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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 08:56)

Are we bad parents having my mil & sil watch our newborn for 3 days 2 nights?

As the title says, my husband and I are considering a break and for our 1 year wedding anniversary are considering flying to LA to watch the Broncos play the chargers. It would be fly out Sunday morning, game is Monday night and arrive home Tuesday around noon. Our daughter will be 3 months old, she is breastfed a d I have enough milk stash to provide 3 days worth of babysitting from Grandma and sister in law. Does this make us absent bad parents?

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 09:45)

Why doesn’t anyone talk about the horrific, debilitating intrusive thoughts you have postpartum?

It’s all torn vagina stories…

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 08:47)

I just realized…

So my Mom was a SAHM until both my sister and I were in highschool. I remember her forcing us to take a nap between 1-4 for at least 2 hours on no school days. We followed this routine religously, both her and my Dad told us some bs that taking naps in the afternoon is good for kids yada yada. Fast forward to today and I’m doing the same exact thing with my 2 toddlers. Being an adult, I realized that naps are just fillers for the day (or maybe sneak in some alone time with the better half). If there’s no school and we don’t have any outdoor family activity, a nap is a good filler for the day and it makes everyone including my wife and I not cranky. Just something that popped in my head while my kids are napping. Lol!!!

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 05:40)

We are devastated to hear the news that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has passed away surrounded by her family aged 96.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal family, at this very difficult time.

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 11:09)

Help my 5 year old still gets into the fridge and will eat everything in sight

I need help finding a fridge latch for a super strong brute force of a 5 year old type of strength it can withstand. If he is bored he will go in our fridge and eat anything he can find. I’ve tried all different kinds of latches and he’s figured out how to open all of them and/or break them. Yes we’ve done disciplinary actions over and over again. But until he can get that food is fuel and you shouldn’t be stuffing it into you every change you are bored. Yes both me and my husband are avid healthy eaters who know that food is fuel and of course like everyone else has a snack drawer where we use food that is not so good for you in moderation, but he is just not understanding it, no matter how many times we show and explain it to him. I need a sturdy latch to keep him out of the fridge when we are not looking.

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 08:40)

Forgot child's seatbelt

Another mum asked me to pick up her daughter, Lily (5) with mine (also 5, they're best friends) and drop her home after school. My daughter and her older sibling both do their seatbelts themselves. Lily can't do hers, I know this, I often give her lifts. I was distracted and forgot to do her seatbelt. I only realised when we pulled up to her house and she told me she hadn't had her seatbelt on. I told her mum and apologised profusely, she was really nice about it. I'm feeling so guilty, what if something had happened to her little girl? I'm mortified. How bad do you think this is? Should I avoid looking after other people's kids if I can't be trusted with their basic safety? The drive was only a few mins but that's just luck. It could've been a long drive on main roads.

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 09:00)

Charter schools experienced a jump in enrollment during the coronavirus pandemic, but much of that jump was in virtual charter schools, which have long been the worst-performing schools in the charter sector. @carolburris @valeriestrauss

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 07:56)

i had the biggest big brain moment, fatherfuckers

my kid started taking the bus home from school this year and the school district doesn’t give afternoon arrival times as a policy, because of things like traffic. whatever. my anxious brain could not handle the logistics of figuring out how to make sure either me or dad was there on time every day without the kid waiting alone or taking out a shit ton of time from our workdays waiting at the stop. then it hit me: AIRTAGS. popped 2 in his backpack, one tied to my icloud and one tied to dad’s. somebody on the bus is bound to have an iphone, whether it’s the driver or the aide or even a fellow first grader. bromos this has relieved my anxiety!! when school lets out i keep an eye on the find my app and when i see my kid get to a certain part of the city i hop in the car and drive to the bus stop. minimal waiting, no little first grader left at the stop alone. game changer!!!

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 09:23)

2 week old newborn with severe constipation. Ive tried everything SOS

Is it safe/okay to give my newborn probiotic drops, or anti gas relief drops? He is in a lot of pain ive basically tried everything but this andI cannot watch him endure the pain anymore :( I would bathe him in warm water but his umbilical cord still has not fallen off yet

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 06:27)

Car seat=💩 (every day…. Every day)

Our 7 month old poops every morning on the way to daycare with a 90% success rate of total blowout. Without failure, every morning. Does anyone else have this problem? Our daycare is great, they always laugh and say some babies do that and get her changed. Anyone have any idea what we could do short of plastic wrapping her seat and taking her to school naked?

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 09:32)

How do parents survive potty training?!

I swear I've tried every trick I've been told. I sit her on the potty every 15 minutes and then she starts to get pissed off because she doesn't want to. I've tried bribing her with candy. I've tried stickers. I've tried cocomelon. At this point she won't be potty trained until she's 18. She thinks it's funny to pee in her pants (no training pants just underwear) and as I'm typing this trying to explain she needs to use her potty chair she blows a raspberry at me. She even goes so far as to hide when she poops. She's never been yelled at for not going to the potty chair so I don't know where this weird hiding behavior comes from. I'm just at my wits end on tips and tricks. I can't tell if she's not ready or just being a stubborn Scorpio. Please tell me I'm not the only one who's kid is dead set on wearing diapers.

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 07:00)

Parental controls, privacy settings - not sure where to start? We have put together some useful tips👇 #OnlineSafety #Parents

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 06:01)

We love these: some of the most memorable and touching family photos Queen Elizabeth - Netmums #thequeen #queenelizabeth 😢

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 05:56)

anyone else has a newborn that burps/farts like a grown man?

Typing this as I’m feeding him a bottle. My LO is 8 weeks old and his burps and farts are atrociously loud to the point where i’m astounded. Sometimes i’m like, “DAMN WTFFFFF” because i didn’t know such thing could come from a little baby. Anyone else experience this phenomenon?

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3 years ago

(Sep 08, 2022 07:52)

Baby doesn’t like to sleep in crib but when carried she can sleep all night baby is 1month


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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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