Sam Bankman-Fried had a ‘free pass’ by donating to the right causes: Steve Krakauer |
79% up
Kraken’s Jesse Powell Says He’ll Call Out Problems in Crypto, Weighs In on Exchanges Showing Proof of Reserves
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Vladimir Putin proposes a bank-free international digital payment system
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If cryptocurrency were to replace fiat and the banking system, how would investors who now rely on banks raise capital to fund projects?
Banks lend the deposits of customers as loans for investment in projects. Even small business depend on banks to lend them money to start off. Property, cars, houses are all virtually bought from banks. How then, in an ideal world where crypto has gained full acceptance and fiat has become redundant, and thus banking system ceased to exist, the issue of raising capital work? Individuals wouldn't be ready to pool money unless it's a successful and reliable enterprise, but for that you need money in the beginning to build something reliable. Would such a world allow only the ones who have enough money to build more money, ultimately leading to an even worse form of concentration of wealth than now? Would like some discussion around this.
100% up
Grayscale refuses to share proof of reserves due to ‘security concerns’ as shares trade at a 45% discount to bitcoin
77% up
Thought it was creative
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Bitcoin Miners Operating in New York State Must Use 100% Renewable Energy or Leave. An abusive new law requires of the Bitcoin mining industry what New York State does not require of any other industry.
67% up
A Dozen Digital Assets Record Double-Digit Gains as Crypto Markets Begin to Heal After FTX’s Collapse – Markets and Prices Bitcoin News
80% up
Would you accept Bitcoin if you sold a bike on the street? Think twice! You will have serious troubles if the funds are not "clean"
This is a serious concern that has been raised by juliangrigo on Twitter. The tx may be settled within seconds via lightning. But you will have serious troubles if the funds are not "clean". How could you find out? If your funds come out of a mixer, a sanctioned exchange, are connected to public addresses known from dark markets or ponzis, there are big risks waiting for you. Exchanges will block your funds if they find out they come from a privacy tool or if are "tainted" coins. What's more you could find yourself prosecuted because you are in possession of stolen funds or funds that are related to criminal activities... Tools like chainalisys make it very easy to trace coins but are generally not accessible for your average user. Are peer-to-peer transactions a utopia that have no place in the future?
57% up
The story of a crypto scammer that ended in suicide
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'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Author Says Economy Is Biggest Bubble In World History: 'God Have Mercy On Us All'
56% up
Wholecoiner status vs Macro
Referring to my previous post: [\_a\_wholecoiner\_is\_getting\_traction/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3]( I see signs that confirm my thesis: Recession predictions are all over the place, claiming that the bitcoin price will go down along as many will become forced sellers. However, people that have reached or are building towards the "wholecoiner" status, are not willing to give that up so easily. Myself included. After all, bitcoin is unconfiscatable, nobody can take it from you no matter what. If properly stored of course: in your own wallet. We have never seen bitcoin behave in a recession so far. I dare to claim, in case of on actual recession, it will hold up strongly because of the underestimated value of the wholecoiner status.
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Crypto Exchange CoinList Breaks Silence on Bankruptcy Claims
67% up
New Bitcoin DDoS technique
67% up
found Satoshi. BTC = RECON security mechanism development project 1981-84. declassified 2003 here is the document
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