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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 08:26)

The judgment I get from being a SAHM hurts

I don't know how to just ignore it or toughen my skin. I get so many comments and side eyes. I feel so useless (mostly financially) and the constant judgement from people is getting to me. So. Many. Older women will have little jabs/comments about it and I feels so overwhelming. I love staying home and being with my child but I can't ignore the people in my life. Mostly just needed to vent :( Now excuse me while I hold back tears and sing along with Ms rachel...

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 07:17)

Feeling like shit about bedsharing, also so sleep deprived I nearly fell asleep holding her in an unsafe way

I really really want to follow safe sleep ABCs. We have a really nice bedside bassinet set up. My baby is 9 days old and if anything happened to her I would die. Last night I was awake nearly every hour because she was either hungry, fussing and gassy, or needed a diaper change. My husband and I are exhausted. I tried to stay awake to feed her by sitting up but I nearly fell asleep with my hand over her face. I feel like such a piece of shit. The last thing I want to do is put her at risk and I keep getting horrible dead baby stories on my tiktok from cosleeping but it’s one of the only ways she will sleep at night without fussing. My midwife gave me info on the safe sleep 7 which we are following but I also see people online saying basically if you do it you’re a shit parent and it’s the unsafe sleep 7. I just don’t know what to do, I need sleep but I also don’t want to risk my baby’s life.

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 06:36)

To the door to door advertising guys. Seriously fuck you.

I know you're just doing your job but seriously you are like Jehovah's fucking witness with your middle of the day doorbells. It was mildly irritating when you came while I was working. But now with a baby!? And of course my dog does what dogs do best and barks her head off when you come to the door. I have never slammed a door in someone's face and I'm slightly horrified that I just did it to someone. But after spending an hour trying to get this baby to nap to have him wake up because you came to my door at 2 pm on a Thursday is so incredibly infuriating. Leave me alone!!!

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 05:43)

Not bringing toddler & baby to wedding

I’m attending a family wedding later this month. Originally, my family wanted me to also bring my toddler and now 3 month old baby along so people can meet them. The wedding is child-free, so they suggested my husband hang out in the hotel room all day/night with the kids. He would bring them out at some point so family could see them. Keep in mind, baby boy has reflux and colic, so he tends to be very fussy and demanding. Obviously, my husband wasn’t thrilled about that idea, so I’m just attending solo. My family was disappointed and keep trying to guilt me into bringing them. “Oh it’s a family thing, we need to be together”. Come visit us, then. The bride and groom made the wedding child free for a reason. Future events like thanksgiving would be much more appropriate to bring the kids to. They’re acting like we’re being to ridiculous for keeping them home for the day.

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 07:58)

I’m crying

I put my two year old down for a nap just now.. I say I love you and kiss his forehead every time. Usually when anyone says I love you to him, he’ll go “mmmwah!” And that was his way of saying it. Well he just said I love you back to me for the first time. 😭😭😭🩷

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 08:36)

I cried over my baby growing up today

I just cried and couldn’t stop after playing with my sweet baby boy and putting him down for a nap. He’s 2 months old tomorrow and the difference between today and just a few weeks ago is staggering. He plays with toys now. He watches our pets move around. He smiles and squeals at me when I speak to him. It seems impossible that he can change so much in so little time. I’m so happy he’s learning and I can’t wait to see what he does next. But he’s growing up already. He’s changing every single day and becoming his own person with a real personality. Why is this so bittersweet? :’) Next thing I know he’ll be in preschool. Ugh. I’m so equally happy, proud, and already missing the tiny brand new baby he was 2 months ago.

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 06:23)

Poop Trick

My husband stumbled upon this trick by accident. He was playing around with our LO by humming on her stomach to make her laugh, all of a sudden she pooped. We figured it was a coincidence, but he’s done it a handful of times now whenever she’s gassy and extra fussy and it’s always worked! Sometimes it happens almost right away, other times it could take anywhere up to 20 mins or so. He hums hard enough that you can feel the vibration on her, so maybe it’s helping move out the gas/poop. Just wanted to share and hope it helps others!

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 08:27)

My brain is going to explode 😨

I’m trying to prepare for baby girl’s arrival and I’m adding a few last minute things to our list. It just gets so overwhelming trying to find inexpensive options. I have so many questions and I need help!! What baby detergent did you all use? Do they need specific dryer sheets as well? How many pacifiers did you have? What breast pumps should I get? What nursing chair did you end up buying? Any other tips or things I should know? Things you wish you had gotten right off the bat? Everything I see is either very expensive or just too similar to other items and it gets me all rattled.

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 05:39)

What type of drinking cup to buy my 7MO? Open, straw or 360 training cups are good, right?

My breastfed LO started solids recently around 6.5 months old. He is now 7 months old. I bought an open cup for him to try drinking water out of, but it didn't go so well. I will keep trying. I am also open to buying a straw or 360 training cup. Theyre meant to be good, right? Do you guys have a preference?

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 09:59)

Now THIS Is The Kind of Support We Need!

I was at dinner with my 9mo, my Dad and my Stepmom. My dad is constantly doing the boomer grandpa act... Telling me what I should/shouldn't do or recollecting how great of a job he did (often it is apparent that he is remembering everything with rose colored glasses). Last night he started in.. "So. Here is what you have to do". My StepMom talks over him and says "You need to keep doing exactly whatever you think is best and not take advice you didn't ask for" with a smile. My dad shut up. My StepMom is now my super hero. This is the kind of support we all need. :)

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 05:55)

Sad because of breastfeeding

I dislike it and have from the very beginning but I really wanted to do it for my daughter (she’s 13 weeks now) for the first 6 months. And it was really easy for her from the beginning. My issues have been about breastfeeding her when we’re out. I ask beforehand if there’s a room where I can do it in peace. But lately (the two last times we were out at family gatherings/parties) it just wasn’t possible to find a quiet place and I completely broke down and just left without saying goodbye. Also a week ago something happened with LO. Her stomach is making a lot of noises and when she swollows breastmilk it seems like it hurts and she stops eating. I’ve cried and been frustrated and we have started to give her formula. A part of me is okay with that but I’m still trying to bf so that I don’t get an infection. Has anyone experienced any of this? How did you deal?

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 10:13)

How do we all sleep in a hotel room on holiday?

In a months time my husband and I are going to Fiji for a holiday with our baby who will be 4 months old (4 month regression please don’t come for us then!!). We’ve already been working with a sleep consultant and our baby’s sleep is pretty good at night - she settles herself to sleep and bgoes down at 6.30 and wakes 1-2 times in the night for a feed. I get her up at 7am. This all happens in our bedroom which we keep very dark with the sound machine on. When we’re away we are going to all be in one hotel room (bringing a travel bassinet). My question is, are we resigned to turning off all the lights and no tv from 6.30 while on holiday? Could she sleep in the bathroom so we can use lights / the tv (is that ok??). Also if we got a nanny for one evening is it reasonable to ask her to sit in a dark room for an hour or two? Any advice appreciated!

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 07:34)

Can anyone recommend a good sun hat for my 7 month old? She hates the one she has from Carters and Target / Wal-Mart are out of stock.


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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 08:47)

Help with solids please!!

Baby just turned 6 months and had her first purée yesterday. It went great and she’s actually pretty good with the spoon and bringing it to her mouth! However today we tried the same thing and she gagged a little bit(which I’ve heard is totally normal) but at the same time that she started to gag, she shoves the spoon in the back of her throat causing her to throw up like a lot(about 3 times back to back) to the point it seemed like she couldn’t catch her breath 😭 it was so scary, thankfully I remained calm and she was fine. I want to know if I should wait on letting her hold the spoon for now and maybe just have her try to eat with her hands and instead introduce the spoon later on? Any other tips to keep them from throwing up like that when starting solids is much appreciated!!

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2 years ago

(Jul 13, 2023 10:35)


Baby girl will be 7 months this week. Ever since the day she was born, she has been a poop monster. I’m talking blow-outs multiple times a day. She is EBF and would do a very large dump after she fed on EACH side EVERY TIME she fed. Lol. So I’m used to a lot of poo. Since about 4 months old she reduced to maybe 3 poops a day and since starting solids last month it’s been 1-2 very stinky and large poops (including a variety of different scary colours since she loves blueberries so much). She will also consistently poo once each morning. But TODAY! There was no poo. Lots and lots of farts that sounded like poo. But no poo. It’s 6:30 pm and almost bedtime and I’m still waiting. Its all I can think about. Is she constipated? Should I head towards the prunes and cabbage? This has probably been one of the crazier things I never thought I would be concerned about since becoming a parents lol.

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