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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 08:14)

Pterodactyl screams

My 4mo old has officially found his voice. It's hilariously adorable. He revs himself up like "hu hu hu hu AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" my dogs are super concerned that he's in distress but nope. He's just screaming his cute little head off.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 07:35)

Why Do Rightwing Foundations Fund Emily Oster’s Work on COVID and Parenting?

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 10:53)

RSV vaccine approved for infants

The FDA today [approved]( a monoclonal antibody vaccine for infants and children up to 2 years old.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 08:01)

How dangerous are fragrances?

Hi everyone, I’m a big candle lover, and I try to stick to good quality supposedly child and pet safe fragrances with soy wax, but I still worry about the safety of fragrances both in candles and personal hygiene products. Can anyone direct me to any studies? Thank you!

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 06:15)

Hearing dads say "being a SAHP is soooo easy"

Then they proceed to say how their wife comes home and takes care of the kid, does bathtime, sleeptime, has a very well paid job and also does house chores anyway.... Yeah dude ok, I'm not even gonna go in depth into pregnancy, giving birth, pumping and breastfeeding, and doing night shifts. And how that's not the case normally for 90% of SAHMs to have your partner come home and do all the rest of the work (or ANYTHING at all). There's a post on a sub about exactly this, and I really believe it's a troll post made to get reactions.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 08:28)

He doesn’t have “sympathy” for me.

I told my husband I wasn’t looking forward to waking up and taking my baby to swim lessons because she doesn’t like them. My husband then says “I told you I have to wake up extra early tomorrow for work. I have no sympathy for you to wake yo a little earlier than normal and take our baby to swim lessons.” Like I’m literally never allowed to be tired or complain without him comparing my complaints to him. No matter what I do he’s always “more”.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 08:44)

Daycare notes every poop as diarrhea

My 14 mo has literally been home every other day for the past two weeks. Every day he is at daycare the providers say he has diarrhea and needs to stay home for 24 hours per policy. We go to the dr, get a clean bill of health and then the cycle repeats. I’m getting really frustrated. He’s not had any unusual BMs at home. He’s been to the dr 3 times in the past 10 days with no fever and consistently tests negative for everything. I appreciate the over-abundance of caution but he is not sick! Does anyone know what could be going on? One friend suggested it’s because we are still breastfeeding at home so that could be making his stool loose when he’s at daycare? I’m at my wits end!

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 10:59)

Am I alone or are my feelings normal?

I’m curious how common this is or if I need to seek therapy or professional help. I’m constantly feeling like I’m failing my kids (daughter 14, son 10). I always feel like I could be doing more for them. It literally gets to the point that I cry at least once a week about it and I have no idea where these feelings are coming from because on the outside they seem like happy and content kids. I dwell on the past and I could have done more of this for them, and more of that for them. I’m sick to my stomach most of the time and it’s so hard for me to be happy anymore. I just really feel like they would be better off without me sometimes. I don’t think I was meant to have kids with the way I’m handling everything. I was much more level headed and happy when they were young but something changed over the past 5 years and I just wonder if I’ll ever feel happy again? If anyone has any tips or suggestions to get out of this mind frame it would be appreciated.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 08:38)

Issue with tampons

So ever since having my daughter (shes 17 months) I can't use tampons. They don't stay in and the make me SUPER nauseous. So I haven't tried to use one for a few months. Well this morning I tried again because the pad is giving me a rash and I almost threw up just trying to put it in. Has anyone else had this happen? Did you ever solve the problem?

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 09:15)

Trying to make summer fun is so hard

I try to do things on all my days off and I'm so tired. I like swimming, but taking toddlers swimming is exhausting. But I still go. Or today we were in the backyard using the sprinkler which seems more lowkey than the beach but it's setting everything up and getting the sunscreen and towels for them to be done in 5 minutes. Then draining everything when you're done. I'm also in the constant cycle of washing bathing suits and towels. I think I'll go to the beach alone soon.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 09:08)

Resources/Guides for Tracking and Introducing Food Allergens?

Our 6mo daughter is starting solids - and we are discovering all the things she is allergic to ... and it's a lot already. We've done what we think is the proper procedure for introductions: feeding the food by itself for 3 days and watching for reaction (redness, hives, etc). When we suspected something, we've gone to a pediatric allergist who confirms via skin test that there is a reaction. So far she is allergic to: peanuts, egg (whites), tree nuts (cashew, pistachio, pecan, walnut), and chicken (how?!?!) It's a lot already. And the list seems to keep growing every time we try to introduce something new (e.g. we are starting to suspect pears and some other fruit may be causing a reaction). Are there any resources folks have or know about to help guide us through this? It's become too much for us just to track her food allergies. And we are having a hard time thinking of purees to be giving her while dodging her ever increasing list of allergies. TIA!

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 09:14)

Anyone deliver on their back by choice?

I'm actually just curious lol. With my first, I had an epidural and delivered on my back. I wasn't uncomfortable and had him super quickly despite that, so didn't feel the need to try another position. With my second, I didn't want the epidural and felt I'd try other positions. Well in transition, I tried to get on hands and knees and was in SO much more pain than lying down lol. So I stayed there and like 10-15 minutes later had my baby. I pushed only 8 minutes. I know everyone says bring on your back is terrible (and I know physiologically it isn't as easy to deliver), but I am just curious if anyone else delivered by choice on their back and had good experiences? I see it shamed nowadays a lot, but it ended up being what I needed at the time and worked out fine.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 10:44)

Car seat leaning to the side

We have to move our son's Extend2Fit off of the LATCH so our daughter's Extend2Fit can use the LATCH in booster mode. The issue is that when we use the seat belt on our son's seat, it leans to the side a ridiculous amount when tightened down. If it was a slight tilt, I wouldn't mind as I've read that's fine, but the amount of lean on my son's seat is way too much. What can be done about this? The car the seats are installed in is a 2019 Toyota Highlander.

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 10:07)

Parents of Teenagers

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. It's for research. What posters do teenagers have on their walls these days? I had Pulp Fiction, football players and bands. Who are the most popular these days? Is it all Marvel? What singers or bands are popular? Do kids even want posters anymore?

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2 years ago

(Jul 17, 2023 10:35)

Cancel our family vacation?

We have plans to go camping in a month with our 6 y/o, 3 y/o and (then) 3 m/o. The issue is that my baby HATES the car/car seat. She loses it even when we drive to my friends house 5 minutes away. The longest she’s gone without losing it in the car was 25 minutes and that’s with me holding the pacifier in her mouth. When she does lose it, it’s hysterical, coughing, choking, purple face cry. It’s so sad. Anyways, we were going to go camping where our (extended) family has gone every year for 50+ years. It’s 8.5 hours away. I’m tempted to cancel our trip because I don’t know if we can handle it but I’m so torn. I don’t want my older kids to not have a vacation. Our family wants to see us and we want to see them. Flying is too expensive and would end up being a longer day when it’s all said and done. I guess I’m just wondering if anyone went on a road trip with their car seat screamer and didn’t come out on the other side totally regretting it?

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