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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 10:03)

Jupiter, and 3/4 of the galilean moons… Taken by me, a 14 year old with a 400$ telescope and an iPhone.

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 08:11)

Update on my first sampling attempt: looks like the rock I drilled was too crumbly and broke into small fragments/powder, instead of producing an intact core. Pushing ahead to find my next target, expected to be more like rocks we cored on Earth. More:

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 07:21)

Single Unedited Photo taken in the Oregon Forest

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 08:17)

Any idea of what it could be?

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 06:07)

How many planets have been discovered in the Zeta Reticuli star system?

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75% up

4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 10:02)

Milky Way over the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 05:54)

The Milky Way from Anza Borrego.

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 10:01)

What are possible solutions to the lack of oxygen in Mars?

Possible solutions to the lack of oxygen in Mars? I’m a high school student writing a research about this topic. Some solutions are: - converting the carbon dioxide in Mars to oxygen (MOXIE) - Building domes and filling it with breathable oxygen I’m sure there are many other possible solutions. Please feel free to add any, and mention the pros and cons of each solution if possible. Thanks in advance.

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 06:20)

Advice on astrophotometry

I'm working on a fun little side project by measuring the time of a eclipse of a binary star and I have my photos aligned and ready to measure the change in magnitudes through time. The only problems is that Maxim DL doesn't seem to be working (I have Maxim DL V4). When I try to do photometry is says I have low memory (I have 16 gigs of ram and 5 are being used). When I try this with 5 images it works as normally. Any advice how to bypass this problem or any other program that can do the same? I have ca. 110 images to check through I hope this isn't the wrong subreddit :D

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 08:24)

Saturn and Jupiter trough 114/900 mm telescope

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 10:45)

"Finally, changes and shifts in Earth’s magnetic field polarity don’t impact weather and climate for a fundamental reason: air isn’t ferrous."

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67% up

4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 07:58)

To any previous NASA Internship Appliers (OSSI or Pathways), when do the availability slots/applications open for the following summer?

In other words, when will the Summer 2022 applications/availability slots show up? I've tried looking everywhere and I cannot figure it out. Its slowly devolved into me checking the website every couple of weeks. On the OSSI application, it still allows me to select the Summer 2021 slot. Even a general timeframe would do. Thank you all so much!

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 08:11)

Looking for a good celestial sphere globe; any suggestions?

I'd love to own a physical celestial sphere globe, and ideally it would have a few extra things on it, or be easy to alter and add them. I'd love to hear any suggestions of anyone's found one, so here's what I'm looking for: * major constellations, large stars, not over crowded but includes all major details * movable planets, sun, moon (idk if this is even possible tbh) * IF EARTH GLOBE INSIDE: zenith line, connecting points on earth to points in sky, can be moved * IF HOLLOW: can put a light inside of it to project onto surrounding room * lines for ecliptic, horizon, and meridian (movable if appropriate) I know this is a LOT of stuff and it's unlikely to find all of this. But if you know of something that has even one or a few of these, I'd love to know if it exists. I'd like to know before I end up DIYing it all. Thanks in advance for any help :)

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 10:55)

Perseid meteors: what is cloud cover situation tonite in Skyline drive, VA? Seeing different reports.

My daughter and I want to trek out to the Blue Ridge to see the perseid meteor shower, but I see different reports. The Clear Sky charts show very little cloud cover from Winchester to SKy Meadows in the early morning hours 1am to dawn. Looking at various observatories on that site it looks good for clouds. But the WeatherUnderground web site shows cloud cover 40% or so for Front Royal and similar for Luray VA. Very confused any ideas?

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4 years ago

(Aug 11, 2021 10:42)

NASA Spacecraft Provides Insight into Asteroid Bennu's Future Orbit

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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