standards are so much higher than when I learned. And I read a TON, always have, since I was a kid. So I didn’t see much point in pushing him, thinking he had more time.

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 06:50)

New game: what kids book do you HATE the morals of?

For me, it's 'The Pout-Pout Fish.' My husband and I describe it both as "it's important to change who you are based on others' expectations" and "depression can be fixed by a pretty girl (fish?) kissing you without your consent." It's written with cute rhymes, but the ending and overall implied messaging drives me bananas! What are the ones you all can't stand?

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 08:15)

Anyone elses family constantly telling you baby is hungry or needs to be fed?

I have been breastfeeding my son for 4 months now. I dont mind giving him the occasional top up bottle and I dont judge mothers who bottle feed their babies but for a number of reasons it has been important for me to bf my baby. It has been a tough journey with many challenges but my supply is well established, we are in a routine and my son is growing well. In spite of this my family is constantly telling me that my milk might not be enough and if he cries even just a little or does not fall asleep quickly they tell me hes hungry and needs to feed even if I just fed him not too long ago and know hes not hungry. Ive also constantly been told to top up with formula bottles even though there is no need for that? All of this is making me so insecure and annoyed. Anyone elses family do this?

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 09:00)

It turns out dance is a combination of several activities that are each good for us in their own right. Here are four reasons why dancing is good for you, according to science. @KiraMNewman @GreaterGoodSC

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 08:03)

I can't fucking wait....the end is almost here!

I only have about 300 or so dollars left to save and then I can file for divorce I'm so fucking elated I can't even right now! Best day ever!

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 07:38)

when will i have my own life?

I just need to vent. I'm so fucking exhausted of taking care of 2 fucking kids. I had to stop working 5 years ago and i feel like shit. I missed work, whatever work, i just missed NOT being a fucking mom. I hate when they call me "mom" 200 times a day. I want to take care of my self, of my weight, of my health, I'm digging my own grave. Nobody around me can take my fucking kids even for a day. Here, we have started 2 entire months of holiday. 2. Entire. Months. With. My kids. Alone. I don't have money to do anything. Thank god i have a garden. I'm so fucking mad of being a mom. I didn't want this live at all, like what the fuck happened? How did i became a sahm, single parenting of 2 kids? I have no idea. My anger against myself is so so deep. Thank you for reading.

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 07:00)

⚠️ Dealing with #cyberbullying ⏱️ Time online 📲 Social media 🤳#Imagesharing and inappropriate content 📗Our FREE #OnlineSafety booklet for parents will help you support your child to be safe online: #Parents

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 06:22)

fetus leg size

Hi all. We got an ultrasound done today and were told that one of the baby's leg was smaller than the other. They want us to have another ultra sound done in a month since they said it was a little early to be sure. Has anyone faced something similar? Did the other limb grow normally later?

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 06:52)

if money wasn't an issue ...

Would you have a very large family? (More than 4 children)

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 07:47)

Constant bickering! Do I intervene or leave it?

I have two daughters, 4 & 7, and lately they fight and argue about EVERYTHING! Usually I’m on them all day long; breaking up squabbles, calming storms, yelling for quiet. Do I keep doing this and trying to intervene and parent? Or do I just let kids be kids and expect them to sort it out and learn as they go??

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 07:17)

Do you sit in the backseat of the car with your littles?

Obviously when someone else can drive. Like on longer road trips or just driving anywhere as a family when you have very little ones like babies/toddlers. Do you get back there with them for extra quality time or no? Kicking myself for not doing this more especially on road trips. Working full time I feel like I should be taking advantage of this extra time together when we’re literally trapped together with no other distractions/anything else to tend to. Thoughts?

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 05:54)

Wind at night?

Does anybody have any tips on reducing baby’s gas through the night? It’s not trapped as such as it’s not upsetting her, but she’s waking up multiple times a night to fart 😂 then she’s awake and wants fed back to sleep! This has only just started happening at 4mo so frustrating as she has previously slept through the night, but at the moment she’s up 3-4 times a night passing gas and/or pooping. We try a tummy massage before bed, burping during/after her feeds, bicycle legs etc etc., but every night for the past couple of weeks we’ve all been woken because of her wind. Any tips?!

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 06:30)

Burned out and guilty

My baby is 4 months now and he’s awesome. Everyone comments how good of a baby he is everywhere we go. I’ve been home with him the entire time and will be going back to work less than part time to be with him. But man I feel so mentally shitty about myself. I feel like I don’t have my own routine, I’m so focused on his, we do the same thing everyday, at least it feels like that, and I have mom guilt that I’m not “expanding his mind”. I don’t have my own routine so I will oversleep, yes oversleep when he naps just so my day goes by faster. I want to workout and do things for myself or even clean but when it comes to it I just sit there and then I tell myself how lazy I am. I love him so much and I feel guilty for feeling this way. How do moms have their own routine balanced with baby without feeling like you’re just doing the least with them.

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3 years ago

(Jul 08, 2022 07:33)

Partner isn’t nice to me since I had our daughter

Not sure if anyone has felt the way i do. i love the relationship my partner has with our daughter and he loves being a dad. He has his flaws but with time comes patience. for the past few months, he’s not very nice or he’s blaming me for something, i get all the anger of the day directed at me. when he sees our daughter his anger melts away, and i love that. it’s something i always wanted for my child that i never got. but now it has me slightly envious that she gets all his niceness and i get basically none aside from when he wants sex. is this normal? i’ve communicated this with him and he just seems to get angrier with me. is this what marriage becomes?

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