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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 05:49)

When does survival mode end?

Currently 5 weeks with my first baby and as much as I am loving motherhood, I feel like I have been in survival mode since her birth. I am just taking each day as it comes, trying to get pockets of sleep in while she only wants to contact nap, eating way too much sugar and junk because I don't have time to make proper meals, doing everything I can to improve my low milk supply meanwhile putting myself more in debt because of ordering way too much takeout and impulse baby supply purchases trying to survive so stressing about finances on top of everything else. Looking for encouragement.

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 09:10)

My trans daughter keeps getting furious with me because I misstep on the details

I keep telling my daughter that she is not being disenfranchised because I often say he. I don't mean to but I spent years saying He and also sometimes slips just happen. My mother says at least 5 other names before she says mine. My dad refers to me as he all the time when he talks to other folks. My parents were born during WW!! and you can that they can be forgiven because of their age and time-period-of-understanding but I also need time but that doesn't mean I'm an irrational baby boomer. The truth is when I misstep - it isn''t me being rude, but my memories haven't caught up with reality. But my kid thinks I'm transphobic.

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 08:06)

10 yr old girl kissed my 8yr old son and 10 yr old daughter in the bushes

We have a seasonal campsite at a campground and on Monday my son and daughter were playing with a girl they never had before. Long story short she td them to play spin the bottle. (she got a bottle out of the garbage can) and kissed them both on the lips. My daughter once or twice and my son multiple times. He's only just turned 8. She put her arms around him and kissed him longer than my daughter who is 10. She also lifted her shirt to both of them and asked my daughter to but she refused. I told this girl my kids are not allowed to play with her anymore and I didn't appreciate them getting kissed by her. My daughter is grossed out with this being her first kiss and feels she didn't protect her brother. Any advice? I haven't talked to the mom and im not sure I want to. This is fucked up, right? I feel my kids were taken advantage of.

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 06:12)

Husband took kids out so I can finish some work... And I just noticed all of their shoes are still on the shoe rack

...So they are barefoot. Anyone else's husband not seem to understand the basics?

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 09:27)

My autistic son wants to play dress up, but I can’t afford to buy him costumes.

Hello, I have a 15 year old son with autism who wants to dress up and play pretend. Unfortunately, I do not have the money to buy him costumes. I thought about taking him to indoor playgrounds and children’s museums, where they have plenty of opportunities for dress up and pretend play. However, none of those places in our area allow kids over 12 years old to play. I’ve told my son that he doesn’t need a costume to pretend to be someone/something, but he acts like it’s a must for him. Any advice?

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 05:46)

Help an aunt out-9 yr old girl birthday gift ideas. Under $40.

What does your 9-10 year olds play with? My son is 17. Walking through the toy aisle I realized … I have no idea what I’m doing here. Party is this Sunday so bonus points If it can be bought from target, Walmart, Amazon or somewhere that can ship by Saturday. Thank you!!

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 06:28)

Just deleted all pictures of my daughter on social media

I have been seeing more and more stories online about the dangers of posting pictures of your child online. I spent about 2 hours deleting all pictures of my daughter (except for a few where you can only see the back of her head) off of my social media. It’s a scary world out there. I wish I would have done this sooner.

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 09:55)

Falling asleep during labor and contractions (with epidural)-Is this common?

I actually delivered my daughter 4 years ago but I have wondered all along if my experience was common. During labor I could not stay awake and I felt so embarrassed. Every push I had to use all my will to stay awake. I ended up developing a fever so I didn’t know if that could have played a part. Have any other moms experienced this during labor?

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 05:53)

16 week old unconsolable

This past week my 16 week old has been screaming crying almost all day. He doesn't have a fever, or seem to be sick. He's having normal wet/ dirty diapers. I thought for a bit he may be teething, but I can't see any redness or teeth popping through his gums. He's napping ok and sleeping fine through the night so far, but during the day it's like a whole different baby. He never had colic before but this really seems like it as he's screaming crying on and off for almost 10 hours daily. Has anyone gone through this around 4 months? I've heard some babies go through a stage from 3-6 months sometimes, but not sure if this is normal or not. I just feel awful for him and wish I could do something to help. He has his 4 months appointment next week so I will be bringing this up as well.

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 06:48)

26W pregnant w/ my first. Should I buy multiple types of bottles to see what baby prefers, or should I just get one type?

Hello! I’m pregnant w my first and trying to figure out which bottles to get. I think I found the ones that I’m going to go with, but I’m wondering if I should also be ordering another kind along with those in order to see what the baby prefers? What did you all do? What was your experience with bottles? Thanks!

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 06:50)

Anyone have toddler ask to use potty appropriately? Tips for potty training?

My son (22mo) asked to use the potty today and did number 1 and 2 appropriately. I did not have plans to potty train yet but want to ride the wave of his interest! Any tips or other parents who experienced this? Thank you!

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 05:42)

Solid food

Hello everyone, I have a 6 month old who we pushed off solids until we detoxed from a dairy allergy. It took a while but the doctor finally said we can start him on soft/blended foods. What did transitioning your kid to meals look like for you? How often should I offer food before giving a boob. He's brestfeed on demand. What should his food to milk ratio look like right now? I don't want to over or under do it and I'm confused. Thank you anyone for any guidance.

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 07:25)

Beach "vacation"

I am a "stay at the beach all day" person. My kids- not so much. My one year old does not nap unless it is in a car or a crib (pack and play) and my 4 year old likes the beach but wants to go to the pool. We pack, pull, set up & spend about 3 hours a day tops at the actual beach. It makes ME CRAZY lol I feel like a beach vacation failure. How do you get your kids to stay at the beach all day (minus the nap situation- we tried it all)

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 09:05)

It’s all too much

I (f44) have been married (m35) for 10 years and we have 4 kids. I recently found out that my husband was having what I considered an emotional affair with someone from work. I’m gutted , he says I’m over reacting. Which makes me even more upset, how can he think that is ok ? Now he leaves everyday to spend the day at work with this person. He says they don’t talk anymore… but I don’t trust him. If I get mad or sad, he gets mad at me and says now he feels like he is on a leash. I really want to save this marriage but this seems to be the thing that broke me! My chest hurts, I feel numb, I feel alone …. I’m not ok at all.

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2 years ago

(Jul 11, 2023 08:28)

Clearing baby’s nose

My two week old has big boogers in his nose and we were told to get a baby saline spray (Hydrasense) to use before suctioning with the bulb. However, the internet says it may be best to use on older babies although the product says 0+. Has anyone used this on their newborn? Any tips on suctioning the nose?

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