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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 09:05)

“Music is such a wonderful medium for inclusion and communicating across different cultures because it excites everybody and so it reduces barriers." @UKnowHGSE

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 05:58)

Can I just brag for a minute?

I got really lucky and I have an easy baby. I don't know if this is the trade off for having a hellish pregnancy but I'll take it. She rarely cries, and when she does it's for an obvious reason that I can always fix. She's easily calmed just by being talked to, getting a foot massage or a good snuggle. She loves bath time, getting her nails filed and rarely will take a pacifier. She's just so content to hang out and listen to her little baby songs and watch the sunbeams move around on the ceiling. She's always smiling and it makes my life worth living. I don't know what I did to deserve this sweet baby because I haven't always been a great person. I really think she absorbed all of my husband's sweetness and is just a wholesome little copy of him. And that's all. I'm sure I'll pay for this by having hard toddler years or something but for now I'm soaking it up!

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:29)

What is a random thing that wakes your baby every time without fail?

My dogs flapping their ears when they shake their heads. Every. Single. Time. She could sleep through their barking, vacuuming, doors slamming, loud tv… but the dogs shaking their heads? Wide awake. Also the sound of connecting and disconnecting my pump parts. So I guess that’s two random things that wake her without fail. What is your little one’s sleep kryptonite?

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:21)

I got scared of myself

For the first time since I gave birth 12 weeks ago, I got scared of myself. I thought I was going to hurt my baby. I had to put him in his crib and let him cry cause I couldn’t calm down or calm him down. He was awake since 8am and I had been trying to put him down for his nap for hours. He wouldn’t eat or sleep he was crying cause he was tired but he wouldn’t calm down no matter what I did. At some point I had him in my arms and rocking I was so pissed and noticed I was holding him tighter and tighter. My shushing became a scream. I was about to hurt him, I put him down and went to the hallway and kicked the bouncing ball. I lost it, I had no more patience. It never happened before. I let him cry for about 5 minutes before I went back in. He had tears, he usually never cries to the point of having tears. I feel so bad for him, I know it’s not his fault.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 06:30)

Did you know ONE in every 8 children is affected by Anxiety? Here are some strategies that will help! Guest post via Bowman Family Services, Inc.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 06:48)

Please smile?!

Somebody please tell me everything is okay and I’m not crazy. FTM to an amazing 5 week old boy. Still has not given me a “real” smile. My husband claims he smiled at him the other day but I didn’t see, so i have no idea if it was a social smile or a sleepy smile. I feel like I have to be in his face acting a fool every time he’s alert so that he would smile at me. I feel like we already have such an amazing bond, and getting him to smile would just take it to the next level and remind me how all of the hard work of a newborn is worth it. When did your babies smile? When should I start worrying about auti?

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:27)

I’m drawing portraits on the side while I’m home with baby. I hope you enjoy this one.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:54)

Outdoor play is a must for #childdevelopment.   Here are some ways to get the kids outside #outdoorplay

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:30)

Looking for the Best Baby Scale? Here Are Our Top 5!

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:22)

“Of boys who have had sex, a shocking 48 per cent admitted they have taken part in a sex act because they’ve seen it in pornography.”

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 07:33)

For you hesitant mother's and fathers out there

Hi, I know you are out there because I was you! I am 36 years old and had my first daughter at 35. I thought I never wanted kids and I was terrified at the thought of being a father. However, after 7 years of trying to convince me my wife finally convinced me to take the plunge with her. My daughter is now 7 months old and she is the light of my life. I can't imagine my life without her in it and she has made me such a better person. I still screw up all the time but I love listening to her sleep, hearing her breathing and just holding her tight. She is so curious about the world and I love that she has reignited my passion for learning. She is growing more every day. I don't have it all figured out yet but I know I love that little girl more than anything in the world and I'm so glad my wife convinced me to become a father even when I was reluctant.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:00)

What do i need to pack for the hospital?

So im 30weeks today with triplets (i say this so i know how much i should pack for each). I was having pains for about a week. Today I called my dr and he said it's time i go into hospital. For stressful events in life such as this (having a baby) i usually pack/get everything done early. However, I've procrastinated so much that I'm now not able to pack nice and calmly. So to you parents, what are somethings I can pack that i need or may want? Thanks so much!!

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:23)

Forget the extremely rare naps, how do y'all get your LO to sleep after giving him a bath?

So everywhere I read said baths were excellent in relaxing babies before bed. Sure, ever since my LO was 3 weeks old I started giving her a bedtime routine that included a bath. I didn't expect it to work of course but the routine helped me. My LO is 2 months old now and I still STRUGGLE to get her to sleep after bath + feed + singing+ rocking. It would stretch for hours after the bath and she still wouldn't sleep. Don't let me begin on naps. I'm starting to give up on those commodities since they're 1-10 mins long only.

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 08:09)

Following a night of your boobs repeatedly waking you up before baby (and subsequently checking to make sure baby is okay)

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4 years ago

(Jul 28, 2021 06:17)

Eye surgery for a two year old.

Looking to hear from people whos kids have had surgery to correct lazy eye and how that recovery went. DD is 2 years old. Both her eyes turn out (she has bilateral exotropia) and apparently patching isn’t very effective for this. We’ve done glasses with no effect. Her surgery is scheduled for October 7th. She will be undergoing general anesthesia. I just feel very unfamiliar with the whole thing.

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