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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 08:00)

When head-below-hips poses are off limits, you can still experience playfulness and challenge with these alternative asanas.

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 06:18)

Sweating a lot during yoga, potential slipping risk

I recently started to incorporate yoga into my daily morning exercise and I noticed my palms and feet get quite sweaty (this could be partiality due to the hot weather). The problem is that my feet get so sweaty that I'm afraid of slipping during downward dog and similar, more challenging exercises. First of all, I suppose excessive sweating is not unusual for beginners, right? (I'm not really out of shape but I'm not flexible either.) Secondly, what would you recommend to prevent possible 'slip & fall'? Should I look into specific mat materials?

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 07:41)

help with downward dog pls and ty!

i'm really struggling w sliding forward any time my hands get sweaty but only during downward dog. i even bought an expensive grippy mat but it made no difference. i'm using a towel at the front of my mat but getting v frustrated! is there something i'm doing wrong? any advice appreciated!!

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 07:02)

Getting a bigger behind with yoga

Sorry for the stupid title of my post. I'm practicing yoga for less than a year now, until a few years ago I did ballet. I love that I got my flexibility back, splits are easy again for example and I definitely got stronger. Now I'm wondering whether I can use yoga for getting a bigger butt?? It is very small and I don't like it. Other than that I'm more or less content with my body. Or should I just add squats??

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 07:10)

Strength training + yoga

I looked back on some old threads regarding this but I’m looking to expand on the question a bit more. I’ve been weight training for over a decade and did powerlifting for a couple years and have practiced yoga on and off for many years but have had a regular almost daily yoga practice for about two years now with on average 1-2 days strength training on days I don’t do yoga. I’m curious to know exactly what type of strength training people find to be most beneficial to their yoga practice (if any at all). For example, doing higher rep hypertrophy training vs lower rep strength training and body weight vs weighted training. The answer to this very well could be just “practice more yoga” because I do believe you get the best transfer from doing what you actually want to accomplish, but the goal is to get better at postures (both in strength and flexibility) vs anything regarding raw strength or any aesthetics

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 09:57)

Yoga: Crossings

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 03:41)

20 minute Yoga Journey | How to do Pincha Mayurasana - Intermediate Leve...

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 05:00)

You are often the last one to see your true self. This week invites you to view yourself through the lens of awe.

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 01:02)

Can you remain open to teaching others about the aspects of life that you’ve uncovered - while staying open to them teaching you? If you believe learning is the essence of life, repeat this #MondayMantra aloud: “learn, apply, share, repeat.” #yoga #yogamedicine

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 02:07)

While some yogis can still whip out into Splits or Half Splits without a lot of warm up or effort, most students will be challenged. That’s because the pose is very demanding on the hamstrings, glutes and groin. Clothing: @CALIAbrand

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 03:35)

Can you complete this whole exercise without letting the block & ball drop?! Grab your yoga props - AKA accountability tools - and try this hip mobility exercise with Yoga Medicine Online Instructor @valerie.knopik 🙌

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 05:56)

wim hof method vs pranayama?

I've been practicing the wim hof method for a while and it has had a positive effect on my life. During my research, I came across pranayama. - Can someone please explain the similarities and differences between the two? - Is pranayama a more advanced form of the wim hof method? Or vice versa? After discovering the benefits of the wim hof method, I'm definitely interested in learning more about pranayama. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 10:51)

Can you help me in finding a Kundalini Ashram in North India?

Hi fellow yogis, I will be travelling to Northern India in about 2 weeks and planned to join some good sincere Ashram, preferably for practicing either Kundalini, or Kriya yoga. My wish is to learn basics, both theoretical and physical, so that i can practice it for myself safely and long-term. My problem with choosing an ashram is that there are simply too many of them - some being overly advertised, some very young, some with a fishy scent of commercialism. I feel like the really good authentic ashrams do not need to put effort into promoting themselves by offering discounts. If you get my idea, can I kindly ask you to help me out? Perhaps you came across a good online resource, maybe you have a contact to someone who might know, or just directly suggest me an Ashram you or someone you know visited. Thank you very much in advance! Have a great day:)

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 11:09)

30-Minute Sun Salutation Vinyasa Yoga Flow

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3 years ago

(Aug 22, 2022 09:30)

No one can afford to disregard compassion, affection, and so on. Why? Because kindness and compassion are the main qualities necessary in life. A good mind, enriched by love and compassion, is essential for human beings.

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