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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 06:44)

He has an issue

We’ve been married for 10 years. He’s dx inattentive adhd. On meds, no therapy. We were kicked out of couple’s counseling 2 years ago because “he needs individual therapy first in order for this to work” as per counselor. He did a few individual sessions and stopped because he “didn’t like the therapist, didn’t think it was helping.” Has yet to find a new therapist. He has brought up an issue that “we won’t be able to work through without a professional” and now wants to attend couples counseling again. He said it isn’t cheating or drugs. I agreed to 1 session to find out what the issue is as I have started to detach emotionally from this relationship. We already sleep in separate rooms and aren’t physically intimate anymore. I’m annoyed that he is withholding this information and it makes me even less interested in reconciliation. Any guesses as to what the issue could be? This is rubbing me the wrong. Any thoughts on the situation?

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 06:51)

18mo anesthesia? :(

Hi All, my soon to be 18 month old son needs to have a dental procedure done. No doctor we have seen will do conscious or IV sedation under 3, so our only option seems to be general anesthesia. I am terrified, but if we don’t do the procedure our son will end up worse and needing a bigger procedure. Has anyone had their 18mo (or in the range) under general anesthesia for anything? If so, how was it? Thanks in advance.

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 07:22)

Am I supposed to wake my baby up for tummy time?

FTM and I have no idea how wake windows work. My son is almost 6 weeks and his pediatrician said he should be able to hold his head up now during tummy time. Full disclosure, I haven’t been doing a lot of tummy time with him. In fact, I haven’t done much of ANYTHING with him because he wakes up screaming to be fed and then falls asleep at the breast after an hour. Am I supposed to wake him up after burping to get tummy time in? He’s just so hard to soothe afterwards but I also don’t want him falling behind. How do you all fit in their activities throughout the day?

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 05:41)

Okay guys my bestie is throwing a first birthday party for her daughter, what do I give her?

Id like to celebrate the parents getting through year one in addition to the birthday. I have a nine month old and I'm still stumped as to what to get. There is no registry. maybe a gift for the family? I do not know.

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 09:41)

What do you wish people would understand about the baby?

I'll go first. At 6mo, he is a tiny person so he will probably be interested in a toy if you offer it to him. You can even demonstrate what the toy does so he can try. HOWEVER if you just continuously shake a toy in his face (He is not a damn cat!!) Or even shake his hand while he is already holding the toy (looking at you FIL!!), he will only get confused and frustrated. Why is this so many people's go to thing for "playing" with the baby??

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 06:38)

When are the limits on formula purchases going to be lifted?

The formula shortage hadn’t been an issue here in quite some time now. It’s really frustrating I can only buy 4-5 formula containers at a time. I feel like these stores also don’t understand there’s a huge difference between formula cans and ready to feed bottles. I use similac alimentum ready to feed. My son eats about a bottle a day. Therefore I have to go to the store 2-3 times a week for his formula. It’s not the same as formula cans that last longer!!!

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 06:53)

18 mo anesthesia? :(

Hi All, my soon to be 18 month old son needs to have a dental procedure done. No doctor we have seen will do conscious or IV sedation under 3, so our only option seems to be general anesthesia. I am terrified, but if we don’t do the procedure our son will end up worse and needing a bigger procedure. Has anyone had their 18mo (or in the range) under general anesthesia for anything? If so, how was it? Thanks in advance.

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 07:31)

Holy grail clothing items?

Do any of you ladies have a holy grail, can’t live without clothing item? Especially a swim suit, Jean shorts, dress that is especially flattering? I’ve never found a pair of Jean shorts that look good on me and feel so self conscious in bathing suits! Open to any suggestions though, clothing or shoes. Feeling sooo blah this summer 💛

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 09:07)

Why do I get anxiety of me dying and leaving my children and partner?

Very strange but lately I saw on the news and on various social media of fathers dying, and just the thought of me dying and leaving my beautiful children and partner gives me anxiety, the thought of them growing up without me and me not seeing them grow up, wtf is wrong with me???

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 10:29)

I’m now heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant.

I’m so sad and disappointed and angry and embarrassed. My LO is 13 months and I’m heavier than when I gave birth. I never expected to “bounce back” but I sure as shit didn’t think I would gain so much in the first year postpartum. It’s not surprising. I breastfed for a year, was hungry ALL the time and made poor eating decisions. Plus my sleep is crap and the last thing I want to do in my spare time is work out. We’re starting an IVF transfer cycle tomorrow actually, (yay!) so I know the weight won’t be losing any weight anytime soon. Rationally, I know it’s ok. But emotionally I just hate it. I’m so thankful my husband still thinks I look great, but I just wanted to complain. Thanks for listening.

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 09:21)

Kisses? No thank you!

Just reminded by another post, thought folks would appreciate. We did an international trip recently to visit my partner's relatives with our 17mo. I genuinely love his family, but some of them are of the 'kiss the baby' generation, and LO was not having it. He's not really old enough to understand consent yet, but he knows what he wants (or doesn't). Cue several older relatives going in for a smooch, only to be met with a small hand to the face! I couldn't help it, I laughed. Hope all your LOs give as much joy

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 10:39)

Baby wants to sit up while bottle feeding

Our baby is 7 months and she doesn't like to lay back and feed anymore. She always wants to sit up but the issue is that it's really hard for me to feed her that way. Especially towards the end of the bottle, the nipple is mostly just air. Is there a good solution to this? We're using dr browns options+ with the vent system. We're trying to remove the system but then the bottles leak everywhere so we ended up putting them back in for now.

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 09:56)

My baby is 8 months and I'm ready for #2...

As the title says, my daughter turns 8 months tomorrow and I'm ready for baby #2. Ideally would like to wait until she's 10 months in August... Am I crazy?? Has anyone conceived when they had a 10 month old? I need to hear the real pros and cons lol I turn 30 in July if that matters (we want 2 more children).

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 08:26)

Settling himself to sleep?

I’m a FTM to a 5mo. He’s a fairly happy baby and a good sleeper, but we just recently went through a minor sleep regression and I’m noticing big changes in his sleep patterns. Firstly, he is taking about 3 naps a day. 2 short naps with a longer one in the middle of the day. He is typically awake for about 1.5-3 hours at a time until about 9PM, when he will settle in for the night and wake once or twice to eat/pass gas. Secondly: Last night I had a very hard time getting him to bed. He was wide awake, happy, and wanted to play at 11pm. I tried to cuddle, rock, sing, and pat to no avail. I finally just set him down in his crib as he was content and I had to pee. I came back in to find him asleep! He did this again for his first and second naps. Am I harming him or our bond in any way by letting him settle himself, even though he doesn’t cry?

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2 years ago

(Jun 26, 2023 08:36)

bottle tooth decay 10 month old

I noticed a small like lightttttt brown/yellow spot on the side of my daughters front tooth. she has been exclusively bottle/formula fed since 2 months of age. holle brand goats milk. anyways, I’m so upset bc no one ever told me about potential issues with bottle feeding and teeth issues? i’m wondering if i should book a dentist appt? and if it’s something that will reverse and be okay? I know it’s just a baby tooth she won’t have forever but i feel really bad she is still adorable though

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