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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 06:04)

Smacked a lady’s hand when she touched my baby

I barely get out of the house with my three month old. We went to walk around a park and a lady approached my baby in his stroller. I said “Please do not touch him” loudly. Of course she proceeded to start putting her hand in and touched his foot. So I smacked her hand. I think it’s so inconsiderate that she touched him after I said not to. What is it with people thinking they have the right to touch babies?

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 08:31)

Should I be concerned

My wife and I are having our first kid in December. We just found out it’s a boy which she was a bit sad about she wanted a girl so she could have a friend and dress them in cute outfits. However right after reading the gender her first comment was guess we have to worry about him being a rapist. I said to her if we raise him to understand consent we shouldn’t have to worry. To which she replied well he could also start molesting other kids at a young age we have a lot to worry about. I understand that consent needs to be taught and so does right from wrong and for a long time it was ignored to a large degree for boys. However her comments make me worry about what kind of mom she will be to a boy.

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 08:25)

Why didn’t anyone tell me about the hell of cleaning breast pump parts?

Baby is only a week old so I’m pumping every 3 hrs, which means I have to clean the parts every 3 hrs. Husband washes them by hand, I throw them in the dishwasher. It’s just so excessive no matter what way we do it. And takes away precious time we could be sleeping. Is it really necessary to clean the parts after EVERY use? I found out about the microwave bags, got really excited because it seemed much less time-consuming and quickly found out you STILL have to clean the parts before using them. I thought with sterilization the washing part could be skipped. It’s just all so time-consuming and I wasn’t prepared for it at all.

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 07:10)

do I really need to give my baby infant cereal?

My mom has been badgering me to give my baby rice cereal or oatmeal to keep her full. I told her the solids I've been giving her (it's been inconsistent tbh) and the formula are fine. She still insists I need to give her the infant cereal.

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 05:43)

my son (2m) finally got his COVID vaccine!!!

I had to take my son to the doctor for a regular visit and decided that it was time he got it. It took a weight off my back knowing he'll be protected Edit 2years

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 08:09)

Bluey season 3 is coming to Disney+ on August 10

I've seen numerous people ask this over the past few months so hopefully they all see this news. Source: Also: r/bluey

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 05:49)

Sometimes I regret having children

When my kids were little it was so much easier. I know it's the age but why are teenagers such buttheads? Yesterday my teen left before 7am for morning workouts at school. I tried calling multiple times through out the day with his phone going straight to voice-mail. Finally around 7pm my husband called the non emergency number to see if they could help locate him (very rural town). The officer called the coach and they found him in 10 minutes. He was upset that I called but I've warned him multiple times about sending just a simple text saying where he's at. I try not to micromanage his life. Today he's ranting and raving because I grounded him from leaving. He also cussed my husband out and threatened violence. I've been sitting in my room crying trying to figure out were I went wrong with him. My husband tries to protect my feelings and us fighting because he knows that he really tends to hurt my feelings and say mean things. Thanks for letting me rant and vent.

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 09:00)

Emotional granularity is the ability to name what we are feeling with a high degree of precision and specificity. Parents need emotional granularity most when it comes to anger: our children's and our own. @dfkris @Deseret

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 06:42)

Car seat naps…

My baby sleeps so well in her car seat, like so many do. But if I’m just running to the store and she falls asleep in her car seat that 10 minute nap super powers her and she won’t fall asleep again until she’s an overtired grumpy mess. I’ve seen people suggest to just drive around until the baby gets their full nap. But with the price of gas, wear and tear on the car and simply how dangerous driving can be - doesn’t it make more sense to just bring the baby inside the house in the carrier and sit next to them as they finish napping? Or should I just suck it up and remove the child as soon as the car seat is no longer needed? This option makes the most sense from a strict safe sleep standpoint, but it is making it very difficult to leave the house and is messing with my mental health.

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 06:33)

Summer is a great time to be free of chaotic schedules and to enjoy unstructured time with the kids. But it’s only natural that there might be times when you need an idea or two for how to spend a day. We’ve got a few of those! (100 to be exact!)

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 05:58)

I asked my husband to put the pasta dish I prepped on Monday in the oven. This stupid ass let the lid on 🤦🏻‍♀️

So I have two hungry little kids eating crackers cause that’s all we have…Somebody come and get me please I think need a drink or 10 even though I don’t usually drink.

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 05:49)

Nervous about bottle and pump sterilization

Basically the title. I'm currently 37+4 and honestly have no idea how to sterilize bottles and pump parts properly. I plan on breastfeeding a bit but more pumping and bottle feeding than anything and I've been so focused on the other aspects of baby like clothes and making sure she has diapers and the carseat and so on and so forth. It just came to me as I was loading dishes into the dishwasher that I don't know how to sterilize them beyond just a hot soapy wash. But I don't think thats all there is to it, right? I don't have the funds to afford anything fancy. I have different types of bottles and nipples already and my pump is on the way from insurance. I'm kicking myself because I've been so scatterbrained that I genuinely didn't think of it. Ugh! Any recommendations for baby safe dish soap? Any advice? I'm so frustrated with myself right now.

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 06:50)

my son is 2 and is hurting our new baby. nothing iseems to help!

i have a semi new baby, shes 5 months old. things were okay when she first came home from the hospital, he didnt hurt her but he did act out a bit more then usual. Well lately (I'd say within the last 3 weeks) hes been hurting her really badly. He smacks her head on the soft spot, he bit her hand so hard it bled, he took a remote and smacked her in the head and he pushes her down when she stands up (shes doing that thing where she uses furniture to pull herself up to stand). he grabs her face when im breastfeeding. I scream "NO!". I threaten him. I praise him when hes good. nothing has changed so he cant be near her anymore and thats hard when im raising them basically by myself. What can i do??

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 06:44)

My friend has never had one day without her baby

And in mediation she agreed to give shithead ex unsupervised time Including overnights starting in about six weeks. She breastfeeding too but her lawyer said this particular judge doesn't give a fuck about that. Anyway. What words of comfort do you have?

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3 years ago

(Jul 13, 2022 09:56)

When do you start implementing a bed time?

My 13-week-old goes down for the night between 11pm and midnight nearly every night. While I realize it might be too early to start doing an earlier bedtime, I'm anxious to be able to have her down for the night earlier so that my husband and I can have some time to ourselves. We recently switched from swaddles to the Merlin suit, and she contact naps throughout the day. We also don't cap naps; she'll nap for five hours at a time some days. I don't know if maybe I need to do wake windows or something. Advice would be greatly appreciated. How old was your baby when you started putting them down earlier for the night, and how did you start doing that?

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