420 Parents
Hello everyone. My husband(25m) and I (24f) have a 6mo old. We are 420-users but only at night while baby is sleeping and not in the house. I’ve recently been wanting to get a baby sitter so my husband and I can have a date night once a month or so. I’m worried about people coming to my house and potentially smelling anything, even though it is put away. I’ve considered looking for a sitter online, but should I disclose we are 420 friendly, just so they are not caught by surprise? Should we just lock it up and not mention it? I am in a legal state, both medicinal and recreational. Just not sure how to go about this being a new mom, and having my state recently going legal. Any advice is welcome, mom shaming is not. Have a wonderful day!
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my husband is responsible for weekend meals
We did the Fair Play method and he took the weekend meals card. He isn't a very good cook. In fact he's less than mediocre. He only knows how to cook three meals, and one of them is spaghetti. )One is the blandest chili ever. One is a meal so complicated that he makes it once or year and it takes all day.) I don't like the spaghetti he makes. It just doesn't taste good. For dinner he cooked an entire kilo of ground turkey and used three jars of sauce (all that we had) and cooked a whole package of noodles. Now there is enough of this awful spaghetti for a month. Why? Oh and every night he has made dinner, it's not ready until nearly or after bed time. And I'm left cleaning the disaster area of a kitchen. Is this even help? Somebody help me. Why can't he open a cook book? Why is he trying to feed an army? Why is he only thinking about dinner at 6 pm? We have two small, picky children and two normal sized adults. Help. Me.
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At one school district, a pre-K leader and the superintendent have been helping teachers of older grades add play to their own classrooms. @arielgilreath @hechingerreport https://t.co/0iSKQwEbfO
Handing your teen the car keys for the first time = Terrifying! So keep your new driver safe with our FREE guide, filled with our best advice. Sign up by Feb. 20th for a chance to win a One Year @Life360 Free Gold Membership, a $99 value! Check it out: https://t.co/6vZ0U0HhH4 https://t.co/e1CzPQKISx
Your children arguing with you a lot? Trigger you? Remember our children are seeking to express this, below. Is there an opportunity in here? I wonder if these got reinforced when you pushed back against your parents. https://t.co/zTj17lRBG2
Black tongue???? Should I be worried? She had blueberries MONDAY can it be that 6 days later?!
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Looking for Safer Internet Day activity? Watching a video can be a great way to spark a discussion. We have videos for Primary and Post-Primary that address key topics including #respect, #empathy and #inclusion online. ➡️ https://t.co/k6K81NBkNJ #SID2023 #SilentWitness https://t.co/BQpvW6ub7a
Researchers found that the use of legacy admissions comes at the cost of diversity in the student body. But elite colleges continue to depend on legacy students for many reasons. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport https://t.co/e6IdmSfTHK
What would you do if your “Best friend” sent this to you?
“Hey I will have to decline the next few trips we planned. I’m in a different space right now and it’s pulling me away from going out/ spending. I’m self isolating for a purpose greater than me. I wish you love and light ❤️❤️❤️” Would you respond with care or ignore them and never respond?
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C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?
My little one is already 7 months old. He has a skin rash which could or could not be a cow milk protein allergy. We’ve been recommended by a pharmacy that we give him a type of biotic mix, but I’m sceptical (by nature!). I understand there’s been increasing interest in research looking into the gut biome and how important it is, but I’m not familiar with this really, and especially with specific relation to c-section / babies (but not newborn). The stuff isn’t exactly cheap, but very happy to stump up the money if it’s been proven to help of course… If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great!
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Lesson in Grace From Young Son to Weary Father https://t.co/S0XSe8nsh7 by @jamarhudson #CityDads #DadLife #parenting
Win gorgeous moKee WoolNest moses basket and mattress worth £380 Read more 👉 https://t.co/8SQvXf7mne #win #giveaways #baby https://t.co/LXQJxRIovU
Whether you have a newborn or a toddler, you're sure to find a solution to your little one's sleep problem here. 😴 https://t.co/D1WMfjtIgs
Amoxicillon is the devil
I absolutely HATE having to give my child this shit. Like I know for a fact it's nasty. My child refuses to take it then makes herself throw up. I tried giving it to her in yogurt, and she still won't budge. With the shortage, they couldn't flavor it. And my husband is treating me like I'm a horrible ass mother because I can't do it without her puking. I'm currently crying. Ugh.
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