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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 08:01)

Good night lovely people 🙏🧡💤

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 08:06)

Save people time or make them money. You’ll always have a business in either scenario.

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 05:44)

Looks like Moons are back on the menu! Well done all!

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75% up

3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 08:53)

We have been in a bear market for 10 months now. If you got this far you should not give up now.

Since the 69k top in November which we got after high inflation numbers and now the bear which we ironically also got due to high inflation numbers. It's been a wild ten month and by far the most intense for Crypto ever! We had a literal war happening in the world, LUNA imploding, a 80b crypto, and several other projects going down with it and now we even got the Moons Mainnet and soon The Merger. It's been 10 months of all kind of events to be sure of. 10 months that will be written down as historic for Crypto. Prices have been depressing throughout that, just recently we got this relief rally before that we had a record 9 weeks (!) in red. And if you were capable to get through all of this pain and still stay content with crypto then you should not give up just now, a bear market cant be forever. I'm not saying it will end soon but the possibility is good that we got through roughly the half of it in the worst case.

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75% up

3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:28)

#Bitcoin has been online for 4,980 days

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:53)

Free Reddit NFT? Am I understanding this right?

Sorry guys, I am only a lurker here, mostly busy on other subs but because I own some ETH i stay observant over here. Anyways, I thought I saw a slurry of post the other day about claiming a "free NFT" through Reddit or something... but I am totally unsure where those posts were or what they were really about. Is it a NFT for your avatar? I just remember something about logging on to your desktop and claiming or something. Can anybody explain me the steps or point me to a article that does? Thanks....

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33% up

3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 07:00)

- How is it being a #crypto trader? - Oh, it's great! It's very great! #themcryptofeels

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 07:21)

Coinbase Slapped With Another Lawsuit for Crashing During Market Volatility

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80% up

3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:50)

Very decent reaction on $ETH here.

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:24)

How did I finally get a free Reddit NFT?

Well, it happened. After many, many days of trying, I finally got the free NFT. I chose Meme Team because... well, why not? Anyway, if you're like me, and if you haven't gotten your free NFT yet, and if you want one, then you've probably tried every tip and trick that's come across r/cc the last few days. In this post, I want to share exactly how I was able to FINALLY get a free NFT. For background, I've read the other posts here. I tried all the suggestions. I tried mobile. I tried desktop. I tried desktop mode on mobile. I tried refreshing. I tried logging out/in. I tried new reddit. I tried turning off ad blocker. If it was suggested, I tried it. And I scrolled. And I scrolled. And I scrolled. So, how did I finally get a free NFT? Well, I wasn't trying. I opened the mobile reddit app like normal. Scrolled down my home page. There it was. Very near the top. I didn't do anything. So my tip to you? Don't do anything. Wait for it to show up.

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67% up

3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 08:33)

libertarian party knows what's up

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86% up

3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:47)

If you cater to the crowd, they become the boss.

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 10:58)

Mastercard and Binance to enable #bitcoin payments in +90 million stores

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3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:11)

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong expects crypto bear market to last 12-18 months, plans to continue cost cuts

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86% up

3 years ago

(Aug 23, 2022 06:07)

Our BNB Beacon Chain Godel Upgrade is here 🚀 The upgrade is set to give #BNB Beacon Chain more computing power, enhancing security, and allowing for future computing and governance focuses. Learn about our Godel Upgrade here ⤵️

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Wowso is better on mobile app version!

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