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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 07:27)

For those who have done a “yes day” - what was your $ budget?

My girl is turning 7 in a few weeks & I want to give her a “yes day” as my gift in addition to her skating rink party. The last few months have been extremely hard on me personally & it’s taken a toll on trying to be a good mom. My daughter now approaches me with questions starting with “I know you’re gonna say no but…” & it wrecks me. I feel so fucking terrible. So here comes YES DAY! But my question is, does putting a monetary cap (maybe $200ish) on activities defeat the purpose? This girl has champagne taste with bubble gum money lol but she deserves it. Opinions please :)

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 06:10)

My youngest daughter is with my older daughter

My kids are eight and six. I have week on/week off custody of my oldest with her dad. I have primary custody of my youngest. It's not my week with my oldest. I just made a play date for them at my oldest daughter's dad's house. They'll play together for a few hours and then my youngest will come home. It shows how much our co-parenting relationship has changed and matured since we first fought for custody seven years ago.

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 09:28)

I need every tip you can give to produce more breastmilk

Hi everyone. My baby is in NICU (born at 31+3, now 34 weeks). He currently drinks a combination of my milk and formula, because I can only ever pump like 20ml a day and he needs 37ml per feed 🫠 every time I almost catch up with the amount he needs, he grows up and needs more lol which obviously makes me happy as it means he is developing but also a little frustrated and concerned about what will happen when they let me breastfeed. He is supposed to get out of the NICU next week and I'm by no means prepared in the milking department haha can yall help with some tips? I know I have to drink at least 3l of water a day, and also massage and pump every 3 hours. Is there anything else I can do?

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 06:12)

Is my baby going to get exposed to heavy metals regardless of how it’s made (store bought purses vs. homemade)

Hi everyone! I’m a FTM of a 5.5 month old and we’ve gotten to green light from our pediatrician to start introducing purées. Naturally I looked up brands to consider, and saw online that a bunch of very popular brands occupying the target aisle are in the process of being sued for having high levels of heavy metals in their rice products and purées. Reading that and what can be caused by consistent exposure to heavy metals, it made me a little worried about what I’m giving our LO. However, upon further googling basically the consensus is that me making homemade purées will expose our LO to the same amount of heavy metals as if I were to give them store bought. Figured I’d post on here since there are parents of all ages on here, and wanted to get your two cents on the topic. What are your thoughts?

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 07:43)

Son constant arguing

My son (m,12) has been constantly arguing or debating everything since he can form sentences. He isn’t doing this because he’s angry, I think he just likes to talk and figure things out. The problem is I’m a single mom with a lot on my shoulders and I’ve been plagued with health issues right now. When I ask him to take out the trash I don’t want a back and forth about why I don’t ask his sister to take them out (her major job is dishes). Lately it’s been a vaccine he needs for school. Every time it comes up I hear the same argument even though I have explained to him how vaccines work and why he needs them. I am losing my mind and my shit. My health problems causes me unending headaches which gets worse when I talk or loud noises and the more he talks the louder he gets. I end up yelling at him while he tells me every time he’s just kidding. This last time I sent him to his room. What do I do.

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 07:56)

Until what age did you use stroller in bassinet mode?

Hello, our 4 month 16 pound baby is still being walked in a bassinet mode stroller. We were recommended to start walking the baby at an angle, no longer horizontally. Until what age did you use the bassinet? Thank you

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 09:03)

3mo doesn’t do tummy time

My almost 3 month old doesn’t do tummy time. He doesn’t cry or even care when we try, he just lays there unbothered. We’ve tried toys, laying in front of him, laying him on a boppy, different play gyms etc. He has no desire to lift his head. He can sit unsupported propped up on the couch for a few minutes and lifts his head and looks around when your holding him belly to chest so I guess that counts? For him to lift his head during tummy time I have to physically hold his head up the whole time

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 08:45)

Are there any findings on the most efficient way to coparent with a narcissistic partner?

I am overwhelmed with sadness at the realization that this is what we are dealing with and I don’t know what will harm my kids and I the least: staying for the purpose of me stepping in to protect them when he’s bullying them or getting divorced and them being alone with him part of the time? There is no physical violence nor negligence that could help me gain full custody. But there are frequent micro-aggressions and psychological “beating into submission” that I think is very toxic for their budding personalities but our society has too many problems to consider that behavior a cause for someone to be deprived of parenting rights. Maybe someone else here has somehow navigated this successfully? I am happy to listen to suggestions.

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 08:21)

Wake baby to take him home?

Hi, My 7.5 month old baby goes to bed at 7. We have a birthday party for his grandma 15 minutes away at 530. They want my baby to attend. Do I: 1) put him down in a pack n play at 7 at the party and wake him and take him home at 9? 2) get a sitter the whole night 3) have him attend with us until 630, go home to put him to bed, have his other grandma be at our house for safety, and go back to the party? I guess what I want to understand is do other people ever interrupt baby’s night sleep for transportation reasons? Is that gonna make things hard for him or us? Do you feed when you do? Thanks

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 10:07)

Do you use the EWG skincare website?

My friend introduced me to the Environmental Working Group ( skincare website that rates products based on the safety of their ingredients. I’ve been trying to be more cognizant of the products I use and what I’m buying in the future for my baby. What are your opinions on the website? For those that use it what range (1-10) of score does a product need to be for you to feel comfortable using it?

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 07:54)

What the best time of day to take a 4 hr road trip with toddler (1-3yrs old)

Assuming one nap midday. [View Poll](

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 08:45)

Choking Hazards for 2 Year Old

Yesterday our 2 YO son choked on a piece of edamame and is luckily OK, which according to Solid Starts is OK to give as whole beans at 24 months and he loves eating it. But now I have gone down a rabbit hole and see conflicting information here: []( Everything on this linked list seems like the most common children's food you can offer?? I'm not sure our son would eat much that's not on that list. We do cut most things up carefully and don't let our son run around with food, but I'm curious if there is a more canonical / accepted guide for handling food with toddlers?

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 10:06)

Someone kissed my baby (without permission)

Basically what the post title says. A friend of mine came to visit me and my 12 week old daughter. I have been pretty vocal with everyone about not kissing the baby and I didn’t even allow visitors the first 6 weeks. I stupidly didn’t think it needed to be said again to not kiss my baby. She kissed her on the side of her cheek and I immediately said no no no no kissing but it was too late. Right away I asked for her back and even though my friend apologized multiple times I did not let her hold her anymore. I don’t know if I’ll let her visit again either (or anyone else for that matter). I feel so incredibly guilty and anxious now. I feel like I failed as a mom to protect my daughter. I do have PPA and I’m on medication and seeing a therapist regularly so I know this is affecting my perception of what happened. I’m also worried that she’s going to get sick from this. Ugh, I guess I just need to get this off my chest. I

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 07:16)

Painful abscess in the ear😢

Omg I got an abscess in my ear! I thought it would go away on it own but it’s started to get really painful and started to effect my hearing so I went it the dr and she gave me a shot of freezing and drained it as much as she can , now I’m gonna be on antibiotics. I’m 3 weeks PP has anyone here ever have an skin infection while dealing with PP?? I’m so scared of sepsis , that’s how my mom died was sepsis so I’m really paranoid of it :(

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2 years ago

(Jul 20, 2023 09:23)

Recommended Newborn Memento Projects?

Hi all, proud new mom of a sweet baby girl! I was surprised that the hospital didn’t make prints of her feet (maybe that’s been phased out?) and was looking into doing it at home myself. Found out there were some really cute projects that you can make with their feet/handprints. Are there any other crafts or memento projects to do while they’re tiny that you’d recommend? TIA!

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