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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:31)

“Veteran owned”

My friend and I are starting up a business. He wants me to add “veteran owned” as part of our marketing. He is a veteran (Marine) but is not majority owner, he owns 25%. Is there any issue with this? I know In order to get VO certified they must be 51% owner, just wanting to make sure not to get called out lol

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 05:57)

Purchase in full or use business credit card?

I am wanting to purchase a piece of equipment for my business. The cost is \~$3500. I've been accepted for a Capital One Spark credit card for my business with a $5k credit line. (This has been this week so it's brand new) I am wandering which route will be the smartest financial decision. I have the cash to purchase it in full, just not sure if there is a different route that is financially better to take. Thanks!

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 09:13)

The benefits of feeling and expressing gratitude: - You savor positive experiences - You’re more resilient in the face of stress - Your physical and mental health can improve - You increase the self-worth of others

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:30)

Google is the first big US tech company to require its 144,000 employees to be vaccinated before they return to work on its campuses.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 06:57)

The CEO of cannabis giant Tilray is sitting on a $500 million war chest, and says he's ready to make a deal for a US cannabis company

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 10:32)

Facebook told employees it will require them to be vaccinated for Covid-19 in order to return to the company’s U.S. offices

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:45)

Tilray CEO sees marijuana legalization in America 'over the next 18 to 24 months' by @thomashumTV

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 06:28)

It’s not doing the work that's the hard part. It’s getting yourself to start.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 06:36)

First Time Late Customer is pissed

Hi, So my business is coming up on a year old, I invoice via quickbooks, which I hate btw. I have at the bottom of my invoices that if mowing services are not paid within 14 days a late fee will be assessed in the amount of $30 USD. Sent an invoice on the 6th, sent it again on the 22nd with a late fee. Two days past the net 14. Customer is irate as she never opened the invoice on the 6th, and has a late fee. I only have a handful of google reviews, all 5 star, and want to maintain that, and expand. ​ I am feeling pretty shook, but am not wavering in removing the fee, especially after threatening me they would find another landscaper. I hate parking there, I have to block the whole street to mow anyway. They are also biweekly service. ​ Should I just cave and remove the fee? I mow the neighbor too, biweekly. Another hated lawn with debris left in it.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:15)

Argentine government speeds up money printing ahead of the election

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:00)

‘Capitalism without democracy is oligarchy,’ writes Katherine Venice. ‘Declining democratic rights are correlated with poorer investment returns, lower growth and economic instability’

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:19)

Can I charge academic related expenses to my business and deduct them?

I'll be going to law school soon and I own a business that nets me around $70k/yr. My goal is to get a full ride or at least a partial scholarship since I don't want to get into loans for a career that may not generate me that much. (Depending on where I go to school). Am I allowed to charge application expenses, tuition, books, etc to my business and deduct them as expenses? It's a single member LLC.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 05:57)

Google to require Covid vaccines for workers returning to the office

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:08)

A Navy SEAL on why accountability and trust are key to any company's success

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:46)

Professionals are being overloaded with unnecessary calls and email @RobCrossNetwork talks to @ArianneCohen at @bloomberg about the causes of collaboration overload, solutions for burnout, and what high performers do differently.

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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