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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 06:53)

My mom has me anxious over how my daughters feet are

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 06:10)

Climate change..?

I went out with a girlfriend yesterday and we got onto the topic of climate change and how the summers are hotter for longer. I said something like, I don’t know what our world will look like in the future and she said “yeah and here you are bringing babies into it.” Those words stung, for one because I am genuinely worried about climate change and if I should be bringing children into it if I’m so concerned. Then she said, “but someone’s gotta do it.” That’s just it, are we all just gonna stop procreating and end our species? Is it really that bad? As you may have guessed she doesn’t have children. But it just gave me a sinking feeling. Does anyone else feel like this? What do you tell yourself to make it seem less like impending doom?

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 05:38)

Any new moms “one and done” because they love their one so much?

Are any of you new moms contemplating because one and dine just because you live your one so much you can’t stand it? My daughter just turned 11 weeks and it’s overwhelming how much I love her. Like I’m crying now just thinking about it. Maybe it’s partly due to hormones still lol but I can’t imagine feeling this way about multiple little people. While pregnant I thought I’d at least do this twice so she could have a sibling, but I don’t know that my heart could take it!

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 06:00)

What kinds of relationship data do schools need to understand the trajectories their students are on, and the relationships and resources at their disposal? @juliaffreeland @EdSurge

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 06:36)

Anyone else think parenting influencers are kind of cringe?

My wife and I have a 7 month old. My wife is always showing me parenting influencers that she follows on social media and it just seems so cringe to me. I love being a parent but some people act like it's a super power or something. Is your life so shallow that this is the biggest point of your personality? No you don't deserve your own line at Starbucks because you did something that billions of other people did!

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 05:29)

Now that you have a baby, what time do you go to bed?

And how old is your baby?

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 06:42)

Teenage boys and the mental load

I have a neurodiverse teenage son and a neurotypical teenage son, and I find myself reminding them all the time to do their basic chores like loading and emptying the dishwasher, doing their laundry, cleaning their rooms, taking out the recycling, cleaning up after themselves in the kitchen, and so on. I realized recently I feel like I'm reinforcing the idea that the mental load belongs to the woman. Also, my husband was raised in very much a "woman does the \[kitchen/cleaning/cooking/etc.\] work" household, and he has bad habits from this. I don't want to perpetuate this cycle! On the other hand, my one son has some special needs and I don't know what's typical for reminders needed for teenagers. How do we raise our sons to do better?

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 07:48)

just realized my period is 2 weeks late (I have a paragard IUD)

I'm going to the store to get a pregnancy test ASAP. and my IUD is 9 years old. despite it being reliable, I get so paranoid because RIGHT before the dr. inserted the IUD they said "I've seen babies born holding these in their hand!" I wish that I could go to the store immediately but I'm lactose intolerant, and accidentally had too much dairy earlier, having awful cramps, feel like I'm gonna barf and shit my pants at the same time. the timing would be so crazy for what I'm fearing. school just started for my kid and I, and my partner and I just went on a break since things have been shitty. at least I have an appointment with OBGYN in a couple weeks (re: tubal ligation). Ugh. I'm sorry I am not trying to be alarming, I can update when I get the test, I just need to put this down somewhere NOW so I don't get hella upset and tempted to call my mom preemptively. I hope my stomach coorperates soon.

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 08:24)

From classics like Twister to more unique options like Throw Throw Burrito, these active board games will have the whole family moving and laughing together:

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 09:17)

gaps between pregnancies?

I've seen a recommendation that you should leave at least 1 year between pregnancies, but also some evidence that this is based on population studies of health outcomes, so could be that women having smaller gaps are generally in the developing world or in an otherwise precarious situation. Any evidence people can point me to that is relevant to the developed/high income world in terms of health outcomes for mum and baby, as well as emptional/developmental outcomes for both baby 1 and 2?

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 09:40)

Daughter and wife always fight…help!!!!

My daughter 13f and wife 34f, probably argue about 70 percent of the time. Wife claims daughter has an attitude, daughter says mom always yells at her no matter what. I have tried to reason with them both. Wife has the attitude I’m always right I’m the parent. Daughter can have an attitude at time, she is 13 it’s expected. I’m getting tired of it, how do I get two stubborn people to get along.

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 09:56)

Does anyone put their baby in daycare one day a week so they can sleep?

It seems so selfish but I am exhausted and not giving 100% at the moment to my son in terms of energy and ability to play for hours on end. He’s a very energetic baby. He’s nearly 7 months old.

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 07:28)

scientific name for body parts

Anybody got resources for this? Specifically vulva vs vagina? Sat at a table full of women who were telling me they're the same thing and/Or that vagina is the catch all term...while still being accurate. I'm just about to do a search but I thought I'd check with bromos as you all are rock stars.

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3 years ago

(Sep 02, 2022 05:32)

cat pierced baby's skin

My cat walked across me and my 8 week old baby when I was feeding and pierced his skin through his sleepsuit. The wound is tiny but he screamed when it happened This happened yesterday morning and LO seems fine, it's just scabbed over but my anxiety is through the roof as I know cats have bacteria in their claws and he's so little - my only option is going to A&E as my doctor's aren't open on weekends (I'm in the UK) Should I get it checked out? My cat is indoor and LO hasn't had his vaccines yet. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm so worried about tetanus, sepsis, cat scratch fever

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