[COMP] To celebrate 1 year of consistent practice, here’s my vinyasa!
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Struggling with heel sit
So anytime I try heel sit the moment I lower myself onto my heels the stretching of the ankle feels tight and then instant cramp in my arches. Anyone got any advice for sorting these areas or overcoming these issue so I can actually do a heel sit one day? Should I be additional stretched to ankle and foot? Just wondering if anyone else suffers with this and how they manage it.
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[COMP] flowing through to an attempt at firefly pose 🙏
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[COMP] Tried wheel pose on a bench today - it was harder!
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I sprained my knee yesterday, and am so appreciative now of how much goes work goes into mountain pose.
I’m very wobbly and swollen, though not in any pain. I’m mostly afraid of the lateral movements. Today I’m just trying to get back on my feet for a bit. Literally just getting back on my feet to gently use those traumatized lateral knee joint muscles. Then back to elevation and ice. I’m going to have to radically adjust my home yoga routine when I’m able, to focus on gentle strengthening and avoiding stress. But for today, I’m just standing in mountain, feet wider than normal for stability. This pose, one of the foundations of asana, is far more complex than I ever thought. Okay, enough standing.Time for svasana and ice now.
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Trouble with poses involving hands intertwined behind back
Hi everyone! I practiced yoga for a while in college and then stopped for about five years. I’m now getting back into and have been consistent for about a month. I noticed I’m having trouble with poses intertwining my hands behind my back - I can get my hands together no problem but my arms feel stuck like I can’t pull my hands away from my back for the stretch. It doesn’t feel tight necessarily, they just won’t move. Are there any specific stretches I can use to work on this area?
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Questions on bandhas
* Do you keep your bandhas engaged throughout the whole practice? * I hear engaging the bandhas locks in the energy so that it doesn't leave your body. Can someone give a more scientific justification to the importance of bandhas? * How do people learn about these things? I've been practicing for perhaps 8 months now and I've heard about it for the first time today. Seems like such a core thing that I'm surprised no one has mentioned before. I'm going around studios and mostly go to the top studios in my city so... is this something teachers typically just don't teach?
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strain in neck while doing core work?
I'm fairly new to yoga. Anytime I do core work while on my back/lifting my shoulders and head off the mat my neck feels pretty strained. I try to focus on keeping my neck straight and engaging my core, but there is still some discomfort. Am I just needing to build more strength in my neck or am I doing something wrong?
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Sore Muscle Flow // Forward-Fold Free and Wrist Free Class
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Seeking beginners info on yoga
Hi everyone :) I am looking to one day become a yoga instructor. Could anyone share any links/videos/books on the different types of yoga as well as any other beginners info? Thanks!
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Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, even you. Tag your yoga tribe. 👇🏾 #yogainspiration #getonyourmat #yogaforall https://t.co/CbCklfM9RB
Yoga with Your HIGHER SELF 🙆🏻♀️ CROWN CHAKRA Sahasrara
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While our body rests, our parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for things like our heartbeat, breath, digestion, and other bodily functions that we do unconsciously. Register here: https://t.co/OP51UVn5or #digitalevent #yogaalliance https://t.co/xmU0SgKOTL