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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 06:59)

The Best Mom Hacks 🧸

Okay, let’s hear it: Your *very best* mommy and daddy hacks for pregnancy, newborns, and babies! #Momlife is TOUGH. Let’s all support each other by sharing helpful shortcuts, sweet finds, and tips and tricks for making life with baby easier!

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 08:57)

Anyone else?

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 09:05)

"Once educators have learned about the varying racial and cultural assets of students, they can try to connect academic instruction with students’ prior knowledge and experiences." @GreaterGoodSC @loreamart

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 08:22)

Here’s your reminder to anchor your furniture to the walls

Today my three-year-old pulled all the drawers forward of a tall dresser causing it to tip forward. I just happened to be in the doorway to catch it before it fell on top of her and my 10-month-old. I’m so thankful for the timing so I could catch it before it hurt them. The dresser is now bolted to the wall.

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 08:27)

Here’s your reminder to anchor your furniture to the walls

Today my three-year-old pulled all the drawers forward of a tall dresser causing it to tip forward. I just happened to be in the doorway to catch it before it fell on top of her and my 10-month-old. I’m so thankful for the timing so I could catch it before it hurt them. The dresser is now bolted to the wall.

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 07:00)

If you think that home schooling might be the best option for your little one, we’ve put together a useful guide with some expert tips to help get you started.

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 07:25)

God bless America

What is insurance good for? We literally added our baby the day she’s born, then still get hit with an $8k bill. Insurance says they will cover $0. So frustrating. Then is there time to call insurance? Nope, I’m working full time to pay for my 12 week old to go to daycare full time. Another bill to add to the pile

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 06:21)

Study: Pregnant women do well with COVID vaccine

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 07:48)

It's Scholastic Book Fair Time!

I'm excited because it's my son's first book fair! I always remember how much I loved these as a kid. But as an adult I'm struggling with how much money I should send a 5 year old to spend. He loves books so I don't want to undercut him but I'm also trying not to go overboard (which is easy for me to justify for books) How much do y'all normally send with your kids?

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 06:30)

SHOULD schools teach mortgages, credit cards and financial literacy? What do YOU think?

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 07:00)

🕹️The #Roblox is very popular with young people in Ireland. 🎮If there are #gamers in your house, our Explainer Guide outlines how the platform works, why children like it, and the risks to watch out for. 👇 #OnlineSafety

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 08:09)

Trampoline park party invite wording help?

We booked a party at the local trampoline park for my DD's 6th birthday, and I need to send out invitations. The package includes 10 jumpers, so we're inviting like 7 kids, but any more than 10 and it's $20/person, charged to us. We don't want to pay for additional parents/siblings/etc, which won't be a problem with most of the invitees but a couple I've never met their parents. Obviously we're covering the invited kids, but how should I word the invites so that the parents are aware that they will need to cover the charge if they want to jump as well (it's only a 2-hour party on a Saturday morning). This is what I've come up with - would you be offended to get an invite with this wording? (after RSVP info) Thanks!! **\*\*Parents are welcome to come watch, but there is a $20 charge for each additional jumper\*\***

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 08:29)

Caught my husband looking at another woman

We were walking through town and this young woman crossed in front of us I paid no attention at first and started to ask my husband a question but he was so distracted he shot a guilty looking in my direction and started to spatter out words incoherently to which I look forward and realise want was happening and for a good 30 seconds I wanted to laugh so hard at him but then my insecurity started creeping in, I got angry and walked to the car and we drove home, my husband later said I seemed annoyed but I didn't say why. And now I just feel like shit a saggy bag of shit

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 06:10)

Postpartum Hair loss

There is. So much. Fucking. Hair. Just everywhere. In clumps, in single strands. Whenever LO grabs my hair there's a few between her fingers on release. My bathroom and hardwood floors are a blanketed with hair. I'm scared to get a closer look at the carpets. Hoping this all ends relatively soon. I'm over it.

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4 years ago

(Aug 26, 2021 09:25)

1 year old daughter bit another child at daycare

The other child tried to take a toy from her and she apparently bit the other baby I'm unsure how to teach her this isn't okay since she's 1 years old. Any suggestions?

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