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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 06:38)

Baby ate some body lotion, nanny says it’s ok, but I’m pissed

I walked in to our nanny making our 9 month baby’s hair, with an open jar of aveeno body lotion next to the baby. We occasionally use the lotion on her skin. Our baby had a big chunk of cream in her hand, and was licking it up. Our nanny wasn’t paying too much attention to that. When I immediately tried to stop it, she said it’s not a big deal. Am I overreacting? I’m really pissed - I do not want my kid to ingest these chemicals.

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 08:44)

Should I be more concerned about tanning?

My son is 15mo and generally quite fair (both parents are as well though we're Latino/Mediterranean so we both tan easily). I slather this kid in SPF 50, we go out in the mornings and sometimes a bit in the afternoon. He wears hats but I keep him in shorts and tshirts because it's REALLY hot out. He swims in long sleeves. Despite me being super on top of sunscreen he's tanning really quickly every time we go out even for an hour he comes back darker. Should I be concerned about the sun exposure/damage? Am I doing enough ? Do I need to buy SPF long sleeves and pants and have him covered up or is this just a normal part of life and being outside?

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 07:59)

This has nothing to do with mom stuff but woman and marriage things and is more like a “men rant”. Husband witnesses sexist and demeaning behavior toward me and is appalled. Thought it was funny! (And sad). :(

I had to call my car dealership to talk to them about a lying salesmen and a warranty refund, and they treated me like crap on the phone, which he heard via speakerphone. They were dismissive and condescending. Husband interjects as a witness and suddenly they have respect and believe us. He is gobsmacked and appalled. I’m like, dude, are you new here? First Time James Franco meme? Like he finally figured it out and is pissed. This is my life and how we get treated as women. 🙃 now suddenly he has questions about women’s right and all this other crap. I can’t wait to tell him about women’s healthcare!!! 😔

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 09:13)

Walmart new security/blockade? RANT

My local Walmart has decided to crack down on theft I guess by putting up fucking cattle guards at the entrances. I don’t know what they actually are, but they’re annoying as shit. They prevent you from exiting unless you go through the cashiers or self check out. One time I forgot my bags, was irritated I had to go all the way around and back out, but I learned my lesson and it hasn’t really bothered me since. Until today… My almost 4 year old decides to have a meltdown. I don’t play that shit so I toss her over my shoulder fireman style and beam for the doors. ONLY NOW I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE FUCKING CATTLE GATES with a screaming child. And what does the employee do? Asks to check my bags. Read the room. The bags are clearly empty. Do you think me and my 4 year old rehearsed this theatrical performance so I can steal some corn? Just. Errrruughhbhhhgaaaahhhh

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 09:55)

My Son (6) Likes to Pay

My wife and I took our little boy out for dinner without his little brother for a fun one-on-two kind of time. After dinner, I slipped him my credit card. When the check came my wife and I made a big show of "oh no we forgot our money!" the waitress got a little twitch on her face, and then my son said "don't worry, I got it" and handed her the credit card. He loved it so much, he asks for the credit card every time we go out now.

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 11:03)

Stillborn baby 7 months

My sister was in the hospital because her water broke early. She was having extreme pain the past 2 days. The baby ended up turning sideways and dying. The OBGYN around 3AM told her that tomorrow morning they would schedule an earlier c section. Around 9 they found out the baby died. Instead of performing the c section and listening to her and taking her complaints the past 2 days seriously (after already being high risk having her water break 2ish weeks ago) they put it off until the morning and her baby died. How do we even go about opening an investigation to this? We truly believe the baby would be alive if they did a c section around 3AM instead of waiting. I’m devastated.

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 08:13)

How to deal with panic attacks?

Namely, I am person who applies to be positive, supportive, funny and always in a good mood sharing positive energy. However, once my daughter was born , I felt enormous pressure to be the best dad and I am fine with that. But at the moment she gets sick, even just some cold or flue, I have panic attacks which I never had before. I just walk around the room not knowing what to do and always on the edge to cry. I have the following symptoms: 1. Sudden and overwhelming feelings of fear or impending doom. 2. Rapid heartbeat (palpitations) or an accelerated heart rate. 3. Chest pain 4. Shortness of breath or feeling smothered. 5. Sweating or chills. 6. Nausea or stomach distress. Can someone share any similar experience and how did you manage to overcome this? I believe that in those moments I need to be as stable as possible but somehow I am not able to manage it.

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 09:06)

Newborn’s (nearly 4 weeks) Sleep Getting Disrupted

Our newborn (3 weeks 6 days) had pretty good sleep patterns, up until the last couple of days. What use to be 2.5-3.5 hours blocks of sleep, is now 2 hours, one was 40 mins before she woke up demanding another feed. I know sleep regression tends to occur at 6 weeks, so we don’t think it’s that. I guess I’m just looking for your stories, what you did to help your newborn have good long sleeps, especially at night. We are tired.

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 06:10)

(Single) parents flying with kids, do you keep being checked by security?

This kept happening to my partner when she travels by herself with our kids. Today it also happened to me. I even told the kids beforehand we would be stopped. And someone else confirmed it happens with them as well when travelling without their partner. Anyone else having this issue? How do you get this to stop?

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 09:14)

Newborn gaining too much weight

Hello, My son is now 1month. He was born 3 weeks earlier than expected. He was 2.96kg and is now 4.4kg. Last week he gained about 60g per day, which is apparently twice what is expected We are mixing breastfeeding and artificial milk so it is hard to tell the exact feeding quantities, but if we reduce them we systematically notice shorter spacing between feedings or more cries, which we believe are not normal. We know this is no place for true medical opinion, and we will of course see a doctor soon, but any feedbacks are appreciated 🙂

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 09:38)

Long haul flight + Jet lag!

I’ll be going overseas with my 8 month old! Please give me all your tips and tricks to make it as smooth as possible. I have secured a bassinet for the flight! Any tips/advice for dealing with jet lag? We will be going for 3 weeks so by the time we get over jet lag there, I’ll have to deal with it back home lol

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 06:14)

When is it ADHD vs “naughty behavior”?

Trying to figure out if my 6 yr old twin girls have ADHD or are they just not listening. Background, they are preemies who spent 45 days in NICU at 3 months old. They had speech, OT and PT from that point till 1 year old. Speech continues for 1. Both just finished 1st grade with high grades reading at a 4th grade level and doing math, science and history at a 3rd grade level. Here’s the issue every teacher, camp counselor, gymnastic coach etc tells me the same thing they have melt downs and tantrums a lot as well as they don’t listen. They are very impulsive and hyper focus on what interest them no matter what’s happening. They are like that with me also but I have the patience to wait out what they are doing till they do what I want. I have an appointment to have them evaluated at the end of August through the school district but I’m wondering is this immaturity, ADHD or them just pushing boundaries.

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 06:20)

Potty training our speech delayed 3 year old

My husband and I are tired of trying. We have been attempting to potty train our son since a couple months before his third birthday. It’s now a month after his birthday and he still have frequent accidents unless we put him on the toilet at very regular intervals. Even with setting a timer and going regularly, we have semi-regular accidents in between. He wears underwear at daycare and has had a handful of accidents there but at home, it’s more frequent. He doesn’t communicate that he needs to go, he is in speech therapy but has a long way to go to get “caught up” to his peers. Are we pushing for something he isn’t developmentally ready for or will he catch on with consistency? I am ready to put him back in diapers, however my husband read the Oh Crap! book and thinks we’ll lose progress and that there’s a chance it’ll be harder as he gets older. I guess I’m looking for recommendations or support in stopping and trying again when his communicative language has expanded.

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 10:57)

Gripe Water - what’s your opinion??

A lady recently posted in a Facebook mom group asking, “what do you keep in your diaper bag?”. I commented with the items in mine. One of those items being gripe water. I didn’t suggest it or anything in my post. I just passively mentioned it with everything else. It’s an item my son’s pediatrician approved of using. I got BANNED from commenting and posting ONLY because I stated it’s something I have in my bag. There is no group rule or anything about mentioning it, but they still banned me immediately 😂 SO ON THAT NOTE - what is your opinion on gripe water??

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2 years ago

(Jul 14, 2023 11:21)

Pediatrician told me not to worry much about honey but cheerios

So my baby is 9m (6m adjusted) and he got a hold of Honey nut cheerios. Pediatrician said she is not really worried about it because the honey has dehydrated and so processed she doesn't think it carries the bacteria. Thoughts?

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