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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 06:14)

Schools and Dress Code

My 8 year old daughter has been wearing school color leggings since Pre-K and all of a sudden in 3rd grade it's an issue, even though the dress code on their website says elastic waist pants are okay up to 3rd grade. Got into a heated 5 minute conversation with the principal saying I'm not going to budget for more clothes, nor do I agree with their Southern conservative values. The principal lamented that people could see the outline of her panties. I asked her who was looking. She said there are 4th and 5th graders. I am as average as they come, go to church & Sunday School every week, and I will never fit in here.

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 09:07)

Marriage is a scam

I recently told my husband that I have to make $500 stretch this month for groceries / transportation to work (after paying all of our bills, pension and tax). My husband asked me, with a huge grin on his face, “guess how much savings I have?” I guessed “$200?” *“Nope”* “$500?” *“Higher”* “$800?!” *”Check this (shows bank account)”* THIS MF MAN HAS $7000 WORTH OF SAVINGS. Tell me WHY I have been struggling with money, after having to work part time to raise our son. Sometimes I don’t even have enough money to treat my son to an ice cream. AND THIS MAN has had THOUSANDS of savings THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME!!!!! Seriously, never EVER get married. You will slowly go insane!

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 09:00)

By incorporating games and using the language of games in the classroom, we can shift students' thinking so the resilient behavior demonstrated while playing a game transfers to the process of learning. @mwiss @TeachThought

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 06:09)

my 7yo son is in for surgery out of the blue

Last night he complained about his tummy hurting. This morning he still complained and doctor told us to bring him in for a check. He checked him and had indications for peritonitis so he send us to the hospital. They did the ultrasound and it turned he needed surgery for his apendix. It's funny how one day their fine and you're gonna go and play basketball with them and instead of that they go in for surgery. He was scared but took it brave. I told him that brave kids are not the ones who are not afraid but the ones who are afraid but push through. I don't worry much as I sit outside the surgery waiting but my wife is stressed.

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 08:15)

Well now I'm terrified...

My 11wo just rolled over twice in a row, from back to tummy. He had been exhibiting signs for a couple of weeks of wanting to roll, and last week he rolled from tummy to back. I was just waiting for this day to come but not so soon. How do I sleep now? I'm just going to be worried that he's rolled over in the middle of the night and that I won't hear him.

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 06:00)

👉What is #cyberbullying? 👉Where does it happen? 👉What can schools do to prevent and tackle it? The new @PDST_TechinEd course will help to equip you with the knowledge and resources to teach about cyberbullying and promote a positive student-centred environment. #Edchatie

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 05:48)

Baby sign language

My baby is 6 mo and I've been staying to show him the basic baby signs. My husband read that the research was very limited on the benefits and that there was a possibility that it may delay spoken language a bit, as it would negate the need somewhat, altho I don't believe this is specifically researched. He mentioned that there haven't really been any follow up studies and it appears to be primarily a marketing ploy and that the women who ran the studies are now rich from selling baby sign books and products. Thoughts?

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 08:39)

TIFU by Using Frida Nose Sucker on Myself

Baby is sick and I’m sick. She doesn’t like the sucker and fights me. I thought I’d demonstrate on myself, modeling the behavior. Pro: booger sucker even works on me! Pretty well! Con: the flow is weird because of the upside down angle when sucking my nose. The filter stops filtering and I sucked all the boogers into my mouth. 😭

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 09:19)

Do you watch TV with your baby?

Well this certainly provoked a fire discussion with my gal pals earlier! We were all saying that it can be a stress trying to think of activities to stretch out the full day (we have. 6-8 month olds). Hey motherhood is great but boring sometimes. Anyway a few said that they’re catching up on episodes of XYZ, and others were horrified that some ever let baby watch TV. So where are we at?! ☕️

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 09:28)

Teenager Dilema

Howdy parents! I have a freshman in high school. We have a pretty good relationship still. We were watching a tv show together that depicted a party with high schoolers at a very raucous party filled with drugs and alcohol. As I do, we paused it and talked, again, about what to do if she is ever drunk at a party or her driver has been drinking. After going over the whole, call me or your dad and we’ll pick you up no matter what, she asked me this question: If we’ve all been drinking would you pick us all up and bring us to the house for a sleepover…and not tell their parents. Of course I said I would probably tell their parents as I would want to know. Then she hit me with: What if they have a parent who would hit them if they were drinking? And honestly I didn’t know what to say. My instinct is that parents still should know. But I am torn. So with all parenting decisions, I needed the internet to weigh in. Thoughts?

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 08:35)

Anyone else feel like they are generally too tired to be fully present with their kid?

This is something that has been bothering me for a while now. Our daughter is almost a year old, she's actually a pretty good sleeper, but she wakes up very early (for me at least) every single day. She's also on the larger side so it's pretty exhausting moving her from place to place. As a result, I feel like I'm extremely tired whenever I'm with her, especially in the mornings. I want to be engaged and present and actively playing with her, but a lot of the time all I can manage is just lying next to her and making sure her toys don't roll away. Parenting always feels like a double edged sword where you must be On all the time, but doing it makes me way to tired to be On even half the time.

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75% up

3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 07:06)

Met a mom at the park

I tried. I don’t have many mom friends near me. The ones I do have understand being sick, busy, working from home. This mom was extremely demanding of my time and would get mad if I didn’t include her in things, including family events. She added me of fb, then deleted me after I posted a picture of dinner with my daughter and my brother, sent a message saying “thanks for the invite, have a nice life”. Tried to slowly cut her off and received this message today. I want to I tell her to seek therapy but Im considering just ignoring it? Unfortunately, now I don’t even want to go to the park we met at. Any advice on this would be great, I’m not a very confrontational person.

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 09:30)

Tips for Dealing with the Baby Blues

Mommas - I am 5 days postpartum and would love to hear any tips or advice you have for dealing with the baby blues. The sudden and intense crying over every fear and anxiety is so much. I love this boy more than anything and I feel like I can’t handle not doing everything perfectly. I know my hormones are doing things I can’t even fathom and it’s just a reaction to that hormonal change…it’s just scary. Especially when it comes to sleep and I just don’t want to put him down. Anything you can offer is appreciated. 💛

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 07:26)

Where do you guys buy backpacks for your kids?

Only one week left till my son goes to kindergarten and I still haven’t bought a backpack and for some reason haven’t seen any in stores and the ones I have seen there isn’t much variety. So yea, where do you guys go to buy backpacks for your kids?

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3 years ago

(Aug 31, 2022 06:58)

Quest for a halfway decent diaper bag. Help!

After a year of trying to slug it out with a horribly designed diaper bag, my husband and I are ready to bid it goodbye and replace it with a new one. The problem is, we are concerned that we will buy another dud. So I’m hoping that the collective wisdom on this forum could help us in our search! Price not really a factor unless it is ridiculous. What we want: - Backpack (possibly convertible but not a must as we most often wear it this way) - Spacious but not huge that it takes up too much unnecessary space - Side pockets for our own water bottles - An insulated section for snacks, bottles etc - Many helpful compartments inside for diapers, wipes, and all other gear - Nice look & feel + comfortable to wear Does this sound like your diaper bag?? I will be eternally grateful for any suggestions. Thanks in advance!

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