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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 07:31)

MIL fed my toddler something that we don’t want him to eat

My wife and I are both vegetarian and we are raising our son to be vegetarian (when he’s older we are going to allow him to choose for himself if he wants to continue). He’s very healthy, both pediatrician and nutritionist have no problem with this diet. Yesterday we asked my MIL to watch our son for a few hours and she fed him ground beef. She knows that we do not want him to eat meat, and she always jokes that whenever she’s alone with him she’s going to sneak him some meat. I have an issue with this because she ignored our wishes and did whatever she wanted anyway. Am I overreacting?

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 06:06)

Some districts have led anti-racist training. Others are forming culturally responsive book clubs, conducting equity audits of their policies and creating space for staff to come together and talk openly. @EdSurge @ByEmilyTate

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 08:43)

Anyone else come from an abusive house hold but turned into very loving parents ?

My mom was a drug addict , psychotic and abusive. I told her I’d never be anything like her and I learned “ what not to do” from her. She swore up and down I’d be worse than her some day but here I am. I have a beautiful 5 year old who is showered with love every single day. She even randomly stops me to say “ mommy I love you and I love my life “ and it brings tears to my eyes every time. I can’t imagine doing what my mom did to me to my daughter, I just don’t understand how parents like her exist. How could you create such a beautiful little human being and then hurt them ? I’m not perfect but I think I’m a pretty damn good mother. I’m nothing like my parents and I’m very proud of it ❤️🥲

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 08:00)

#Didyouknow Webwise has a dedicated hub for #Parents? Videos, advice, resources and more! ⤵️ #OnlineSafety #techsavvyparent

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 07:31)

My kid won't do his chores because he's "sick of doing the same chores his entire life"

I'm a single mother with three children and I'm talking in particular of my son Hayden. He's been ignoring me and sitting around playing his game refusing to do his chores...he says he's sick of doing the same chores every day.. He washes the dishes and take the trash out... Occasionally clean the kitchen and the bathroom and rarely rid of the dog crap out back. Sometimes I ask of him something else but that's it!!! What do I tell him? He doesn't seem to care of threats of being grounded!

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 06:55)

5 Creative Back to School Picture Ideas You’ll Love

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 09:10)

Often, we rob our #middleschool kids of the opportunity to learn to fix a problem because we don’t want them to struggle for one minute. Here's a better solution. #parenting

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 06:35)

My daughter has stopped sending memes on Instagram, it’s making me really sad.

My daughter is a adult, she is an another country far away, working. We used to be very close, but off late we are drifting apart. We used to exchange memes on the internet. Now she has stopped, I’m too proud to ask her to continue. We have had a few issues/ arguments lately, but we’re in touch on phone . I have friends with whom I exchange memes, but it’s never the same. I want to be ok, I do not want this to feel the way it does.

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 06:00)

Autism Risk Significantly Higher For Kids Born Premature, Study Finds

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 09:05)

“When teachers practice Textured Teaching, they’re working toward social justice—it’s a form of activism in the classroom.” Learn the 4 pillars of Textured Teaching. @edutopia @nenagerman

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 05:35)

Curiosity is not developed through grades and tests. It is about sensing a gap between what we know and what we want to know. #curiosity #learning #K12 #parenting @DrPriceMitchell

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 05:52)

Toilet training win of the day

Ohmyfreakin' heck! My kiddo, unprompted, stopped playing and went and pooped in thier toilet and let me wipe thier butt without a fight. I didn't even have to be artificial about the excitement of that happening, I just went into happy dance mode and currently am riding the high of this feeling of, maybe just maybe toilet training is going somewhere.

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 09:31)

Went to put my phone on the fast-charger and found it was already being used.

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 07:29)

3 year old won't stop calling names like Poophead... help!

Listen, I laughed even writing the title but seriously. He will not stop calling me, his older sister, dad and grandma poophead when he's mad. I don't mind if he jokingly says Haha hi poopoo head! but what bothers me is he only says this when he's mad. I've tried telling him to stop saying it when he's mad and he's done the opposite, he now purposely says "you're a poophead" over and over when he's upset or not getting his way... How can I make it stop or is it not as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be? I just feel like name calling is not okay when you're doing it out of anger, even if that name is poophead or booger brain lol.

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4 years ago

(Aug 13, 2021 05:31)

(Food) My kid has become suspicious of anything green

Hi folks, almost 2 year old is launching anything green on his tray into the stratosphere. Trying to think of ways to convince him that not everything green is bad. He's somewhat on a crunchy kick so we've been appeasing him with veggie poofs and other plant/veggie based snacks.

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