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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 06:02)

What is something ridiculous that your baby finds hilarious?

My 5mo thinks it's the funniest thing in the world when I put on a very sterotypical Brooklyn accent. Absolutely kills me.

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 09:12)

What age did you start swim lessons for your baby?

There’s a place that offers a small group swim class and they accept newborns. Obviously it’s very limited with what they do, and they say they don’t put baby under water until 6 months. Has anyone done this when their baby was still so small? I think it would be fun to just get out there and do something with her (she’s 7 weeks). I’m so bored sitting in the house all day! Lol

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 09:01)

Baby coming soon. My untrainable cat keeps going into the crib and I'm worried the baby will suffocate. How do I deal with this?

The cat will cry all night long if we close the door. And of course when the baby sleeps during the day I want to have the door to the bedroom open.

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 07:19)

1 Year Old Prefers Dad and I’m sad

My 1-year old prefers her dad. She no longer wants to breastfeed. Every time I try she is basically throwing a fit and crying and screaming to get away. I work full time while taking care of her during the day, I am the primary caregiver. We can’t afford daycare because we live in NYC, I make more then him and pay for the majority of the expenses. I feel like my baby hates me and loves her dad because he’s fun. He is able to give her undivided attention when he comes home from work and I feel entirely exhausted from trying to do both work and being a parent at the same time. Right now I am really depressed because I feel like I serve no purpose for her. I don’t know what to do.

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 10:11)

Snacking All Day Long!!!

For context my daughter is almost 3 years old. As a parent do you control or “monitor” how many snacks are given? My daughter lately has been wanting to eat just about every snack in our house. I’m adamant about not buying too many snacks we usually get 2 per person at the grocery store. So i’ll get 2 things, husband gets his picks etc. For example, I’ll get her some chocolate chip cookies, and gummy snacks or apple sauces. Well, I think that has became a problem and I’m considering just not even having those types of snacks in the house at all! She wakes up immediately wanting cookies, gets out of daycare wanting gummy snacks. I tend to stick to the serving size but she will ask for more. How do you go about snacks in your home especially with your regular normal meals like breakfast lunch etc.??

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 10:02)

Toddler's feet stink

My toddler is almost 2 years old. Hygiene is good and I wash her feet daily and change her shoes often. I bought her sandals thinking that will help but it didn't. I've tried baby powder and that stopped working. I tried spraying a shoes odour spray in her shoes but that didn't work either. It's getting worse now. When I washed her feet before, the smell would go. Today, I washed her feet twice. After washing them before bed, they still smelled. I'm actually thinking of taking her to the doctors. Has anyone experienced this? What did you do? Am I crazy for considering taking her to the doctors for this?

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 05:50)

Sister posting photo after baby is born

My sister just had a baby. My first nephew. I’m so excited. After she posted his pictures introducing him on social media, I posted photos saying how much I loved him and he’s perfect. I overheard my dad saying to my mom, why would she post that, it’s not her baby. Now I’m questioning if it’s weird to do that. I wouldn’t care if my sister did that with my kids when they were born.

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 06:10)

Baby Products

Hey All, I am going to be a father in the coming months. My wife and I are putting a registry together but don’t know where to start. What is something that makes life a little easier for the little ones and/or new parents? What product do you wish someone had told you about before your little one arrived? So far we have: A stroller, car seat, changing table and that’s about it. We don’t know the gender. Thank you so much.

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 07:14)

Tummy problems after pregnancy/birth?

Anyone else have a much more sensitive stomach after having a baby? Before pregnancy and even during, I had pretty much an iron stomach lol. I could eat greasy food, lots of dairy, fast food ect without much issue. (I know still not good for me, but not the point lol) I'm 9 months PP now and I get stomach aches sooo easily. I haven't pinpointed exactly what triggers it, mostly because I'm afraid that it's dairy and idk if I'm prepared to cut it out 😂 Maybe it's not related to postpartum and I'm just getting older? But I'm only 25! Idk!!!

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 05:57)

My family has many issues

My little sister and I have only 1.5 year age gap but she is literally so gorgeous. Since my childhood, I have always been compared to her. I was the ugly daughter for my parents but they never mentioned to me directly. Today me and my sister were having a conversation with my dad where he was trying to boost her confidence because despite being gorgeous she struggles with confidence. So he asked both of us to stand infront of a mirror and he said my sister to look at me where he mentioned that how pretty she is in comparison to me. I felt devastated because I have been trying my best to help my sister and my family in many issues and I get this? Everyone of my family members have many issues. My little sister and my mother are suffering from eating disorder. My father is suffering from depression. My family has never had a peaceful day. No matter how hard I try to keep peace and happiness in this family, something ruins it. It's hampering my mental health. What should I do?

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 08:15)

Prenatal vitamins postpartum

I forgot to ask my doctor at my 3 week follow up. Do I still need to take my prenatal postpartum if I am not breastfeeding?

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 08:30)

No babbling 13 months

Heyyyy guys I have posted about this a few times actually..first when my pediatrician recommended early intervention at my sons 9 month appointment for lack of babbling. We did end up doing early intervention and they came and assessed him and said he seems to be doing fine and not to worry etc but he is 13 months and still no real babbling. There have been a few times recently that he has said babababa when excited but it’s not like to me it’s into the air if you get what I mean. I’m trying not to worry since the professionals came and said he seemed very typical. I’m curious if anyone else has had a baby that was very slow to communicate and what those reasons might have been and what helped. He starts daycare in the next few months and I’m hoping that helps a lot . Thank you for any feedback

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 09:49)

I think I just found a lump in my breast

I had an itch and I squeezed my breast and felt a lump. I'm 50 and have no history of breast cancer in my family. my mammograms all say I have dense breast tissue. it doesn't feel like a marble, it just feels like a lumpy mass. my other breast doesn't feel like that. I can't really feel anything if I press on them. maybe it is just mammary glands. my only child is 14 years old. I am a little freaked out and don't really know why I am posting this. probably it is just a lumpy gland. I will be calling my doctor first thing on monday

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 08:16)

Developing a crack in my nipple… advice?

Hi! So after two IBCLC home visits and a gazillion dollars later—my baby’s latch is fine but she has a narrow palate and she’s a tiny baby so she’s pinching a small part of my nipple a bit. After our last BF session, I noticed a small, teeny crack in my nipple (and hence why that side feels SO AWFUL when she’s breast feeding like grinding my teeth bad). I have a couple nipple shields laying around in preparation something like this could happen. My question is, do I press on with a cracked nipple or should I use a nipple shield and let her latch once the crack heals? Also, nipple size is 17mm, I have a medela size 20 and 24– 20 seems like it rubs a little? Should I use a 24? Thanks!

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2 years ago

(Jul 15, 2023 10:12)

Help please! What temperature did you keep the nursery at and what did your newborn wear to sleep?

We are new parents, and I've been having a dilemma with my wife since returning home from the hospital. We live near Phoenix Arizona, and before our baby arriving, we kept the house at 68°F. We then ramped it up to 72°F once the baby arrived, which I'm fine with. However, my wife and mother in law keep adding layers of clothes to the newborn and have decided to turn the AC down to 75°F. The baby now sleeps with a long sleeve onsie, pants, socks, mittens, and a hat wrapped in a swaddle blanket, and on occasions, they throw on a regular blanket on top of that. I feel it is excessive. I did research online, and most sources indicate that only one more layer of what you are wearing is sufficient and that it's best to keep the nursery between 68 and 72. I've expressed my concerns, but they weren't really considered. Can someone with experience please provide advice? Or for comparison, what did your newborn wear to sleep and at what temperature was the nursery kept at?

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