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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 05:42)

Do you let your elementary-aged kid play tackle football?

I have a second grade boy who wanted to stop playing soccer in the fall and wanted to move to football. Our school’s football program for his age is three evenings of practice, two hours each. Plus Saturday games. They wear full pads and helmets and play tackle. My husband and I have always had a strict no-tackle football rule, so we signed him up for a local Rec flag football program and he’s absolutely loving it. He’s asked if he can play with his school friends next year and some of the parents have tried to convince me that they teach them to tackle safely to avoid head injuries. I’m just curious how other parents handle football.

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 05:58)

He throws in some whistling hiccups every now and again too

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 06:11)

A note to my almost 10 week old:

I'm truly happy you've found your hands. Now stop looking at them and take your nap... they'll still be there when you wake up. Love, mom

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 08:44)

I threw my Haakaa across the living room. How's your day going?

Baby was fussy all night, we barely got a wink of sleep. This morning I open my dog's crate, grab her chew toy in one hand, and grab the Haakaa full of milk with the other. I'm sleepily walking through the living room with my dog nipping at my hands, she's begging for her squeaky toy. I throw her toy across the living room... when to my horror, as if in slow motion, I realized that I had thrown the MF HAAKAA FULL OF MILK ACROSS THE LIVING ROOM! The rug, the walls, the sofa, the shelves full of stuff... all splashed with my precious milk. So that's the kind of day I'm having.

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 06:00)

When coping with loss, Susan Cain says you can move forward with your life and carry that loss with you. You can still feel sad sometimes while also integrating new experiences and having new joys. It all becomes part of you. @dfkris

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 07:00)

🚨 NEW: Free cyberbullying courses - understanding, preventing and responding. These free online courses will provide you with the knowledge, resources and confidence to teach about cyberbullying and deal with cyberbullying incidents as they arise ⤵️ #Edchatie @PDST_TechinEd

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 05:43)

Baby waking up to same environment?

My friend mentioned she always makes sure her baby sees her walking away before they are fully asleep if she's planning to leave them on the monitor, and always makes sure they fall asleep where they will wake up so that they are waking to the same conditions they fell asleep in. Is there any reasoning or evidence to doing this? Thanks!

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 07:07)

How often do your kids get sick?

My 5 yr old son started kindergarten this year. Hes never been in daycare or school before, the first week he got a fever, cold and cough just four days in, then the next week he got croup that lasted an entire week, now we’re on the fourth week and he’s got another fever and swollen lymph nodes and a cough. Is the usual experience for kids going to school? He’s been sick majority of the time. The school said he shouldn’t miss more than 10% of the school year but at this rate he’ll never be in class if he’s sick every week. We take him to the doctor every time and they write him an excuse but they don’t say if this a common occurrence when I ask. So I thought if ask other parents, did your kids go through this? Do their immune systems eventually improve? Has anyone had to pull their child out because of frequent illness?

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 06:06)

Fucking enraged at partner

Since we’ve moved in and had the baby I feel like I do it ALL take care of the house hold,the grocery shopping the meals the cleaning the baby and the bills. We go half and half on the bills but I have to tell him when to give me the money he helps with the cleaning when I ask him but always gives me attitude and complains he’s tired. I ask him to help me with the baby with bathing or putting her to sleep and I get an attitude or push back. So today I fucking exploded and I looked crazy and I feel fucking more angry that I let it get to me like that. Why does it have to get to the point where I feel like I’m complaining about everything and that’s when things get done?!! i feel like I have two kids and not 1. I can’t anymore I’m fucking mentally emotionally and physically tired I get headaches and nauseous every fucking day

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 08:10)

Is your teenage daughter feeling overwhelmed with all the girl drama at school and on social media? These books can help! #books #parentingtips

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 05:59)

Target car seat 20% coupon

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 07:12)

Child’s favouritism is hard on me

I have a 17 month little girl who has been obsessed with my husband for the past two months. Her clear favoritism stung at first but now I’m getting used to it and it has been bothering me less. This past week, however, we hung out with my husband’s family. Suddenly, my daughter isn’t just obsessed with my husband but her grandma too. It doesn’t help that my MIL and I sometimes butt heads and my MIL makes a big deal about my daughter going to her. I’m not sure if her intent is to “show off” but it sure feels like she is. Anyways, the fact that she had been obsessed with these two and rejecting me at every opportunity has made me depressed. The thought of this makes me want to cry all the time and some nights I lose sleep over it. I don’t know what to do about this and want to prevent myself from going crazy. Pls help! Thank you

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 07:48)

Still catching up on your last week? Use this. If you have teens, put this in front of them too!

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 06:52)

Help!!! First day of school is tomorrow and I have no idea what to pack for lunch.

Pretty much the title. She’s 3.5, I’ve always cooked a warm lunch for her which I realize is impractical for school. She does not eat sandwiches besides pickle sandwiches (not sending that on day 1). She does not eat lunch meat. What can I pack that has substance to get her through the day?

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3 years ago

(Sep 11, 2022 06:54)

Responding to complements about baby.

So whenever someone tells me he’s cute, I usually respond with “isn’t he?” and my aunt told me I’m supposed to say “thank you.” They’re not complimenting me, they’re complimenting my baby. I don’t understand. Did I say something wrong? There is a possibility I have autism and I’ve always been super socially awkward. I say things and don’t realize they’re wrong sometimes. Was it wrong to say that?

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