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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 07:38)

He admitted it

About 4 days ago I came down with a terrible case of either food poisoning or stomach flu and I was vomiting and shitting my brains out for a full day. To say the least it was miserable. While my husband helped out a bit I still maintained most of the childcare duties for the day. Well today the same thing seems to have taken him down and he said and I quote “I’m a real shit head. I’m so sorry I didn’t take the kids completely off your hands when you had this.” I don’t know why i even had to ask for help that day. And of course he’s being the stomach flu equivalent of man cold about this. I hope he feels better soon and remembers this day.

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 09:05)

"If principals aren’t being consulted, district plans won’t sufficiently reflect the needs of principals and their schools." @educationweek @drsuperville

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 09:47)

Friendly reminder 😄

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 09:22)

MIL obsessed with son’s circumcision.

My wife and I chose to circumcise our 3-month-old son when he was born. My MIL regularly sends us articles about how circumcision is “abusive” and “psychologically damaging.” Today, she told my wife that she burst into tears this afternoon because she was thinking about our son’s penis. I feel like it’s getting a bit excessive at this point and needs to stop. Any advice welcome.

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 10:00)

How many rules do you have for your teenager? Could you get by just 3 rules? @jesslahey explains! #parenting

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 06:09)

I would just like to thank...

My right boob, for being such a champ. Pumping out 5oz with ease while my left struggles to squeeze out a mere 2oz. Good job to you, right boob. Dont worry, you'll be able to retire in about 2 months.

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 08:22)

My daughter wants me to hold her back a year in school so she can be with her sister

Looking for advice because I honestly don’t know how to handle this. I have four kids, three bio and one foster who we are planning to adopt. My two daughters are 12 and 13, exactly a year and 2 days apart in age. They are best friends and inseparable. They’ve been in the same class almost their whole lives due to split grades. This year my eldest is in 8th grade so next year will be high school. She does really good in school and has lots of friends. However she recently told me she wants me to hold her back a year so she can go to high school the same year as her sister. She hasn’t said anything to anyone else but me. She said she just doesn’t want to go off to high school by herself, and I’m having a hard time disputing that since I know she has had some anxiety and stress about this since covid started and she realized high school was creeping up on her. Would you allow this? I haven’t asked my parents as I know they’d be against it, and my husband probably would be as well.

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 10:30)

Experts believe that a mix of medication and behavior-management therapy are key in making sure children with ADHD see lasting improvement.

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 06:36)

41 weeks, floors going in, no one here working, no nursery, high levels of anxiety. Pandemic timing at its finest.

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 06:10)

I Lied to my Pediatrician about Baby Girl's Sleeping Situation

My little girl is 6 months and I believe my job in this stage is to instill good habits, help her learn and grow, and offer comfort and love. I do everything else to meet the standard of care as recommended by our pediatrician. I have slept with my baby since she was born. I am very in tune with how I sleep. I do not move much without being aware so I have always felt like it was safe to do this. Are there others out there that do this? Do you feel like it is more beneficial for the baby?

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75% up

4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 09:44)

‘All pre-k applicants must be toilet trained’

Are your preschoolers really completely toilet trained? I’m having a very hard time with my 3 year old and going #2. We have been doing #1 for well over a year but #2 is “scary” to him and I don’t know why but apparently, according to his pediatrician and the internet it’s very common and normal. So are these common kids going to preschool? Or are they all home bc they can’t do #2 on the toilet yet? And also who is doing the wiping in preschool because I’m not sure if I trust a 3 year old to be a pro at wiping yet. I’m sure he could and would just hold it until he got home but I don’t want to lie and say he is ‘toilet trained’ and then have them kick him out when they realize he isn’t fully. (Side note: when we try toilet training at home he will refuse and hold it in for days until he become extremely constipated and needs laxatives, doctor says not to try again for a while because he clearly isn’t ready)

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 11:23)

We habitually serve children; and this is not only an act of servility toward them, but it is dangerous, since it tends to suffocate their useful, spontaneous activity. -Montessori, #parentingtips

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 06:43)

Tummy time tips?

3-month-old has started opting out of tummy time! She used to scream bloody murder, but she was also trying to push up on her hands and roll to her back. Now she just turns her head to the side and lays there, lol. She hasn’t rolled to her back (or vice versa) yet, so I’d like her to practice. Any tips to get her engaged? She’s starting to be a tiny bit interested in her toys, but ultimately can take them or leave them at this point, so it doesn’t work to put a toy just out of her reach.

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 09:40)

I just realized vacation with kids is not a vacation for parents.

It’s two separate things. I’m exhausted taking care of my kid on vacation away from her toys and stuff means I am her toy. I know there’s a lot of stuff to do, but honestly I don’t find the same stuff amusing as kids do and I’m sure vice versa. I know there are hotels with childcare… just realizing it took me this long to take my rose-colored glasses off and realize planning a vacation and paying for a vacation is filling my child’s glass but not mine. Anyone just realizing this too? Sorry. It’s just a bit of venting but nobody ever told me! Why don’t parents of older kids tell the parents of younger kids?🤷🏻‍♀️ at least then I can lower my expectations of vacations😂

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4 years ago

(Jul 14, 2021 11:05)

Helpful insights into how we can approach "attention-seeking" behavior, particularly looking at how students' self-esteem needs cause them to act in ways that defy what they know as right. @cultofpedagogy

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