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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 05:12)

Labor Day and Maggots

My lovely daughter collected a bag full of acorns last week and left them in a bag, on top of her dresser. Her plans were to inspect the acorns and feed them to the squirrels when winter came along. Well, as I am putting laundry away today something moving on top if the dresser caught my eye, where I had just set clothes, that were sorted to be put away. It was maggots. The acorns were the culprit. I just finished 6 loads of laundry and 2 clorox wipe packages to disinfect all surfaces in her room. I am just taking a rest and venting now. That is how my Monday is going.

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:05)

Many teachers report that they are repeatedly told how important they are and how they should prioritize their well-being, and then asked to do the exact opposite. @colleen_cruz

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 05:33)

To the dad's ..

Hey all, am I the only Dad out there that uses this page? Why can't I find a platform for just Dads who are struggling (Reddit)? And should I make one? My partner is on multiple reddits and Facebook's and apps and I have one app that I used for the pregnancy, and that was very sarcastic and like pandered to the stereotype of a man. I guess it's just sad. We are also experience something. Where's the support?

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:20)

Did you know that kids who walk or wheel to school have been shown to have improved mental health and lower levels of stress throughout the school day? Read more about Active School Travel and why you might want to consider walking or biking more, here:

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 07:36)

The Best New Children's Books from Check out The Midnight Brigade-beneath a troll's bridge in present-day Pittsburgh by @adam_borba. It's FABULOUS!! (says his very proud mom AND the Wall Street Journal) 😀👏

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:00)

Vaccination for toddlers and babies?

I am not frequently on reddit so apologies for probably missing the topic, but: Any new info on when would vaccines be available to children 2+ years old? How about babies? I have a 26 month old and a 9 month old (who is breastfeeding vigorously and I am vaccinated but still, that's not much in comparison to a vaccine). We are in the US. Thank you!

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:15)

What was a moment when you finally said, “Sigh, THIS is parenting”?

For me, it had to be when my toddler ate too much cheese, jumped on the couch and vomited on the floor, leaving me to stress between her choking and worrying that the dog would eat it. Sigh…

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 07:57)

Today we are starting a deadline

Hubby and I had bother been out of work. I've already been working again for two weeks. He's not....but let me tell you why. It's not that he can't find a job. It's because despite knowing he doesn't have a DL or state id, he let his passport expire. So, I paid to renew the passport, which was money I wasn't planning on spending. Today he has the balls to ask me when was I going to pay for his guitar payments. So, I asked how much thinking it was like 50. No, my dear friends this man had been paying just shy of 500 dollars a month for guitars. For more then one. I wanted to kill him. I didn't but he was told I am not paying it ...figure it out and he's got till Dec to find a job or we are going to give him back to his mom. I should probably ask her first but she's helping out my sis in law with her kids so what's one more right? Thank you for listening to my vent.

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 07:14)

Watching my husband become a father might be my single favorite thing about parenthood

Maybe a stretch because obviously I love my own interactions with my daughter (born October 2020) but I love watching my husband interact with her so much. He is such a good dad and I know she's gonna grow up to be a complete daddy's girl. Our relationship has definitely changed since becoming parents but for the better. I'm so happy with our little family.

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:30)

TOO MUCH television and screen time lately? The good news is that there is hope. It will take some dedication, but with a few simple strategies, you can guide your kids back to a reasonable amount of screen time.

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 05:24)

Do you have agendas for your children that are more important than the children themselves? Lost in the shuffle of uniforms, practices, games, recitals, and performances can be the creative and joyful soul of your child. Watch and listen carefully. -Bill Martin, #kids

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:49)

My 13 month old won't eat all the sudden.

He used to be a great eater up until about a week ago and since then has been gradually eating less and less. Today he has refused to eat anything except for half a banana this morning and about 5 ounces of whole milk. It is now 3pm and he is still refusing all the foods he used to gobble up. I'm so worried about him not getting all the necessary nutrients, but is still acting like his normal happy, easy-going self. He has pooped once in three days, where's he's usually a twice a day-er. I'm really stressing about it. Is this just a phase? Has anyone had this experience?

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:57)

At what age are dinosaurs and dragons popular?

Hi, I‘m looking forward to give birth to a little babyboy and want to crochet a whole bunch of stuff for him and his room. Like pillows and carpets and toys etc. I’ve also found a dragon sitting on a ball lamp that I find adorable, but I don’t know if it’s possible for him to be to young for it and get scared or something. This project would cost a bit time, so what is the best age for such kind of stuff?

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 06:05)

“When the kids saw and understood the relationship we had with each other, the teachers that is, they felt much more relaxed and collaborative with each other." @gailcornwall

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4 years ago

(Sep 06, 2021 05:00)

This Friday is World Suicide Prevention Day.

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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