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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 08:13)

What's one random piece of advise that you would give to a new parent?

I'll go first... practice eating with your non-dominant hand so that when the baby inevitably falls asleep on your dominant side you can still eat and not potentially wake them.

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 09:00)

When principals devote too much time and resources to their work and develop a very poor work-life balance, their ability to care about and be kind suffer. @JuliaMahfouz @GreaterGoodSC

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 06:38)

Question about herpes simplex virus (cold sore) and MIL kissing the baby

I have the cold sore virus (I’ve had it ever since I was a kid), but it’s been probably at least ten, maybe fifteen years since I’ve had an actual cold sore. My baby is due next year and I know my MIL is going to want to kiss the baby. The problem is that she has the cold sore/herpes virus as well, but she has active cold sores fairly often (usually one every other month). My question is, if I already have the virus, will my baby have any immunity and is there any danger in being kissed my my MIL? Also, if we need to tell her not to kiss the baby, how should I word it so that it comes across as very firm but kind?

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 08:02)

How do I embrace myself around high profiled parents

My son has just started kindergarten few weeks ago and made quite a few friends. It's wonderful because we have no stress with this big transition as he is enjoying and having fun with his new school. The problem is I feel so self conscious about myself when I'm around the parents as we often chit chat before and after school when the kids are playing at some playground structures. We are renting in a nice enough neighborhood with good public schools. I an a SAHM with no interesting jobs and these parents are lawyers, public figures, CEOs, you name it. It's obvious that I will have to interact with these people regardless of I wanted or not because of my kid. But how do I make myself feel better when all I think of is how worthless I am compare with them.

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 06:58)

Panicking while feeding chunky foods

I am trying to transition my 8 month baby to more chunky/textured foods. Every time he puts a bite in his mouth I panic - even these little styrofoam teeth crackers. Every cough, my heart drops and he can absolutely tell that I’m panicked because he looks at my face for a moment and then starts to cry. How do I relax? I want him to have a good relationship with food and I think I’m just making this a stressful time for him. Is there maybe a slower progression on foods I might be able to follow? We went from purées to boiled pasta and chicken.

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 06:10)

The grandparent/grandkid relationship is such a special one! And both can benefit from enhanced physical literacy when they spend time together. Here's how grandparents can share physical literacy with their grandkids:

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 08:51)

Does anyone else feel like they just can’t do this on a regular basis?

I need to know if there’s something defective about me or if this is common. Because I don’t really see other people say it, but it’s not really an emotion you’d be shouting about to everyone. At least once a week, but usually 2-3x, I spend hours at a minimum but sometimes the whole day just feeling like I have nothing left in me to be a good mom. I keep pushing anyways, because I have no support or extra money to hire help, but I seriously just feel drained and like a failure. I think I’m too far out from giving birth for this to be postpartum (but who knows). Am I the only one? Does anyone else just get so overwhelmed, especially when issues pop up with their baby, that you just feel like you’re completely incapable of being a parent?

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 11:07)

Husband makes his daughter cry

My husband has a daughter who is 7. She is my stepdaughter whom I have had since she was 18 months old. She recently received an IEP at school because academically is at a kindergarten level. Every week when a new spelling list comes home I am filled with dread. My husband screams at her and tells her “she needs to start learning” everytime she misses a word. I confront him every time and tell him that this is not how children learn and that this is not how you instill confidence in a child who is developmentally disabled. He fires back everytime that it is not my child and he can parent how he wants. That he was parented like this also. I am really just unsure of how much longer I can see her crying at the kitchen table...

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 06:52)

What is your baby’s superhero name/super power?

My LO is Baby FOMO, defeater of naps. I swear he gets mad at me for trying to get him to nap, he just wants to be part of whatever is going on. He wrinkles his little forehead trying to keep his eyes open. The Moby wrap is his greatest nemesis, as he immediately falls asleep in it.

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 07:22)

It was helpful until it wasn't.

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 09:19)

Are you close to your sibling(s)?

Yes/no and how many years apart are you? Were you always close? Do you have multiple kids for this reason?

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 05:43)

Construction Paper Raincloud Craft via @ParentingPatch #cloud #crafts #rain

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 07:14)

How did you clean a toddler potty?

This might be a dumb question, but my oldest didn't potty train until almost 4 and we just put a kid's seat on the real toilet and she used that. We still have the seat, but my almost 2 year old is showing signs of potty training that my oldest never did. She brings us a diaper when she pees, she brings me wipes to tell us she pooped, she takes wipes or toilet paper and "wipes" herself outside of her clothes and puts it in the potty. I want to encourage this, but she is nowhere near us leaving the bathroom door open. She can't climb and sit on the potty even with a stool, she's scared. And she plays in the toilet when we leave the door open. (yuck!) Or unrolls all the toilet paper she can reach. We don't have a hose at our house and I don't want to rinse pee and poop in the sink or bathtub. How did yall do this? Did you put a bag in it? WHAT am I supposed to do?

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 07:53)

When we do this, it's always good to ask ourselves 'what kind of mindset do I need to be in to let this happen?'

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3 years ago

(Sep 07, 2022 06:00)

There is a connection between SEL and service learning that educators can use and nurture to re-engage students in school, and help them support their communities and learn leadership skills. @scottmpetri @EdSurge

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