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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 05:47)

Okay, honesty, how often do you eat out?

We are a fast food family. We're pretty adventurous, but always exhausted (probably because of the fast food) so being home all the time gets under our skin, and the only time to actually leave the house is mealtime. So, our outing is usually grabbing dinner. I want to stop, but also when I see a recipe I kinda shut down. Like, I'm already exhausted and now I'm creating extra dishes. I can't seem to make a meal without dirtying every bowl. Plus we stuck at home. Somehow chewing him out to cook or clean up is MORE exhausting than doing it myself. Because no matter how many times I give him instructions, he never cares to retain the information. So, I'd say we eat out 6/7 days a week. I'm just so ashamed of that number and I'm wondering if I'm alone in that? It used to be better before the whole pandemic, but I'm just so tired now.

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 06:05)

“Students say things like ‘I can’t do this,’ ‘I give up,’ ‘I hate this/I hate you,’” Tsai said. “What they really mean is ‘I’m frustrated.’”

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 06:40)

Grateful kids are happier, healthier & more resilient! A thankful heart builds an open, empathetic heart. So each day help your child name something he’s grateful for. Start a family Gratitude Journal. Keep encouraging appreciation & you’ll have a grateful child.

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 08:54)

Quick tip for naps:

Just a handy thing I accidentally did for my son, at around 2 months we started having Alexa play the “Classical for Sleep” playlist during his morning nap every day. Now that has become a cue for him to chill out and rest, and we can easily pull it up anywhere that has Alexa, for example at my parents house. So I would definitely recommend finding an established playlist on your chosen platform! Nap time went super easy even though we’re in a totally different environment!

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 07:26)

Does anyone else give themselves Time-outs?

When I’m really frustrated and know I’m going to start yelling. I tell my kid I’m going into time-out. I get to calm down in my room by myself for five minutes. My daughter is wonderful but also high energy. I just need a break for five minutes…

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 06:03)

Do hips shrink back after birth?

And I don't mean body fat, I'm talking the actual bone structure. I'm only 6 weeks post partum, but too small for maternity pants, and too big for my old pants. I love the hips, but don't want to buy all new pants haha!

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 07:00)

🎮 Do your kids like to play #Fortnite? 📋 This Explainer Guide looks at how the game works, why it is popular, and what risks #parents should look out for. #OnlineSafety

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 10:10)

Neighbors make me feel like a nuisance

I posted on here awhile back about our HOA threatening to fine us because our neighbors were complaining about our then 9 month old crying over night. We ended up hiring a lawyer and as hoped, the HOA immediately backed down and has since left us alone. But that hasn’t stopped our neighbors from making me feel as uncomfortable as humanly possible by banging on the wall, giving us dirty looks and making mean comments within earshot. Eventually we’ll move, but housing is really expensive where we live and since we intend to hold onto this property as a rental, we need a decent down payment so we don’t get a crappy interest rate. So we’re looking at a couple years. I feel bullied and powerless. I constantly shush my kid and feel incredibly anxious whenever she cries or whenever we play in her room since it backs up to their place. I guess I’m just looking for advice on how to cope for a few years and feel less like a nuisance.

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 05:46)

Another great idea from the past…

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 06:16)

What items do I need for an infant? What did you find useful?

Hi, I have a 2 month old baby boy. I was wondering what kinds of things as a parent did you find useful from this point on for the next 6 months or so? I’m a new parent so I’m not quite sure what he will need. Teething items? Jumper? What else?

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 06:20)

We're sharing favorite life-changing #parenting advice! Maybe it can be yours too! Thanks @DrLauraMarkham @LDamour @Pfagell @thefamilycoach @DrMaidenberg

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 06:12)

Delta concerns

I'm feeling super anxious about this situation and would like to hear what you all think. Well, those of you that are pro vaccine and have concerns for your unvaccinated kids.. We've been isolating our 6 and 2 year old since the start and only see my parents who are vaccinated. I just learned that my brother (whom I don't have a relationship with) and his wife are anti vaxx. So my concern is that my brother could expose my parents and give it to my children. Unfortunately they are in the camp that believes kids aren't affected by this at all and life is going back to normal. They also aren't masking anymore at all. Any advice on how to approach this?

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 08:26)

Idk what to do anymore

So my daughter is almost 4 and she wakes up every night . I’m not even joking she wakes me up saying to take her back to her bed and to pat her and so that’s what I do and then I go back to my bed. Then I get woken up an hr later for her to tell me the same thing. So I get up and do it again I pat her until she’s knocked out. Then she wakes up super early like at 8am and she’s wide awake. She doesn’t take naps anymore because I thought that’s why she gets up in the middle of the night. So idk why she’s been getting up . she doesn’t sleep well anymore so she’s been acting out even more because she’s tired. She gets at least 6 to 7 hours of sleep every night. Which isn’t good because I know kids her age need at least 10+hours. Please help any suggestions will do.

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 06:52)

Best age gap between children?

What do yall think is a good age gap between kids? Im feeling a little guilty and worried about having a second, my son is 4 now but will be 5 by the time we have a baby (trying again after an MC that pushed our timeline several months). Before I was excited because I was due a month before my sons 5th birthday, but now it'll be after and for some reason it makes me feel bad that we waited so long. I see friends with Irish twins who are the best of friends, and most of my friends and family who have had their first around the time I did or later even already have a second or are expecting. I'm an only child so I never really got to experience that anyway. Just looking for pros/cons to different ages. I really want 3 kids and we have talked about having our next two pretty much back to back, or at least within a year-a year and a half. I know everything is unpredictable and life happens, just looking to hear experiences with multiple ages!

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4 years ago

(Jul 24, 2021 09:02)

Favorite non-gummy multivitamin for kids?

We asked our pediatrician about vitamins at my 6-year-old's most recent check-up as he's still refusing to eat most vegetables. She told us to go ahead and give him a non-gummy vitamin. Gummies seem to be much more widely available. I did some Googling and found Hiya vitamins which seem great, but they are a bit pricey and I don't love the subscription model. Despite the major hit of nostalgia (I can still taste them!), I don't love that Flintstone vitamins have artificial coloring. I'd love to see other recommendations, or your experiences with Hiya vitamins. Thank you!

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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