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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 08:00)

No, bathing with beautiful blossoms won't change your situation or the world. But it may change how you respond to (gestures at everything).

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 07:38)

Lotus Pose

Something about lotus makes me feel so good- like a rush of euphoria,almost and I feel super grounded / at peace ! This is a bit of a random post, haha, but I’d love to know if anyone else feels this way or know why I do!

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 06:08)

yoga on a sprained ankle

hi guys!! i sprained my ankle (mildly) about two weeks ago. after giving it a week of absolutely no exercise, i returned to my regular daily yoga practice while wearing a little sleeve and trying to modify as much as possible. thinking that might have been a little too soon, or maybe i tried to hit some poses that i thought would be ok but were really not. bottom line— has anyone experienced anything similar? how long did you wait to go back to a regular practice? can you recommend any flows that are less ankle-intensive than others and might be kinda good for this? i don’t want to lose any of the progress i’ve made! thanks :)

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 07:12)

ZERO Arch/Toe Flexibility

Any tips on improving bottom-of-the-foot flexibility? I seem to have serious limitations on anything with toes curled. There’s a band running from the big toe to the heel that just *won’t* budge. I notice it most in kneeling posture, bum on the ankles with toes curled under; if I try to lengthen my spine and crown upward, the strain becomes really painful on my feet. My big toe and arch simply don’t bend back far enough to allow me to enter the posture comfortably (i.e. I can’t get to the balls of my feet, I’m stuck with all the weight on my big toes). It seems like an odd thing because I never hear online/virtual instructors mention it or offer alternatives. Is this uncommon? Anything I can do?

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 07:42)

Yoga: Om

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 09:23)

Handstand help

Hello fellow yogis I’ve been practicing for around 8 months and love my practice. I’ve found this community very helpful, so thank you all! I am working on my elevations and am comfortable in headstands and tripod. I’m not sure if it’s because I feel strong in the shoulders, but I found this practice easier than I had anticipated. I’ve recently started to try and learn headstand and … it’s really hard! I practice after class (for fear of falling and wiping out a fellow practicer!) with a long cushion up against the wall. I can get the ‘spring’ bit OK, but I always overdo it and hit the wall too hard. If it wasn’t there I’d go flying! If I tip toe my feet away from the wall I can only hold myself for a few seconds. Are there any tips pointers for me? Are there any intermediate positions I can try to help get me there. Thank you!

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 09:15)

Videos with little guidance?

Hi! Can anyone recommend a YouTube yoga video series with little guidance? I just want to hear someone announce which pose we’re heading into without explaining the pose and all it’s variations. Thanks in advance!

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 11:12)

Questions About Yoga Teacher Training

Hello, yoga people. I'm trying to find out how yoga philosophy is being taught in teacher trainings. I have a bunch of questions. * How much time did you spend on philosophy? * What topics were covered? * What kinds of materials were used (videos books, handouts, etc.)? * Were you satisfied with what you learned? * Are you able to use the information in your practice and teaching? Health and light. - OSY

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 04:49)

Back on my mat!

I got back on my mat today for the first time in about 7-8 weeks after a hiatus to have a baby. Boy have I missed this and didn’t realize just how much until I finished my first short session back. Feeling great and wanted to share in case anyone else on here hasn’t been on their mat for a bit and needs a sign that todays a great day for it!

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 02:13)

Course of Asanas from Iyengar's book Light on yoga.

Hey! I started to read Iyengar's Light on yoga and it's really uncomfortable to practice courses that he gives, since it's just the names of the asanas, so I need to go all the way to the picture of the asana and they are on the different places in the book. Is there maybe sequence of pictures of asanas, so it's easier to relate? Or any other way to practice it more comfortably? I couldn't find anything myself. Thank you.

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 02:12)

Nurture your love-hate relationship with Plank Pose. A beginner's best friend, it's the perfect precursor to more challenging arm balances. Clothing: @CALIAbrand

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 02:06)

Liforme mat peeling

I received the liforme mat less than 6 months ago. I took very good care of it and only dedicated it to my ashtanga practice. It was always stored in it’s yoga bag and I only clean it with the liforme cleanser. Recently the alignment sticker started peeling and keeps getting worse. Has anyone had this issue ? I contacted the company but I’m afraid they won’t do much since I had it for 6 months. I’m disappointed with the quality as it’s so expensive.

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 04:21)

Slow down, tune in, and connect. Yin yoga is a beautiful way to sieve through all that's happening in life and connect to what really matters. Get started on your yin yoga journey with this intro to yin yoga for beginners.

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 03:31)

THANK YOU to our #YogaMedicineFamily who attended our first in-person training since early 2020! 🥰 If you’re itching to learn with us again in person, you can join us this October in LONDON at @triyogauk for our 30-hour TCM Training from Oct 10th-13th!

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3 years ago

(Aug 29, 2022 05:00)

Venus opposing Saturn brings an interesting opposition of energies with lessoning in how to remain complete in yourself yet also let love lift you higher.

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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